I'll wait on Lunatic and Wylted to claim before discussing the theme on length. Wylted is around, so I say we pressure him for his character.
I don't know whether to town read this or consider it incredibly scummy. I'm leaning towards the ladder.
Me: Why do I care? I'm a capitalist; I want to save money (and if that means getting rid of expensive appeals, then so be it). My money is more valuable to me than stranger's lives (even if they're innocent). I don't care if they're black. I don't care if they're white.
Either you agree with me or you're a socialist. I'm fine with either option; but be honest and upfront. I'm willing to have innocent people get killed to save money (because I'm a capitalist). Disagreeing with that is inheritely socialist because they value human life way more than I do relative to money.
Just from what I noticed of whiteflame scum play. He is entirely too honest as scum so regardless of affiliation he would probably be foolish enough to be honest about his thoughts on theme split either way, so we can likely trust them