I think I've ended up with a pool of Austin, Casey, WF, Lunatic that I need to look through more closely. This is mostly off memory, though.
ADOL is full null, but if I were to angleshoot, I would suspect that Mafia would be pinged and replaced with more urgency. Either way, this slot is like an emergency button if we really can't decide.
Earth's role is pretty clearly real from how unique it is- that wouldn't cross my mind as a fake claim in a million years. As for whether it's Town or Mafia, I would call it Town both because I find it difficult to determine how the character would fit a Mafia team theme and because it's a role that's very likely to get policied and can't really be avoided.
I think Mharman's posting style this game has an energy that sort of resembles the Paper Mario game, so my impression there is Town.
WyIted is fine in my book (at least for now) just because I think Lunatic is super sketchy and was clearly trying to push there. If Town, I'm fairly confident on what the theme split actually is.
VTL Lunatic
Let's shake things up, hm? I don't like the way he behaved around WyIted and it makes sense if the split really isn't as simple as "Good vs. Evil."