Question for Trump Supporters (2)

Author: Double_R


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Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
I do. They both have to account for the 4 years in charge.
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
Then I notice the hyperboles and other statements that you repeatedly misunderstand, like “fight like hell” on Jan 6.

This was an obvious hyperbole that has been used many times elsewhere, yet the media wanted us all to believe that the man who told his protestors to be “peaceful and patriotic” and told rioters to cease rioting over Twitter, somehow deliberately incited a whole riot and those words that give us a window into his actual thoughts are just an intentional misdirect. Orange man bad, don’t ask questions, please only take him seriously when it benefits our narrative, and not when it disproves it.
I've discussed this at great length many times before so I'll summarize briefly why this is just nonsense.

  • Trump's speech at the ellipse was well over an hour long and about 11,000 words. The three words you cited are the only three words anywhere in his speech suggesting calm. The rest was inciteful. Weighing those three words above the rest is  ridiculous.
  • The incitement isn't just about Trump's one speech. It took place over two months. The speech was just the culmination.
  • The very idea of them "peacefully making their voices heard" is itself absurd. He's literally telling them that their voices are being stolen by the evil people at the Capitol who don't care about their voice. In no sane mind would the remedy for that be to go yell really loud.
  • Even then, if Trump had actually done what he was supposed to do as the riots were taking place we could have all accepted his actions to that point as merely irresponsible. Instead his doing nothing and hiding in the WH dining room watching on tv as the US Capitol was under attack leaves no question as to what his intentions were.
So when Trump told them to fight like hell, I don't hear that literally because I can't detect hyperbole, I hear that because it's the only interpretation that makes sense when you put his words into their full context.

And also, the same argument cuts both ways. You guys excuse away every terrible thing he says as hyperbole, but when he uses three good words in his speech all of a sudden now we have to take him literally. Not exactly solid.

It is here where the problem reveals itself: The leftoid media, in promoting their “orangemanbad” narrative, has taught a whole host of midwits to prioritize bad faith interpretations of Trump’s words, as opposed to noticing the hyperbole and adopting a more realistic approach to interpreting Trump…
I agree here is the problem, but you blame the wrong media side.

You see here's the thing about interpreting any politician (and yes, Trump is absolutely a politician); when they give conflicting messages it is generally safe to assume the message that reveals a flaw within them is real and the message that builds them up into a super hero is false. No smart person pretends to be stupid. No informed person pretends to be ignorant. No good well intentioned person pretends to be a total asshole. But we all know the reverse does it all the time.

The problem with Trump supporters is that you guys are backwards. Everytime Trump says something stupid or shows himself to be heinous you guys pretend it's all for show. Meanwhile when he pretends to be some kind of saint you seem to think that's when he's showing us who he really is. No human being works this way, and no rationally thinking person would interpret someone in this way.

I am definitely voting for Trump this November.
So do you dispute that Trump is an authoritarian fascist, or are you just ok with voting for one?
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
So do you dispute that Trump is an authoritarian fascist, or are you just ok with voting for one?
If we burn. You burn with us.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
The very idea of them "peacefully making their voices heard" is itself absurd. He's literally telling them that their voices are being stolen by the evil people at the Capitol who don't care about their voice.
He never blamed congress as a whole for the voter fraud.

No smart person pretends to be stupid. No informed person pretends to be ignorant. No good well intentioned person pretends to be a total asshole. But we all know the reverse does it all the time.
Those of us with enough information and intelligence know all three of those things can and do happen.
IlDiavolo's avatar
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IlDiavolo's avatar
Is this the last ditch effort to increase Harris' chances of winning the election? Lol

People vote for Trump because he's the only viable choice to fix the fuck-ups of the Biden administration, obviously based on what he did in his first term and not if he lies or not. Voting for Kamala, on the other side, would be a vote for the continuation of the current disaster, or even worse. That is more evident given the last talk Biden and Obama had at Ethel Kennedy's funeral.

The die is cast, there's no going back I'm afraid.