Since you townread pie, I will also town read pie.
I dont see how someone can be suspicious about Banana, but have absolutely nothing to say about anything else.
The reason why I asked that question is I don’t trust your claim. Not yet.
From a game design standpoint, a role that requires one to get a few votes on themselves sounds like a role that gives the player an incentive to act a little suspicious, but not enough to get lynched. I feel like this type of role is a bit scummy; a type of role that encourages mafia to take some risk to gain a power. I get the sense there was an oversight on Wylted’s part- I don’t think he thought of how the player could just ask people to vote for him.
but I suppose that, to lesser degree, I might let you cook. For now.
And yet, her claim of having a long PM where she didn’t read all of it (probably because she didn’t need to read the entire thing to understand her role and justification) is the claim that garnered the most suspicion from others. I dont see how someone can be suspicious about Banana, but have absolutely nothing to say about anything else.
Like seriously, how can one not be suspicious of Pie, Vader, or Lunatic, but be suspicious of Banana?
Like seriously, how can one not be suspicious of Pie, Vader, or Lunatic, but be suspicious of Banana?
I haven’t claimed anything yet. I just said I have some information that I will give when I see fit or at the end of the DP.
Him giving reads right away is kinda odd. I don’t think he’s ever done that before. I distinctly remember me needing to tell him to give reads cause he “town read” everyonez
I’m counting that as a claim. Not in the traditional sense of the word, just that you have claimed to know something, and we have to figure out whether we can believe you or not.
and with regards to Banana, I don’t think she needs to read the entirety of her PM to extract the character, role and justification. Mine were all given at the start before Wylted went on a much shorter tangent. I read all mine, but mine was probably nowhere near as long as hers.Yes, it is probably better if Banana reads the whole thing, but I see why she would not read all that, even if it’s not optimal and lazy of her.I imagine she just skimmed it quickly and that’s how she knows it’s about Israel vs Hamas.
I don’t like the idea of punishing him for trying to get good at the game.
I will admit however, that his reads have crossed my mind. Ya know how I find it weird how people believed some claims a little to quick? I felt Owen was a little quick as well. The defense of Banana is good and all, but even I had a slight hesitation.
The thing is, the point Owen did raise about Banana was a point I had been thinking about at the time. Until Banana mentioned her PM contained a tangent about Israel vs Hamas, the debate in my mind was about whether or not Banana felt the need to overshare for town cred (banking on a defense like Owen’s) or if it was just simply mentioning it as a complaint about the long PM. I also wondered if she was looking for other people with long PMs while operating on some flawed theory.All this to say: Until she mentioned Israel-Hamas, I was cautious about the claim as well, whereas Owen believed it from the get go.the thing is, what Owen said is precisely one of the points in my mind in that debate and I can see Owen’s thought process here. I wouldn’t surprised if scum split themselves on a sus, but I don’t think Owen’s take, albeit a little quick, was that egregious. There might be a little something there, but Owen’s reasoning is not the least logical thing I’ve seen this DP
My point here is that you might not be operating with the same definition she is. I think the big picture is that she saw a bunch of paragraphs, and didn’t think it was worth the effort.
Why would it be punishment? Better question is: how do you know it’s punishment? Behavior won us the game last game. Everyone townread Casey at the beginning.
I agree with your logic, but isn't Pie always crazy aggressive?
Him giving reads right away is kinda odd. I don’t think he’s ever done that before. I distinctly remember me needing to tell him to give reads cause he “town read” everyonez
I disagree with that. She’s well aware that justification matters.