Question to all MAGA people

Author: RemyBrown


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RemyBrown's avatar
It doesn't need to be 'Harris's position, what matters is that I view it as her 'sides position.
One's side get's pushed forward by their candidate being in office, even if their candidate does not make it their main push.
A politican listens to people to the left and right of them when making policy decisions.  Ex: On Israel, her base was pro Palestine, but Biden listened to people to the right of him on that issue and enacted what they wanted.

Treat Harris like you would Biden (minus Biden being 100 years old).

Harris and I disagree on guns; but there are much bigger freedoms at play than the right to own an AR 15.

I also disagree with the million terms for gender.
I do as well, but this is a classification debate instead of social policy.  Social policy is, "Should X be legal?"; a classification policy would be, "Is Maryland part of the South east USA?" (are trans women part of women?)

 I say let the kids grow up a bit first, random age 18?
My rule is the # of years old you are; add 1 point.  # of years you've been on HRT; add one point.  I think you need a minimum of 18 pts to be allowed to get a dick snip or to have your titties taken.

Just have 4 categories for sports, men, women, trans, and any.
Professionally; if that happens, then the transwomen would be in a league 500x smaller than the women's or men's; it's not pratical.

I think the Left encourages immigration to the point it is detrimental to current inhabitants.
How is people moving in inheritely harmful to the people already here?

I think the Left 'can be hypocritical when they get immigrants in their cities, though some show amazing support.
It is hypocritical, but Trump is hypocritical on immigration as well; he wants to deport undocumented immigrants but he married multiple people who came here undocumented. If you prefer Trump to Harris based on actions vs words, then that's respectable; I'm just saying if Trump is saying he could shoot someone and not lose voters (while never claiming he went too far with that statement), then that should be a deal breaker to you; I mean, you can have another republican replace Trump (like DeSantis).  If this election was DeSantis vs Harris, then I would vote for DeSantis; DeSantis has Trumpian vibes while not running a cult.  I'd rather let every houshold decide for it's self whether to allow undocumented immigrants; it's the most local version of the 10th amendment (which is basicly the local rule amendment).

I am less about deporting, than I am about my government verbally and physically discouraging illegal immigration.
In order for the government to discourage undocumented immigration, they are going to have to deport some people.  But why deport anybody?

I don't really care for immigration in general, but acknowledge it's use in some circumstances, our history.
Wanting to deport the undocumented means you care about immigration (just not in the way that makes sense).

I think we should try to improve third world countries to a higher standard of living, as I think a lower standard of living results in population booms.
What about keeping the money in America?  Or if you want ot help Africa, then let people from there move here without restricion and (if they want), then they send their own private money home instead of taxpayer money?

I think people should value their heritage and blood.
Why?  Lets say you're British; all that means is you are ethnically from an Island.  It says nothing relavent about you.

Include Everyone for the sake of Diversity Movement.
Racial diversity is irrelevent.

But I 'would think excusing one batch of college kids their voluntarily accepted debt, would not fix the problem.
Understandable, but seinors got college 99% or so government subsidized; why can't Gen Z be treated the same?

Certainly something for me to think about.
Think about it for 24 hoursl let me know what your results are.

I suppose government might encourage people to go for colleges that don't cost as much,
The main reason college is cheap is because of government subsidies to it.
Shila's avatar
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It is hypocritical, but Trump is hypocritical on immigration as well; he wants to deport undocumented immigrants but he married multiple people who came here undocumented. If you prefer Trump to Harris based on actions vs words, then that's respectable; I'm just saying if Trump is saying he could shoot someone and not lose voters (while never claiming he went too far with that statement), then that should be a deal breaker to you; I mean, you can have another republican replace Trump (like DeSantis).  If this election was DeSantis vs Harris, then I would vote for DeSantis; DeSantis has Trumpian vibes while not running a cult.  I'd rather let every houshold decide for its self whether to allow undocumented immigrants; it's the most local version of the 10th amendment (which is basicly the local rule amendment).
The only question to all MAGA people is why elect a convicted criminal Trump who even committed crimes when he was in office the first term.?
RemyBrown's avatar
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RemyBrown's avatar
The only question to all MAGA people is why elect a convicted criminal Trump who even committed crimes when he was in office the first term.?
Because Trump is a god to them.  If Trump claims to be the Messiah, uses his fast ear recovery as "proof", and calls his religion Magdated Christianity (MAGA updated) then his base will change their religion from whatever it is right now to Magdism.  Even the never Trumpers are going to have to treat Magdism like any other religion; with mutual respect.

