If somebody is a vanilla just admit it so we can lynch you
Debate Mafia DP1
So who r we lynching?
I was just about to ask you that
Fuck it let's all state whether we have a shitty role or not.
Mine is not shitty. I am popcorning to you lunatic
Mine is not shitty. I am popcorning to you lunatic
VTL Savant
for posting code in the thread idk
That is actually fair. He posted code also to prove a math equation for some reason
I was just about to ask you that
Are u actually going to play? Otherwise we can just lynch you and move on, though ur kinda forced to play with the voting mechanisms
This is the rare situation where a volunteer would go a long way.
Sorry, I've been kind of busy.
VTL Savantfor posting code in the thread idk
This is why we can't have nice things lol. I simulated like 50,000 games and showed town wins most of the time if we make all our decisions randomly.
He posted code also to prove a math equation for some reason
Maybe read the code before jumping on a lynch train? Aren't you in IT? You can ask ChatGPT to explain it or something if you don't know Python.
VTL Owen. Luna has a reason for not posting much, he said he would be busy when he signed up. Owen's low activity is more glaring, and I want more posts from him.
Are u actually going to play? Otherwise we can just lynch you and move on, though ur kinda forced to play with the voting mechanisms
I signed up and feel bad, but I also have 0 interest in playing but he doesn't have a replacement for me and I don't wanna throw for town. I have a semi good role but at the same time I don't wanna waste time trying to solve a game when we can't know the flips, thats like the whole point of mafia is to adjust the way you view the game and people based on mislynches, correct lynches etc. It feels like there is no way to game solve because we will be perpetually in the dark. What's the point? It's not even really mafia at this point. I signed up not knowing this would be the case, when mods say they are doing some different mechanics, I think of weird things like wylteds last game, but that was fundamentally different than mafia even if it was mafia. This isn't mafia. This is some weird role playing game
I phrased that oddly, my point was even though wylteds game was weird, it was still fundamentally mafia. This isn't even mafia.
Mine is not shitty. I am popcorning to you lunatic
In a conventional mafia game my role would be considered good.
Alright I think I stated this somewhere in the DP but I'm putting Wylted and Luna together in the next DP to battle it out and we can choose who goes on. Feel like this is the best option IMO considering there really isn't a way to distinguish anything right now
Just read the mechanics of the game, so I guess there is no night kill night phase one, so I can be a little more open about my role than I initially wanted to be. I am basically a powerful JOAT with three abilities, 1 is confirmable, 2 is very likely confirmable but probably more impactful but based on a percentage chance, and 3 is SUPER powerful but not confirmable if I use it but if people were willing to believe I was town can be game changing, but if I use it np1 I cannot gain the result until np2 in which I can be killed assuming there isn't a protection role (or I am not nominated, I am not sure if being nominated protects one against night kills).
Keep in mind I haven't caught up in the day phase, so if the working of these mechanics have been discussed, I remain ignorant to them.
Actually I am dumb. I just re-read one of my abilities, and number one is 100% the one I should use tonight. I can guaranteed confirm someone as guilty or innocent tomorrow AND it's provable to an extent.
I want to try and make more reads at this point in time from a behavior side but I am working with scraps to try and get something. Which makes me want to believe anyone that is just coasting is slightly scummy to be honest.
Whiteflame behaviorally feels town consider he is actively trying to decipher the game and figure out theme
Earth's role feels incredibly townie consider he would have to make up a vote count and that would honestly provide no utilty to scum at all, even if he only gets it
I feel like if we are following the theme that was mentioned in the DP or there being 3 scum, then I honestly have a hard time putting Bullish is a scum pile despite the claim he gave, but not sure
I really don't scum read someone behaviorally at the moment but there are a few people I want to pressure
Whiteflame behaviorally feels town consider he is actively trying to decipher the game and figure out theme
Earth's role feels incredibly townie consider he would have to make up a vote count and that would honestly provide no utilty to scum at all, even if he only gets it
I feel like if we are following the theme that was mentioned in the DP or there being 3 scum, then I honestly have a hard time putting Bullish is a scum pile despite the claim he gave, but not sure
I really don't scum read someone behaviorally at the moment but there are a few people I want to pressure
Sorry I was nominated already
Double dumb. TWO of my roles are confirmable. Just misunderstood the mechanic the way austin explained it but after double reading it, I can do two different things tonight that will role confirm me tomorrow. Again the third option is probably the most powerful, but relies on you buying that I am town, and me not being night killed np2, so I think I am leaning on using number one which is almost just as good.
