As Zed said, Atheists do not believe that there is a known deity because deistic hypotheses are based on weak evidence.
Since you seem to have failed to comprehend any of the last 2 paragraphs, I’ll spell it out for you:
We have found explanations for almost everything in this world. With research, we continue to find more.The evidence always points away from the supernatural.
The only people who recorded miracles did so on paper and had the education of a 12th grader at most.
That is the reason that I don’t believe in a god, and actively assert his nonexistence.
Because everything leaves evidence except for him.
and actively assert his nonexistence
14, given your obsession with age
Each of my examples were useful and different in key ways that illustrated my point
Redundancy means unneeded due to being repetitive.
Miracles? Such as raising the dead.Yes, Stephen. Such as raising the dead.
you are not my intended audience
I wasn’t talking about those people.
I was talking about the insistence that most Christians have that Jesus himself rose from the dead.
idk if you’ve heard of that story, it’s only the most well-known resurrection story of the modern day.
But even if I was talking about that, why does it matter? Some people still claim Jesus resurrected others, you said so yourself.
So no, I don’t believe in their religion,
and I most certainly don’t believe in your version,
which seems to pretend that the utter nonsense in the Bible makes any sense at all by claiming it was entirely metaphorical
or some shit.
That atheist hasn't proven no God exists. All atheists deciding to disbelieve, all atheists, something personally and emotionally has influenced them along with disagreeing with the tenets., things not clicking.
You only have one choice to make out of two.Atheists believe there is no God.Atheists believe there is God.
you made me waste 30 minutes of my time
And .01 percent something other. I'm atheist of many gods for the sake of reason.
Nobody I know of has disproved the bible.
There are plenty of people that misunderstand the Bible charging false contradictions giving that as grounds to prove false where it's nowhere close.
You do have evidence that you will wake up tomorrow.
You have woken up every other day of your entire life,
And while you could technically explain away all the contradictions and bullshit in the Bible and say no one has ever “disproved it”,
And finally, yes, there is technically evidence for miracles.
Atheism is a religion.