The United States should annex Canada

Author: RemyBrown


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The other alternative is, Trump dies soon.

Let us hope, so we can get started early on the JD Vance dynasty. Maga squared.
Sidewalker's avatar
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And the US is Canada's arse.
After Trump became President, if God wanted to give the world an enema, he'd definitely stick it in the US, specifically Mar a Lago.
RemyBrown's avatar
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The other alternative is, Trump dies soon.
Then you get Vance (who probably would want to annex Canada as well if the overton window allowed for it (which right now, it does)).
Mharman's avatar
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Pretty much. Add them and their values, and ours will be subverted. Canada as a whole isn’t just more leftist than the US, they’re also less libertarian.
Double_R's avatar
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Having the US fall by annexing Canada?
Having the US fall because it is so incompetent it can't even figure out what it should be focusing on. We have real world problems we could be addressing. Whether we should be annexing Canada is not one of them.

so imagine his delight as he watches our collective IQ sink to the bottom of the Potomac.
I don't know about your IQ, but mine is 142.
Great, now use that 142 to Google the definition of "collective".

We are a country now that can't even agree on who won the prior election
It was Biden.
Great, now tell the president and the 70 million Americans he seems to have convinced otherwise.

I've had the belief for about a decade, but Trump allowed me to express it with weight behind it.
You continue to prove my point. That's exactly what Trump does. And while you might think annexing Canada is a great idea and are glad Trump is empowering you, he's also empowering conspiracy theorists, racists, and ignoramuses.

You said yourself that Biden won in 2020. Are you not bothered that half the country actually believes that election was stolen? And do you really believe that would be the case if not for Trump?

Without him giving voice to and normalizing the stupidest people among us and the stupidest ideas imaginable, none of these things are even up for discission.
If you don't like debating ideas, then get off of DART.
Have you seen any of my posts on this site? What on earth makes you think I don't like debating ideas?

I don't like the fact that all there is to debate are stupid ideas. We're getting to the point, and many would say we're way past the point, where we as a country even can debate anymore. We live in totally different planets.

It is beyond irritating to the point that even I sometimes feel the need to give up because the absurdity of Trump supporters is so bad it's like trying to argue with my dog. He is by far the most prolific liar in the history of American politics, yet they believe he's the real truth teller. He's the most thin skinned child we have ever seen and yet they think he's the embodiment of strength and manlihood. He's a literal criminal and they think he's a victim. He's an autocrat who they think is here to save our democracy. He's a Manhatten billionaire and they think he's the voice of the little guy.

I had no intention of going on that long but it all kept coming to my head because it runs so deep. That's what is stopping or ability to debate. We used to be able to work on algebra, now we're back to 2+2. It's appalling.
RemyBrown's avatar
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RemyBrown's avatar
Canada as a whole isn’t just more leftist than the US, they’re also less libertarian.
How do you define, "libertarian"?  Weed is legal federally in Canada (as is blue America).  Canada is a knock off of blue America basically.

There are ways around that though (like merge New England to become one state as well as Maryland, Delaware, and NJ); you can annex the area and spam the rural areas with a bunch of libertarian leaning Hispanics, Asians, and Carribean immigrants (I know them; they're very libertarian) to help make the area more libetarian.
Shila's avatar
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Canada is a red and white hat.
Canada was the first country to strip down the Trump tower signs in Canada on two buildings.
RemyBrown's avatar
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Having the US fall because it is so incompetent it can't even figure out what it should be focusing on. We have real world problems we could be addressing. Whether we should be annexing Canada is not one of them.
Solving a political problem is easy if you want to.  For example, there is no such thing as, trying to "end LGBT hate laws".  You either do it by signing some documents or you don't.  

Great, now use that 142 to Google the definition of "collective".
Well why is the IQ of America falling?  If it's failing schools, then you can easily fund those more with a swipe of a pen.  It's not, "trying".  It's doing or not doing.

Great, now tell the president and the 70 million Americans he seems to have convinced otherwise.
Their minds aren't getting changed, and that's fine because Jan 6 is old.

