Look, you are wholly ignorant of what Orthodoxy is, so why don't you stop pretending to be a know-it-all and take advantage of the fact that this is a Q&A topic?
Yes, I know your opinions. You are not going to persuade me with your vain rhetoric.
Now if you have any questions about Orthodoxy, I am glad to answer, because it is a form of Christianity alien to you, and it is the real historical church. It is a church with a continuity of government stretching back 2,000 years. None of these other churches claiming to be Christian would exist if it were not for us. The scriptures they use? We wrote them. We compiled them. It is OUR book, not theirs. And none of their claims to being the original church can be substantiated. Yet our claim can be.
History rules in our favor. None of these protestant churches are older than 500 years old. The Roman Catholic Church broke off from us and has not been Orthodox for 1000 years. Their church has obviously been corrupted, and that is plain for all to see. The Orthodox Church has maintained its consistency.
So you can get hung up on these what-ifs and rest on your ignorance, or you can seriously consider that maybe, just maybe, The Orthodox Church is the real deal, and you should stop wasting your time listening to these other so called Christians who don't even know the God they worship.
How many others have you seen going around proclaiming "The Ultimate Reality is God"? These other so called Christians don't even know their God. We know the God we worship.
So why don't you put your head down for a moment and ask some real questions? Do you want to hear the truth or do you want to feel justified in doing what is wrong?
If you don't believe what I am saying, fine, but I am going to give you answers, and just because you don't accept the answers does not mean that they are not answers. I am not here to tell you what you want to hear. I am here to answer real questions about The Orthodox Church and what it teaches.
So if you want to take advantage of this, go ahead, because there might be a time when I will no longer be here to answer questions.