You don't think everything you're written above is plainly idiotic?
Your dumb shell game amounts to:The rich actually want to be forced to pay a higher wage.This is somehow exactly what they wanted all along and will somehow make the poor poorer.Only solution is to do nothing. Let the rich have their way. Stay poor.But wait... oh no, what if the rich just increase wages themselves then? Does that mean we cannot avoid this terrible trap?Oh no they're paying me more money! This is the disastrous situation GP warned me about! Somehow I'm ruined!Who fucking conned this dude into believing that enforcing higher salaries is a trap by rich people? How did you do that?
who said you couldn't steal from the rich and then give it to the poor? That's charity too.
It's idiotic to think a plan that millionaires support is superior than simply providing cash in hand to poor people.
This has a lot to do with what Wylted explained to you about how all the mom and pop businesses were run underground because of competition regulations pushed by millionaire corporations.When the government forces the mom and pop stores to raise prices, most of them will go bankrupt. This is exactly why millionaires support those kinds of regulations. Wyted already explained that aspect very well, so I am not going to rehash his points. It's the poor business owners that suffer because they live on tight margins. The rich can afford it. And when the competition is gone, they can charge whatever they want, and send a little to their politician's coffer to keep it that way.
Literally the only way.
Raising the minimum wage takes spending money from employers. That mitigates the effect on demand.The inflated prices that the poor have to pay for basic needs is what mitigates the demand.
It's a classic shell game. When the cost of living rises due to wage hikes, the rich producers—whether they’re large corporations or wealthy investors—stand to gain disproportionately. They will pass the increased costs down to consumers through higher prices, and because they hold the power in the marketplace, they will maintain their margins while inflating the cost of living. Meanwhile, the workers who the minimum wage hikes are supposed to help end up in the same place, with their purchasing power eroded by rising price. Overpriced dirt.
The real kicker is that the wealth generated by this process often doesn't stay in the local economy. Large corporations and wealthy individuals are fluid and have the ability to export that capital out of state, or even out of the country, where it will be invested in places with either lower costs or where the value of money is greater. This means the local economy gets stripped of wealth, while those at the top keep reaping the benefits of inflated prices and exported profits. It's how urban decay has happened in every crony city in Ameirca, creating vast areas of slums and forgotten people.
And while all this is going on, the working class gets stuck footing the bill. They're stuck with the higher prices for the same basic stuff, but hey will never see the same kind of benefit that the wealthy do from the increased prices. To add insult to injury, it's a wealth transfer from the bottom to the top, disguised as a well-intentioned effort to lift the poor out of poverty, when in reality, it often keeps them in the same place, or worse. The minimum wage cities speak for themselves, just take a drive through the slums and look at the prices everywhere.
There's ways to provide relief and welfare for the poorest, but this surely isn't it. If the rich support it, you know it's a bad idea.
Your dumb shell game amounts to:The rich actually want to be forced to pay a higher wage.This is somehow exactly what they wanted all along and will somehow make the poor poorer.Only solution is to do nothing. Let the rich have their way. Stay poor.But wait... oh no, what if the rich just increase wages themselves then? Does that mean we cannot avoid this terrible trap?Oh no they're paying me more money! This is the disastrous situation GP warned me about! Somehow I'm ruined!Who fucking conned this dude into believing that enforcing higher salaries is a trap by rich people? How did you do that?
I also think you are debating a person who isn't giving his real premises. My guess is the real argument that GP has but fails to give is as follows.premise 1- Government only exists to protect private contractsPremise 2- A minimum wage increase interferes with the voluntary right to set contracts between 2 peopleconclusion- The government is overstepping their authority by increasing minimum wage or in fact having a minimum wage at all
I read this thread out of morbid curiosity to see just how impervious to logic and reason you are, and it's over the top.
This is the shell game I am talking about.
There's too many ways for rich people to take advantage of wage regulations.
I posted some of my thoughts in post 66. When I have seen business owners asked about minimum wage increases, they usually have responded with a variation of these three things:- “Depending on the size of the increase, I might have to raise prices a bit.”-“I might need to increase my use of automation and reduce my staffing.”-“I already pay higher than the minimum, so I expect the effects to be negligible.”
-“I might need to increase my use of automation and reduce my staffing.”
What do you think of your own argument here? What about enforcing insulin price caps? The point of government is to bolster the individual -- it is by the people, for the people. It allows us to negotiate from a position of strength
If a minimum wage is not forcing employers to take a pay cut, there is no point. Increasing prices needs to be discouraged/punished. You get this right? The point of a minimum wage is to pull wealth back into the lower classes.
This recourse also ends in economic collapse. If nobody is paying anyone, nobody is buying anything.
Centrally planned economies just don't work well.
As machines do more and more work previously done by paid human labor, the subject of “universal basic income” rears its head. There was a candidate for president in 2020 who made this the center of his platform.
This is why the working class cannot minimum wage itself into prosperity.