They say Trump is a felon; if Muhammad was alive in the US today, then he would be a felon as well; having sex with 9 year old girls.  The left respect Islam.
RemyBrown's avatar
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RemyBrown's avatar
Lol I’m blocked, yet you’re still responding to me. Sounds like cult behavior to me
Incorrect; it happens all the time.
Lemming's avatar
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Lemming's avatar
Even if I treated Harris as Biden, I would have voted for Trump over Biden.

AR 15
It's not 'specifically the AR 15. If I kept looking, I imagine I would find more Anti Gun policies by Harris. Where there is one, there is sometimes more. Sometimes 'probably more.
I view 'Rights as something often lost incrementally until all gone, I do not view small losses in Rights, to 'truly be small.

I view it as a culture debate myself. I don't aesthetically agree with the culture, I think it it encourages pretend thinking, and is often harmful.
I do not wish to vote into office a party I view as encouraging it.

They can always compete in the any sex league.

I view some problems in the world, as arising from the number of people.
I view some problems in labor and pay arising from people trying to import cheap labor, rather than addressing poor pay or bad job conditions.
I view floods of people as harmful to areas.

I don't feel strong human obligation to 'have to take in immigrants because they want to come here.
I prefer to prioritize people already here and people we have obligations to.
We had an obligation to people from the Dust Bowl,, because they were Americans.
Though I still lean towards stronger State and City identities.
We had obligations to any South Vietnamese who feared for their lives due to choices in the war. Because of out involvement in said war.
. . . One 'could argue we have various other obligations, or just a human obligation, but such does not strongly move me.

Trump Immigration
Do you have a source for Trumps marriages and context?
I don't ask for such as proof, but context for my understanding.
Did they have passports? Acquire Green Cards?

I've also 'Never argued for Trump being a morally upstanding person, just that him being in power may result in policies and drift favorable to my views.

If John McCain was alive and ran for president, I'd vote for him.
I don't care for Trumps cult of personality, but I am not unduly threatened by it.

If we don't deport 'anybody, then we might as well have Open Borders.
1st world countries have less kids than 3rd world countries, I hear.
. . . I cannot conceive how people think it is right to allow others to usurp your blood or culture.
Only by controlled immigration can a nation retain it's values and people.

Because they then use that money to illegally send more people to America.
Besides, if Africa becomes a dependable trading partner, then said money comes back to us, along with any investments we made.

It says my genetic relatives are there.
I value family.
Generally more the closer we are related.

I do not mean to say said value is unconditional,
Though my support for my immediate family 'is.
. . . Though on another hand, a lot of that is built on relationships, if I found out I had a fourth sibling, 'possible I would not value them as highly,
Or if I found out one of my parents was not actually my parent.

But I also value relationships and pacts,
Such as the pacts of fellow citizens or coworkers.
Or adoptive family that has done right by me.

I'm not saying blood is 'everything, but it's a large number when I factor in my values and actions.

"seinors got college 99% or so government subsidized."
I'm not sure what you mean.
My eldest brother was a valedictorian in High School could have gotten a full ride at a cheaper college, he chose a more expensive college and got bad grades.
Too bad for him I say. He chose the harder school and did not study enough.
He also joined the military later, doesn't erase past debt, but did give new college where he wouldn't acquire more debt.

I am not familiar with College and Economics.

I see an article that contradicts you, but I still don't believe one way or another because I have not done research. I'm not saying that you have not, just that I have not and I see at a glace different views.

Libertarians Right or Left
I would imagine that Libertarians could Lean Left, RIght, or Center.
Still thinking on it.

Mharman's avatar
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Nice little push poll ya got going on here.

1. If Trump shot someone, then would you still vote for him?
No, I would not vote for him if he randomly shot someone.

2. What if Trump said he could shoot someone and not lose voters?  Would you still vote for him?
Yes, because I don't care about some joke he made, especially not one from 8 years ago. I'm more interested in his policies.

If they refuse to answer no to both questions (defined as a yes, a dodge, a maybe, or a non-answer), then they are in a cult; their opinions can't be taken seriously, and they should be blocked (I will block them). 
This is pretty funny to me. I will never understand blocking someone on a debate website, because you don't like their political opinions. My brother in Christ, you signed up to engage with others' opinions.
RemyBrown's avatar
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RemyBrown's avatar
This is pretty funny to me. I will never understand blocking someone on a debate website, because you don't like their political opinions.
That's not the reason why I blocked a lot of people.

