Forgot to ask this earlier, but what does being a millionaire have to do with leaving a message after death?
I'm guessing the idea is that a millionaire has a lot of money to will to their descendants. The version of the role I've seen before wills items they've received to others, but given that that phrasing is absent from GP's claim, it's likely there either aren't items or that's otherwise not a factor in this game.
Austin's first post comes off a bit scummy to me. Maybe it's just because of how many times I've played with him specifically. As town he tends to start with posts that move the game forward, whereas when he's scum he's more likely to make posts that try to avoid any suspicion. i.e. "just checking in" or "Pie SOP claiming makes sense" which contributes very little.VTL Austin
I'm not going to read too much into an initial post. Where Austin goes from here will matter more than where he started. If there's a pattern there, it'll become more apparent.