 And while you might think annexing Canada is a great idea and are glad Trump is empowering you, he's also empowering conspiracy theorists, racists, and ignoramuses.
People say Trump is racist over deportations.  Trump's an honest racist; Harris was saying, "Protect our undocumented community" and then deported more people than Trump.  I prefer the scary thief that steals $50 from me over the petite looking woman that steals $200 from me.

Are you not bothered that half the country actually believes that election was stolen? And do you really believe that would be the case if not for Trump?
I'm as bothered with election deniers as I am with everyone dying.  It sucks that it's reality, but what you gonna do?

Have you seen any of my posts on this site? What on earth makes you think I don't like debating ideas?
The following quote you made:

none of these things are even up for discission.
People you think are stupid are going to say ideas that you think are stupid; it's par for the course if you debate politics.  

I don't like the fact that all there is to debate are stupid ideas. 
What do you think would be the good ideas to debate about?

He is by far the most prolific liar in the history of American politics, yet they believe he's the real truth teller. 
Trump is a liar; so is every politician.  Trump might do it the most, but if I say, "1 lie is too much", then I exclude every politician.  The alternative is saying, "X lies are too much" and X will be arbitrary.

 He's the most thin skinned child we have ever seen and yet they think he's the embodiment of strength and manlihood. 
This is correct; I'm not a MAGA cultist; yes; Trump should get a thicker skin.

He's a literal criminal and they think he's a victim.
I thought they dropped the charges.

 He's an autocrat who they think is here to save our democracy. 
I think we will have elections in 2028 whether Harris or Trump was in office.  To terminate the constitution, you need 3/4 of the states, and Trump doesn't have that.

He's a Manhatten billionaire and they think he's the voice of the little guy.
Oh; Trump does not support the little guy.

I had no intention of going on that long but it all kept coming to my head because it runs so deep. That's what is stopping or ability to debate. We used to be able to work on algebra, now we're back to 2+2. It's appalling.
Well, keep in mind, you've seen me criticize Trump enough here, you know I'm at the algebra stage and not the 2+2 stage.

Now, what would be wrong with annexing Canada?  What does it mean to be Canadian on a macro level?

Double_R's avatar
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Solving a political problem is easy if you want to.  For example, there is no such thing as, trying to "end LGBT hate laws".  You either do it by signing some documents or you don't.  
Yes, it's really easy to solve political problems... If you're a dictator. When you are a democracy and you have those pesky rules in place to ensure adherence to a constitution and the protection of rights for all, it's gets far more complicated.

Great, now use that 142 to Google the definition of "collective".
Well why is the IQ of America falling?
Because we as a society do not have the checks in place anymore to ensure those who have a platform to reach millions of people know what they're talking about.

Yes I'm talking about the internet broadly and social media more specifically. But Trump has now taken that to a whole new level. He was tailored made to make us dumber - an complete imbecile who is likable and through a combination of inherited wealth, a massive ego and the work of his reality TV producers has been built up for decades to be seen as a successful genius. Then this imbecile goes out and says the stupidest things, and in so doing gives the morons among us the validation they need to not only believe it, but to idolize him for being the only one brave enough to speak out. No, he's just the only one dumb enough to believe the things he says.

And now that he has amassed this cult following, public officials to stay in their gif graces now have to pretend the things he says aren't stupid at all which only further validates the people who think these things and reels otherwise reasonable people in. It's a downward IQ spiral.

I'm as bothered with election deniers as I am with everyone dying.  It sucks that it's reality, but what you gonna do?
Not empower the people out there spreading this nonsense.

What do you think would be the good ideas to debate about?
How we're going to bring down the price of groceries. How we're going to reverse the wealth gap trend where now 80% of this country's population are scrapping over 7% of the country's wealth. What our immigration *laws* should look like, etc.

Not whether we should annex Canada, or how we're going to get rid of all this [non-existent] voter fraud.

Trump is a liar; so is every politician.  Trump might do it the most, but if I say, "1 lie is too much", then I exclude every politician.  The alternative is saying, "X lies are too much" and X will be arbitrary.
So what? The fact that the line we draw on what's "too much" is arbitrary doesn't mean we don't draw a line and it certainly doesn't mean we pretend that someone who lies more isn't worse than someone who lies less.