My reason for blocking a lot of people is because I don't think they are able to change their minds.  I don't think anyone can.  I think free speech is for those who are willing to change their minds.  Otherwise, what's the point?  It's just noise at that point.

Lila Rose's free speech is useless if she goes to planned parenthood to protest them performing abortions; this is true for any pro lifer.  Planned parenthood workers aren't going to change their minds; they've been pro abortion for decades and their job depends on them performing abortions.  The same is true for an atheist talking about how horrible God is in a church.

Lila Rose going on a podcast with Destiny to argue about abortion legalization would mean her free speech has the potential to be valuable; Destiny is more willing to become pro life than a planned parenthood worker.

If someone would vote for Trump even if Trump grabs a gun and shoots someone, then nothing Trump can do will piss them off (so Trump is a leader of the MAGA religion basicly).  Lets say it's Trump vs Harris; if Trump gets convicted of murder and gets executed, then the right still has JD Vance to promote whatever ideas they want (even if I disagree with these ideas).  I'm willing to argue with people when I believe there is a good chance they will change their mind, but I think the vast majority of MAGA does not.  They were pro life at conception until Trump endorsed IVF being legal federally (with funding) and all the dead zygotes that come with it, now they are saying, "We didn't mean conception, we mean 12 weeks" all to avoid looking like a Trump religious follower, but if Trump were to say, "We need to cut the price of gas and restore the economy in red states".  They want IVF legal federally (with funding), but they don't want the legalized abortion of zygotes federally (with funding) all because they shut off their brains and they let Trump be their thought leader.

If Trump tomorrow were to claim that he is the Messiah and use his rapid ear healing as "proof", and that he is going to create Trumpian Christainity as the new religion, then all the MAGA people are going to be Trump worshippers.

At that point, I would respect the Trumpian religion because they are coming as advertised.  They are claiming Trump is their god; but then it means them trying to convince other people to support Trump would be akin to religious conversion.  But MAGA will deny it until Trump claims he's the messiah, then they will embrace it.

I can respect an honest religion; but not a religion pretending to be a political ideology.  If you call Trumpism a religion, then I won't be mad, but then you can't convince others of your religion without it being viewed as converting people (from a political perspecrive, this is more acceptable than religious because the implication with it being a poltical perspective is you are willing to change other people's minds, but you are also willing to have your own mind changed).  From a religious perspective, this is not at all accurate.

I don't like arguing with people if I know they aren't going to change their minds.  I'm willing to change my mind if (and only if) I believe the person I'm talking too is willing to do the same.

Yes, because I don't care about some joke he made, especially not one from 8 years ago. I'm more interested in his policies.
Ye has made similar statements, "I could say anti semetic shit and they can't drop me".  Now pretty much everyone views him as anti Semitic; but I would be fine with Ye making that statement and not Trump making his because Trump was running for POTUS; Ye wasn't a serious contender.  Musicians don't have power; politicians do.  Therefore, politicians should be held to a higher standard.
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
The only question to all MAGA people is why elect a convicted criminal Trump who even committed crimes when he was in office the first term.?
Because Trump is a god to them.  If Trump claims to be the Messiah, uses his fast ear recovery as "proof", and calls his religion Magdated Christianity (MAGA updated) then his base will change their religion from whatever it is right now to Magdism.  Even the never Trumpers are going to have to treat Magdism like any other religion; with mutual respect.

They say Trump is a felon; if Muhammad was alive in the US today, then he would be a felon as well; having sex with 9 year old girls.  The left respect Islam.
But Trump is compared to Jesus and not Mohammad. Jesus was convicted and crucified. Jesus never succeeded in making the Jews great again.
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Yes and Yes. I do not consider violence in of itself bad. 
RemyBrown's avatar
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RemyBrown's avatar
 I do not consider violence in of itself bad. 
1. What do you think about abortion?
2. Do you think r@pe should be legal?  It's only illegal because it's violent.
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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2)No and that's not even true

The problem is that "violence" has been monopolized and conceived of only in regards to violent criminals on the street. Duels over honor was violence but noble. Luigi's assassination, while I disagree with his ideas, was noble because it forces people to understand that violence should not just be "criminal coded". The capacity for violence should also be among the educated, those interested in politics, etc. Violence in of itself is not bad
RemyBrown's avatar
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RemyBrown's avatar
Duels over honor was violence but noble. 
The duelers consented.

