Hold the f up why is everyone accepting wylted claim so easily? I get villains CAN exist in as town but he gave the absolute weakest justification I've ever seen for it, I feel like people are accepting it way too easily.
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
Luna is doing some pretty good analysis of the claims so far and I'm liking his responses for the most part. The only caveat to that is the lack of response on Cerulean's claim. He sussed him a bit for being a minor character and mentioned wanting to get Cerulean's claim to see if it would be a more major character than Cerulean believed, but since Cerulean claimed, Luna hasn't mentioned it once, instead shifting the focus to WyIted. I get that this was an effort to get WyIted's full claim, but I don't know why his interest in Cerulean suddenly dropped off. I'm leaning town on Luna, but it's not as strong of a lean as it was.
Where and what did cerulean claim? My interest in them didn't drop off, I just got tired of waiting, and wylted was pinging me in the meantime. I havent seen his claim yet.
Oddly enough, I feel like they are too, but I see no scum motivation behind it
Cerulean is elva and oracle but I can't track posts.
The oracle apparently reveals the role of the person they chose on their last NP up NK
VTL LunaticLet's shake things up, hm? I don't like the way he behaved around WyIted and it makes sense if the split really isn't as simple as "Good vs. Evil."
Your vote doesn't sway my opinion that you and every one else seem to be letting him off the hook too easily. We don't know the theme split, sure. Sure it's possible for town to exist as main villains, but he gave the weakest of weak justifications for doing so, and his role isn't actually a pro town role. In fact I also made a thematic reason for assuming why his character would fit that negative utility role based on book knowledge, and happened to be right on that count. There is more reason to believe that anti-town role = mafia then there is to believe anti-role role = town, for some arbitrary unexplained reason in context to the theme here.
Hold the f up why is everyone accepting wylted claim so easily? I get villains CAN exist in as town but he gave the absolute weakest justification I've ever seen for it, I feel like people are accepting it way too easily.
Well, it depends. Do you think WyIted is that stupid and/or ballsy to hard claim a villain?
Cerulean not claiming despite time ticking down while also not actively scumhunting, doesn't make me comfortable. It's a strange lack of urgency considering we're heading towards what would be a mislynch from his pov if he's town.Since he's been at L - 1, Cerulean has posted 4 times:-Posted a wall of self-defense-Explained why he isn't claiming-Talked about mechanics/characters twiceIt lacks the proactivity I would expect from a town Cerulean, at the very least I don't want to let him skate by throughout the day without so much as a claim. Barring that, I don't really scumread anyone else either.VTL CeruleanL - 1 WARNING
Wait, if you put him at l-1 wasn't earth supposed to be the auto hammer? Why is no one questioning this?
In this game I wouldn't claim a villain given pie said scum can ask about 2 characters but in other games I have just claimed my actual character as scum. Pie is correct that I suck at fake claiming.
Well, it depends. Do you think WyIted is that stupid and/or ballsy to hard claim a villain?
With wylted, its the latter. He is extremely ballsy, loves to gamble and take risks. If I cared enough I could find more than enough examples of him doing this.
Because it would mean WyIted was either hoping we were feeling nice OR did absolutely zero research and just full claimed thinking it would be fine. Doesn't seem like too reliable of a strategy in any case.
Bro he was the 3rd vote and just saying it was effectively L1
Wait, if you put him at l-1 wasn't earth supposed to be the auto hammer? Why is no one questioning this?
I believe it was 3/5 at that point, which is "effectively" L-1.
I don't understand Lunatic's logic. Reminds me of a past game I played with him before, I dont remember which, but his reasoning is off.
Right. That.I'm Oracle, but a very weak version of it, at least from my point of view. If I get nightkilled, the role of my last chosen target gets revealed. Not even the alignment, just the role.By saying this out loud, I will never be nightkilled and the ability is therefore worthless.
I haven't seen where you claimed elva yet, but since wylted said you claimed that I'll take it at face value for now. And I will also say oracle does make a lot of sense for elva. Elva is a side character but I can see her existing because she is a very important side character and shows the consequences of using magic without fully understanding it. Eragon grants her a blessing but mispronounces something as he is new to the ancient language, and it basically ends up cursing her. She end up with a kind of OP ability to mind read or something like that but can't turn it off, but I think they end up using her powers for good later on. She is a fairly significant character though, and so I give that one a pass as not being to "sidey"
I don't understand Lunatic's logic. Reminds me of a past game I played with him before, I dont remember which, but his reasoning is off.
Please explain why you disagree instead of dismissing it offhand.
Okay, well, we have 10 minutes left, so a decision needs to happen. I would vote Lunatic > WyIted > Me > No Lynch.
You would vote yourself before a no lynch?
But you 100% know what your alignment is weirdo
I don't remember what game it was, but you were a Mafia Messenger and I recall you pushing flimsy arguments. So when you talk about Wylted's supposed weak justification and seeing you shocked at Austin calling Cerulean being at L-2 as L-1 kinda makes me think you are dumbtelling a bit. I have no idea what the theme might be, but there probably isn't much rhyme or reason connecting characters to roles.
There is enough people online. I am good with a no lynch. Nobody can blame me for a no lynch if they don't vote and everyone has had plenty of opportunity
It's a waste of a day if we No Lynch and I don't want to repeat the same day tomorrow.
I feel like we will have more information tomorrow but yes it could be a repeat
You are all online please do not take forever to do your night actions
Well, someone has to make the call. I don’t like it, and by now I’m pretty certain I know the flip, but even Cerulean’s arguing that it’s better than a NL and I’m not lynching Luna or Wylted.
VTL Cerulean
Leave this up to Wylted. I’m fine with the NL.
I kinda don't like it that Wylted is not voting Cerulean.
Final Official Vote Count:
Cerulean (3/5) - Mharman, Austin, Whiteflame
Wylted (1/5) - Lunatic
Lunatic (1/5) - Cerulean
The DP has ended in a NO LYNCH. You have 24 hours to send night actions.
Lock please