I actually would like to hear this philosophy where more than needed or more than possible to spend riches will be considered immoral.
I would think a lot of the whole "rich is bad" and "poor mentality" stems from this philosophy.
What is the point of having literally more money than you could ever spend while your fellow man struggles to have their basic needs met? I'm not saying everyone has to be equal, not remotely. I'm saying it seems immoral to me, for example, for someone who could, just for example, build more homes than would be required to end the homeless crisis (this isn't to say that "not having a house" is why anyone is homeless, clearly there are many issues that lead to homelessness). I'm saying sitting on money you will never spend (because it is literally impossible to purchase something for 200B, let's say) while someone whose kid got leukemia has to choose between feeding themselves or buying their medication, that's immoral. I'm not saying the choice is everyone buys the same clothes or car or food and then there is no wealth inequality, that will and should exist. I'm saying the degree of it is immoral and that a certain level, a very, very high level, personal wealth should be taxed above 98% with that money going back to the community. I'm sure you will disagree, but I can't imagine what you will argue will in any way change my mind, same as whatever I argue won't change yours. It's one of the reasons I don't post here at all, too much of this is boring, and too many people just use some sort of AI to formulate responses, but I've had productive and cordial exchanges with you in the past, which is why I'm responding. I just don't get why people who think they're rebels and so anti "The System" want to prop up oligarchs and the financial status quo and continue this way.
I think there are proud rich people who look down on the poor because they are so smart and I also believe there are proud poor people who look down on the rich because they are so vile as to have so much money.
Poor people don't think rich people are vile because they have money (this is what rich people want to think, same as they want people to think the only reason they're poor is because they're lazy or stupid...this way, what choice do you have but to work for one of these megacompanies and be thankful for what they give you?). They think they're vile because they hoard it, and look at poor people as one of two things: the problem, or a way for them to make more money.
As for a landed Gentry, I get what is wanted to be avoided, but the ultra rich really don't pay taxes since the tax laws are made to help them too. Imposing a tax on them would not work since they will always figure a way around it. It will just bite people like you and me in the butt.
So the answer is "oh well, guess that's how it is"? Why not fix it? Why actively run toward it? Not to put too fine a point on my feelings on the matter, but fuck that. We can be better than that. Or, we could have been.
As for ultra rich, keep in mind that there would never have been a Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Walmart etc without these guys creating these things and making billions of dollars from it.
This is post-hoc reasoning and fallacious thinking, in other words you're assuming it wouldn't have ever happened if there weren't massive wealth as a result, because the result is massive wealth. ZUckerberg started facebook as a college student, and he wasn't an instant billionaire. Bezos didn't INVENT Amazon any more than the Waltons INVENTED stores. And again I'm not arguing against wealth, what I'm arguing against is hoarding wealth.