The capacity for violence should also be among the educated, those interested in politics, etc. Violence in of itself is not bad
What if Trump got assasinated?
Mharman's avatar
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Mharman's avatar
Ok, so your two contentions here seem to be that: 1. Trump supporters worship Trump to a high degree so that basically nothing can change their minds, and: 2. Kanye West did a bad thing, and now Trump could do a bad thing.

The latter is flat-out wrong because whatever conclusion or implication of Trump from it is ludicrous (Are you claiming Trump is about to shoot someone or that he shouldn’t joke about something because how some people will interpret it? The former is silly, and the latter can be solved by not having bad faith interpretations). Regardless, it’s an obvious association fallacy, so I don’t feel much of a need to say anything more about it.

The former is more meaty.

Lila Rose's free speech is useless if she goes to planned parenthood to protest them performing abortions; this is true for any pro lifer.  Planned parenthood workers aren't going to change their minds; they've been pro abortion for decades and their job depends on them performing abortions.  The same is true for an atheist talking about how horrible God is in a church.

Lila Rose going on a podcast with Destiny to argue about abortion legalization would mean her free speech has the potential to be valuable; Destiny is more willing to become pro life than a planned parenthood worker.
I don’t think this is easy to establish. Destiny is pretty far to the left and has a financial incentive to maintain his beliefs, being a far-left content creator. We know nothing about any planned parenthood worker in particular, but just because the collective is far to the left as an average, doesn’t mean that there are no individuals wondering if what they are doing is wrong. In short, you might be right or wrong, the truth is that there’s no way to establish this because we don’t really know how hard people are committed to their beliefs until we’ve truly tested them. A few change in an instant; a few never change- most probably take a few months or years to flip their beliefs, even with a reason to do so.

All this to say: It’s silly to think you are wasting speech trying to convince a collective, just because the people in that collective is unlikely to be convinced. Odds are, your arguments will have some sort of impact on some of them, from there you do open up those windows of opportunity to change a mind. This is true of almost any speaker, opposing audience, and belief. It is something anyone trying to promote anything has to keep in mind.

If someone would vote for Trump even if Trump grabs a gun and shoots someone, then nothing Trump can do will piss them off (so Trump is a leader of the MAGA religion basicly).
I recall seeing only one person answer yes to your first question, so citing this point as proof of some MAGA religion is ridiculous.

Lets say it's Trump vs Harris; if Trump gets convicted of murder and gets executed, then the right still has JD Vance to promote whatever ideas they want (even if I disagree with these ideas). 
Ok? This isn’t really a problem. In this hypothetical, the political stances within MAGA aren’t invalidated, it just means Trump would no longer be worthy to carry the banner for such ideas.

They were pro life at conception until Trump endorsed IVF being legal federally (with funding) and all the dead zygotes that come with it, now they are saying, "We didn't mean conception, we mean 12 weeks" all to avoid looking like a Trump religious follower, but if Trump were to say, "We need to cut the price of gas and restore the economy in red states".  They want IVF legal federally (with funding), but they don't want the legalized abortion of zygotes federally (with funding) all because they shut off their brains and they let Trump be their thought leader.
I would not use IVF as an example given that it’s new as a political issue and people are still developing their opinions on it. If you want my opinion, I despise it. I do get the sense there’s a lot of Trump supporters who don’t like this either but are willing to go with it as some sort of compromise with the pro-choice left. It’s not a good compromise (it invites further pro-choice pushes from the left and does carry the risk to human life you described) and I would love Trump to be less milk toast on stuff like this. Unfortunately, Republicans in general love their compromises to a fault.

If Trump tomorrow were to claim that he is the Messiah and use his rapid ear healing as "proof", and that he is going to create Trumpian Christainity as the new religion, then all the MAGA people are going to be Trump worshippers.
Absolutely not. To start, this is a silly assertion when you have one new issue as an example, but the big issue is that it overlooks what Trump’s base really thinks about him and why they support him. 

Simply put, most Trump supporters recognize he has questionable character traits, and support him because they like his policies. His attitude is a bit of mixed bag because he can really stick it to some schmuck, but he can also make an ass of himself real quick. People who have seen a lot of Trump (especially his base) are aware of this.