Oh I misred. Nominated doesn't protect you from NK's, but it protects you from battling in a debate in the DP
Sorry I was nominated already
Does being nominated protect you against being a night kill target? If so it would only matter that I am nominated for night phase 2. If not then it doesn't matter if i am nominated or not.
Alright I think I can get behind that. I am likely going to die in NP2 considering the circumstances of having a town player in the nominated spot + I'll be role confirmed by that time
Oh I misred. Nominated doesn't protect you from NK's, but it protects you from battling in a debate in the DP
Oh okay. I can potentially prove my role and town confirm someone at the same time. Who is the most widely townread player and why? Besides you I guess since your nominated already.
Should I full claim at this point? I basically have already heavily hinted that I am a strong kill choice at this point, so I guess I might as well
Either Earth or Whiteflame
Earth because of his role. Basically he can reveal the private votes of a certain battle once during the DP2.
Whiteflame because of his behavior (don't know how true this is for everyone). Only one actively trying hard to solve the game and putting thought into theme analysis which is something he tends to do for themes he's familiar with as town
Earth because of his role. Basically he can reveal the private votes of a certain battle once during the DP2.
Whiteflame because of his behavior (don't know how true this is for everyone). Only one actively trying hard to solve the game and putting thought into theme analysis which is something he tends to do for themes he's familiar with as town
Tbh I think you should claim. I don't think you will be the NK in NP2 (unless it's something extremely crazy that would make it more beneficial to leave town nominated alive) so I think if you claimed it wouldn't be the worse thing if you know you are confimable
Okay im just gonna full claim.
I am weighing, and I am a JOAT because weighing uses three different metrics as part of a winning strategy, I have an ability attached to each strategy.
1. Is magnitude, Np1 I can choose a player and increase their vote by 3. They will not be informed of this, and the ability straight up won't work if used on a mafia member. So basically if I target scum I can guarantee that person is scum, but only I would 100% know that. If I target town, then their vote will be increased by three and they will be town confirmed, and I will be role confirmed. So this role basically has a very high chance of town confirming someone and role confirming me if I use it on a townie. The vote decreases by one each night phase I wait to use this. So if I choose to use this ability np2, the person gets two votes. If np3 I use this, the person gets 1 vote.
2. is Probability. I can choose a player np1. If that player is eliminated, their elimination will be reversed and they will be saved. If I use this on np2, it only has a 67% chance of working, and if I use this on NP3, it only has a 33% chance of working. So if I use this one tonight I can 100% confirm myself dp2 if we unanimously vote for a person to be eliminated that I chose np1. and we can have earth use his role to make sure no fvckery goes on here, if you want to double confirm two players with one stone.
3. Is Timeframe. This one is basically a justice ability. I can compare two players and see if they are the same affiliation or not, but I won't receive the results np2 (in which case I can be killed). This one is powerful but not confirmable in any way, and I might just end up being killed night phase two for using this one anyway.
So currently I am leaning on using magnitude night phase one, as I can confirm someone, and town confirmation is huge. But if I hit mafia I just have to hope you buy that Im not selling you wifom and that the person who can't extra vote is 100% scum and why would I lie about it so early on, etc etc. If you just have massive trust issues, we can just do number two and I can role confirm myself no matter what though.
Anyways, thoughts?
Should I full claim at this point? I basically have already heavily hinted that I am a strong kill choice at this point, so I guess I might as well
It’s up to you. I believe you if it matters
Okay im just gonna full claim.
I'll need to walk away and re-read this a couple of times because I'm having a bit of trouble understanding some of these roles. They seem rather complicated. I buy that this is your role, largely since it's just incredibly complex and comes with several roles that appear confirmable.
I do have some questions now, though.
So you will be informed that your first role failed if you use it on scum and it won't afford them extra votes, correct?
If I'm reading the second one right, it means you can stop an elimination, which effectively means you have the ability to change the number calculus that underpins the entire game. For example, if you can prevent an elimination DP2, wouldn't that leave us with 5 players going into NP3? That's part of the reason I assumed there would be no protective roles, but reversing an elimination effectively does the same thing in this case.
Also, can you use multiple roles in a single NP?
Maybe read the code before jumping on a lynch train? Aren't you in IT? You can ask ChatGPT to explain it or something if you don't know Python.
I learn python next semester. Only a basic level of understanding is necessary for cyber security. Also I didn't vote you at all.
Also python is probably more important for offensive security.
I think bash scripting would probably go further and be more useful to me if I decide to stay defensive and considering the criminal record I assume red teaming jobs which I prefer would be significantly harder to get. They are already hard enough for people with none of that baggage.