And no, it's not "Trump might do it the most" it's that Trump is in am entirely different category of lying than anything we've ever seen. 

They dropped the federal charges, and that's only because he won the election.

He's an autocrat who they think is here to save our democracy. 
I think we will have elections in 2028 whether Harris or Trump was in office.  To terminate the constitution, you need 3/4 of the states, and Trump doesn't have that.
Russia still has elections. You have an incredibly naive view of how democracy's fall apart.

This video is old but might help.

Well, keep in mind, you've seen me criticize Trump enough here, you know I'm at the algebra stage and not the 2+2 stage.
I'm not talking about you, it's a generalization.

Now, what would be wrong with annexing Canada?
You have to be kidding me.

Would you have a problem of Russia made us part of the Russian federation against our will?
Greyparrot's avatar
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How does one become an actual dictator in America? Or is that just more "storytime with DoubleR?"
FLRW's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
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That article didn't explain how one can possibly dismantle Congress. That was just more storytime.

This is what happens when you try to post something out of your expertise.
When we start a thread about Melania, I will make sure you get tagged.
RemyBrown's avatar
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When you are a democracy and you have those pesky rules in place to ensure adherence to a constitution and the protection of rights for all, it's gets far more complicated.
Not really.  How hard was it for states to put in mask mandates in 202 if the state was MA (a state that wanted them)?  Very easy.

Politicians campaign on problems they delay to solve because it's electorally sucessful.

Because we as a society do not have the checks in place anymore to ensure those who have a platform to reach millions of people know what they're talking about.
So what's your solution?  Because, yes, Fauci is a more reliable source of science information than RFK if he's pure; but he might not be pure; he might be bought out.  You have no clue.  Now, RFK can be corrupt, but RFK doesn't have the trust that Fauci has.  You disagree with Fauci on science, you're crazy.  You disagree with RFK on science; it's your opinion.

Not empower the people out there spreading this nonsense.
Sure, but if they say something I like, then I'll give them credit (and if they say something stupid, then I'll criticize them for it).

What do you think would be the good ideas to debate about?
How we're going to bring down the price of groceries. How we're going to reverse the wealth gap trend where now 80% of this country's population are scrapping over 7% of the country's wealth. What our immigration *laws* should look like, etc.

Not whether we should annex Canada, or how we're going to get rid of all this [non-existent] voter fraud.
1. Free trade (which I generally support except for Canada which is until the US annexes them, but I digress).
2. I'm indifferent about income inequality.  I'd rather have Person A have $1 million and Person B have $500k than have them both have only $10k.
3. Abolish ICE.
4. The US should annex Canada; it's a new topic.  Some topics are new.
5. Voter fraud is not an issue in 2020 or 2024.

The fact that the line we draw on what's "too much" is arbitrary doesn't mean we don't draw a line and it certainly doesn't mean we pretend that someone who lies more isn't worse than someone who lies less.
If Politician A lies 1002 times and Politician B lies 1000 times, then assuming every lie was equally bad, Politician A isn't that much worse here.  I would also argue not all lies are equal; quantity matters, but so does intensity.  It's too arbitrary; so I'd rather not indulge.

And no, it's not "Trump might do it the most" it's that Trump is in am entirely different category of lying than anything we've ever seen. 
I would be unsurprised if he did it the most, but how much compared to other politicians annually.  You would also have to measure for intensity as well (which is very arbitrary).  Is it worse to say the vaccines cause autism or no state in the US legalizes elective 9 month pregnancy abortion? The left winger would say #1, the right winger would say #2.

They dropped the federal charges, and that's only because he won the election.
Why would this be relevant unless it's a concession?

This video is old but might help.
Trump isn't the only on that attacks the press and courts.  The left does this with Fox News and the Supreme Court on Roe.

Would you have a problem of Russia made us part of the Russian federation against our will?
Yes because we don't speak Russian.  Canada:

1. speaks English (even Quebec is majority English fluent).
2. Borders the United States.
3. Has only policy differences that are easily accommodated under the 10th amendment.