So what would happen if he stood before everyone at his inauguration and claimed to be literal Jesus? It would be political suicide. He’d instantly lose the centrists/third parties, and no Democrat who flipped for the recent election is going to vote Republican ever again. As for his base, most of us can easily tell he’s no saint, and many of us are Christians who have been warned about scenarios exactly like your hypothetical- so his base would know not to believe him. Few people would be left in his base after such a brash statement. There’s also the Republican never-Trumpers and staunch Democrats who would never support him anyway. The midterms would be an instant L for any Republican that stood with Trump at that point.

At that point, I would respect the Trumpian religion because they are coming as advertised.  They are claiming Trump is their god; but then it means them trying to convince other people to support Trump would be akin to religious conversion.  But MAGA will deny it until Trump claims he's the messiah, then they will embrace it.

I can respect an honest religion; but not a religion pretending to be a political ideology.  If you call Trumpism a religion, then I won't be mad, but then you can't convince others of your religion without it being viewed as converting people (from a political perspecrive, this is more acceptable than religious because the implication with it being a poltical perspective is you are willing to change other people's minds, but you are also willing to have your own mind changed).  From a religious perspective, this is not at all accurate.

I don't like arguing with people if I know they aren't going to change their minds.  I'm willing to change my mind if (and only if) I believe the person I'm talking too is willing to do the same.
This is more rambling based on a faulty assumption that has a snowball’s chance in hell of being correct. At this point you’re just getting imaginative. Donald Trump is not the boogeyman. We had a full first term of him and it was fine.
AnonYmous_Icon's avatar
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AnonYmous_Icon's avatar
Maga ppl    r  just    crismatic illusion  to  attract     slaves  2.0    ,  they r   not   what  they   say they r   , their aims  r   diff    from their  words     but     slaves  have to follow them    ,   donst    matter    what  is     consequences    , hence      they  r    just trying to  make   old  capitalism  as  a  beautiful  romantic    thing but   they can't  change the nature of  it    , as they r itself     manufactured by  it  ,       
RemyBrown's avatar
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RemyBrown's avatar
Even if I treated Harris as Biden, I would have voted for Trump over Biden.

“I view 'Rights as something often lost incrementally until all gone, I do not view small losses in Rights, to 'truly be small.”
You can prefer Harris while not agreeing with everything she stands for.  Like, I don’t agree with Harris on AR 15s or Ukraine, but Trump is way less libertarian.  Harris supports stand your ground

“I view it as a culture debate myself. I don't aesthetically agree with the culture, I think it it encourages pretend thinking, and is often harmful.  I do not wish to vote into office a party I view as encouraging it.”

How would you define a woman?  Because chromosomes is not a consistent argument if you believe there are only 2 genders (ex: XXY would mean you are non-binary).

“They can always compete in the any sex league.”

Then they aren’t going to win due to the lack of testosterone in their system.  I’ve heard stories of transmen winning sports competitions.  When you’re young enough, you do co ed sports, but then due to testosterone, the leagues separate.  So there should really be a maximum age to start HRT before you can compete as a transwoman with the women.

I view some problems in the world, as arising from the number of people.

“I view some problems in labor and pay arising from people trying to import cheap labor, rather than addressing poor pay or bad job conditions.”

More people -> more workers -> more demand for workers -> less supply for jobs -> lower wages.
More people -> more customers -> more demand for jobs -> less supply for workers -> higher wages.

It cancels out; wages don’t go down due to population growth.

The article mentions people being on other’s property until they got off and were able to go to the street.  If they’re on your property and they are going to be off in 5 seconds; then wait the 5 seconds.

I don't feel strong human obligation to 'have to take in immigrants because they want to come here.
I prefer to prioritize people already here and people we have obligations to.

Neither do I, I want their labor to add to the US economy.

Though I still lean towards stronger State and City identities.

In what way that the democrats prohibit?  Texas has steaks; NY has Pizza; California has Avocado toast; nobody is trying to take that away.

Trump Immigration
Do you have a source for Trumps marriages and context?
I don't ask for such as proof, but context for my understanding.
Did they have passports? Acquire Green Cards?  If you think their biased, then see what Fox News says on it (Trump's wife worked illegally during her first weeks in the US, documents show | Fox News).  If you own it and let others do the same, then fine.  But this is not Trump.

If we don't deport 'anybody, then we might as well have Open Borders.

Yeah; what would be wrong with that?

-> 1st world countries have less kids than 3rd world countries, I hear.

