- Vader
- whiteflame - On List - ???
- Lunatic
- AustinL0926
- ILikePie5 - East v West Philosophers - PGO
- Savant - On List - ???
- Egos-platiniums-locos
- WyIted
- Greyparrot - Steve Jobs v Bill Gates - Millionaire
- Redeemed
ERB Mafia DP1
Are yall on Whiteflame’s list? If not, please state which season your episode is from.
Savant (1/6): Greyparrot
Approximately 60 hours remain in the DP
Not on the list and mine is in S5 if I recall.
I have concepts of a vague theme that are following a pattern that I am noticing. I don't want to give too much info away from what I am noticing but I do want to see if any of the claims that come in align with the split
I also don't know if mafia are gives fake claims in Casey's games? Can anyone verify if they are or aren't. Isn't specific in the DP so I would rather see from other sources what the trend is
I'm not on WF's list. I'm on Season 2.
Vader asking about fakeclaims is a lil towny.
Pie checking my meta is pretty towny.
I am on whiteflames list
I also don't know if mafia are gives fake claims in Casey's games? Can anyone verify if they are or aren't. Isn't specific in the DP so I would rather see from other sources what the trend is
He said in signups that he give scum opportunity to ask about whether 2 role claims and 2 character claims are in the game or not.
- Vader - S5 - ???
- whiteflame - On List - ???
- Lunatic - On List - ???
- AustinL0926 - S2 - ???
- ILikePie5 - East v West Philosophers - PGO
- Savant - On List - ???
- Egos-platiniums-locos
- WyIted
- Greyparrot - Steve Jobs v Bill Gates - Millionaire
- Redeemed
VTL Egos-platiniums-locos
Time to post, dude.
Can we get activity prompts for the noobs
Apologies for my absence. I'm taking part in a clinical trial and getting setup this morning plus doing my usual morning tasks at work kept me busy.
The absence of our two new players is frustrating and hopefully they can at least manage some activity this DP. The other notable absence is WyIted, who hasn't posted once so far this DP. Don't think he said anything about being busy, so time for a ping.
VTL WyIted
Not going to say too much about Vader and Austin being off the list I posted. Popularity may have driven a lot of the selections for this game, but Casey likely also picked based on personal preference or to ensure a balanced setup. I appreciate your both giving your seasons. Austin at least seems pretty townie behaviorally, and I've got a slight town lean on Vader based on his efforts to solve the theme split. I'll be interested to see where he's going with it.