Seems to me, science and religion are not separate coins, and not even two sides of one coin, but, in my opinion, share the same side of one coin because there is Truth, capital 'T' that does not and will not change, worlds without end. That is, therefore, true of both science and religion, because both seek truth, and it need only to be found. Science depends on empiric evidence, i.e, what we determine by our five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. However, other animals have these, but also others: echo location, sense of magnetic north, etc. Humans do not express these, but I'm suspicious that is only because we do not know how to engage them. Therefore, I believe faith is another sense available to us to engage, and its form of communication is internal feeling, just as a a gurgling stomach is something we feel and hear. The response of faith is a swelling feeling starting from the heart and can encompass the entire body with a swell of palpable enlightenment when a Truth has been realized, or revealed to us by another person, or even by the Holy Spirit. This can engage because by the Spirit, we may know the truth of not just spiritual things, but physical things, therefore not just religion, but science.