cause popular is almost always town. I've never seen popular scum.
I’ve seen popular scum.
cause popular is almost always town. I've never seen popular scum.
Barney is not playing.
Barney is not playing.
Pie, I think you are the only one who thinks Popular is scummy. Though I will note that it was a scum role in the last Austin game in which it appeared. That game also had a town Vote Thief, which is what I am, since Kritiks undermine the entire framework upon which an argument stands.
You don't need code to calculate this
Did you account for mechanics like requiring more than the majority required to lynch or multiple votes for scum?
Technically we are supposed to do slightly worse than random chance. The point of the games invention was to illustrate how an informed minority (illuminati type org) could get the majority to work against their own interests.
We all should just full claim at this point.
We all should just full claim at this point. Put all the cards on the table
This is if a player is randomly selected and town agrees to all vote on them. Town outnumbers scum always, so their vote doesn't matter if town sticks together.
If I die, the players voting on my wagon are all revealed.
I’m the Sensor. That’s why I said earlier that I had further reason to believe Earth’s role because the information he gains dovetails well with mine given the secret ballot. I’d like to align my use with his if possible, but I also don’t want to tip off scum on the when of it.
I’m the Sensor. That’s why I said earlier that I had further reason to believe Earth’s role because the information he gains dovetails well with mine given the secret ballot. I’d like to align my use with his if possible, but I also don’t want to tip off scum on the when of it.As for the justification, there’s a focus on how it’s meant to ensure fairness in the basic rules of the debate and in particular on education, a common voter on theory arguments.