Alright, a night’s sleep makes participating a lot easier.
I only just noticed the Faction Perk this morning and, tantalizing as it is, I don’t think it’s going to have much impact on my decisions this game. It’s a nice benefit to being on the right side of a lynch wagon, but it shouldn’t hold us back from participating in lynches. I’m also not entirely clear on what the Perk even does, i.e. what roles it circumvents. It likely does prevent things like the RB from being effective, but would a role now be effective on an Ascetic player? I’m not going to go speculate about a variety of roles here, I’ll only ask that everyone who has a role that might be impacted by this inquire with Mharman about how the Perk would affect it. Doesn’t mean you should aim to get said Perk, but you should know what it will do for you.
And yeah, the Role Cop claim rubs me the wrong way. The fact that GP initially seemed so sensitive to it was surprising, not usual for him to show this level of engagement with game mechanics this early. I’m not sure how to read into his paraphrasing of a paraphrased claim, especially since I don’t think he did this when he claimed last DP. Just a little weird all around.