If you can’t tolerate it, then have lots of kids.

. . . I cannot conceive how people think it is right to allow others to usurp your blood or culture.

They aren’t; you are allowed to eat hamburgers and the migrants won’t take that right away from you.

-> Only by controlled immigration can a nation retain it's values and people.

What value(s) are you talking about?  Everyone living in America right now is expected to die in 150 years.  

-> Because they then use that money to illegally send more people to America.

It’s their money from jobs; let them do what they want with it.  Nuns donate money to Africa all the time.

-> Besides, if Africa becomes a dependable trading partner, then said money comes back to us, along with any investments we made.

How would that be bad?

You said you value your family.  How does Trump’s presidency, relative to a Harris’es presidency, make your family in a better position?  I mean, Harris wanted 6 weeks paid time off by law for people’s family.  Maybe your kids are older; but they will have kids, and 6 weeks paid time off would be something they would appreciate.

I mean in the 1950s, college may have cost $50 a semester ($500 with inflation) because it was heavily government subsiized.  Our government saw the benefit in educating more people.  It was freedom, empowering freedom; the freedom to study STEM or trades and use it to earn higher incomes.  You could live on one salary back then because an educated workforce is a better one.

The article’s argument was, “More subsidies -> more demand -> raises cost”.  Demand can only be so high; if 100% of young adults went to college for free, (assuming same college costs paper student), then it can be paid for with a 20% cut to the war budget that goes to help other countries.  Free college = America first.  

How is libertarianism more right than left overall?  Think about it.  I think libertarianism is more on the left.

Lemming's avatar
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Lemming's avatar
Harris being a gun owner or saying she would shoot a home intruder, does not convince me she is more libertarian, or would not pass legislation against gun rights in America if she was in office.
Additionally there is the problem of waves, her being in office, would make it more likely for 'others to pass legislation against guns as well.

Trump: Free Speech

I don't think he's doing it out of patriotism.
But I 'am inclined against Federal Censorship of the internet.

"Even when Republicans agree that content is false, they are half as likely as Democrats to say that the content should be removed and more than twice as likely to consider removal as censorship.
Partisan conflict over content moderation is not only due to disagreement about facts, but also to divergence in preferences."

Course people also claim Project 2025, is going to censor various X.

And when I think 'Conservative or 'Tradition, I 'do think back to earlier years in America when TV had a lot more censorship.

If I see a person with balls, penis, sperm,
I'm 'generally going to think male.

If I see a person with a vagina, boobs, and uterus,
I'm 'generally going to think woman.

Thanksgiving w/ Matt Walsh (feat. Matt Walsh)
Alien Confused As Earth Leaders Try To Explain All The Human Genders
I sexually identify as an Attack Tyronecopter.
Put Em Down - Cyanide & Happiness Shorts

I admit I am bad at economics,
But I think business owners often see more customers, as charge higher prices and keep the same minimum number of workers, at minimum pay,
Which since there are more people willing to work, there are more people willing to work for worse pay, so they are able to find their cheap labor.

To me, it sounds as though the Black Death increased wages,
But I only have shallow knowledge on the subject.

I acknowledge the value of population in economic, military, and cultural war with other nations.
But I think it is better to output people, than input people.

I lean towards city and state identity in the concepts of blood, tribe, and culture.
Where are the Native Americans?

Trump Wife
At a glance it looks as though she came over legally.

Open Borders
Ask the Native Americans.

Have More Kids
I lean towards having less people in the world.
Additionally, A nation should not have to allow foreigners in, simply because they bred more.

Open Borders
Ask the Native Americans.

Ask the Native Americans.

2025 - 1776 = 249

Our blood, culture, and values. Lives beyond our own lives.

I never said them being a trading partner would be bad.

Family Values
When I think Leftists,
I think of a bunch of (Rant Removed)
I decline to comment on family values at this time.

I am not totally against government restructuring how they deal with colleges,
But I see no reason to excuse a group of people of debt they freely chose.
They could have chosen the miliary and how it helps pay for college.

I can't speak of the 1950s and college, I'd have to read a 'lot more.

Well for one the Left (Rant not bothered to be typed out)
I decline to comment on Libertarianism.

Self Reflection
I think it is fair to say I am not managing to engage with you on a number of topics,
Personally I think it is due to my 'want to be vitriolic,
But I realize such is not constructive.

I suppose such is a failing on my part, but ah well.