God is famous for sending plagues.
As it was believed at the time. But not so much now. There was a time in the days of the ancients that a natural disaster was said to have been sent from god as a punishment for some "sin" or another committed by mankind. Mankind was always to blame according to the Priests of the age. And of course, mankind had to repent and give god his due sacrifice (tax) of one kind or another. Usually it was through MORE of his hard earned take-home pay to the temple.
And, believe it or not, nothing has changed . Mankind is still blamed to this day for the natural disasters that are happening today, "climate change" is the perfect example.
Climate change is a natural occurrence and one only has to understand the basics of the movement of the other heavenly bodies and their ever changing movements in relation to our Earth. I could describe this in more details but I am sure it would simply fall on deaf ears.
Of course, the new age priests (Governments) and the new age gods (Corporations) understand that many of us mere mortals are much more knowledgeable today than those poor ignorant ancient souls from millennia ago, so have come up with a new idea in the new age of how to still blame and deprive mankind of more of his hard earned take-home pay.
Instead of telling us that we have "sinned against god" we are told that "climate change" is all our fault because WE have polluted our Earth with all kinds of poisons and trash i.e. they have conflated pollution with what are natural occurrences and tell us we have to hand over MORE of our hard earned take -home pay to put right what WE have created : carbon tax. And many have fallen for this bullshit.
Is all one has to do is ask these new age climate clowns _ what it was they believed caused the last ice age and what caused it to thaw. ........
......and the five times before that ?
What happened has already happened, and what will be has already been.