It's official the october surprise has just dropped. Tim Walz has been confirmed to be a pedophile. I am not making judgements just starting the discussion thread so people can discuss.
We both trust Snopes, but Wylted does not
He only trust right wing news, and you know right wing news will never say anything bad about Trump
All he cares about wrt his political views is making sure Trump claims victory in November.
He is not interested in any facts you try and promote (as unfortunate as that reality is, you need to understand it).
They do have a clear bias
Wrong I trust no news.
Also wrong that Trump is above criticism by the right wing. They are literally kvetching that he would veto a federal abortion ban.
It is pretty important. Republicans will never win an election again if he loses not at that level anyway
the nation will do what every nation does that moves left as evidenced by the economic freedom index.
I would prefer to debate people I disagree with so ai can grow more as a person.
I've started out very right wing in high school, but I've become more left wing as time has gone on.
Snopes has a left bias. So does reality.
Some are, other MAGA people are praising Trump when he called for IVF to be federally funded. Not only is this universal healthcare, but it also causes the death of a lot of zygotes (which the right argues are human beings).
guess that's why the furthest left countries on the economic freedom index like North Korea and Venezuela are the best countries to live in while countries at the top such as the United States, Germany and Switzerland suck so much.
I am pro life and like most prolife people we are okay with abortions in the first trimester.
The most left wing politician in the United States is Bernie Sanders, who wants to turn this nation into Norway (a nation that even Trump praised when he advocated for letting more people from Norway come here). The US left and the US right both approve of Norway in certain contextsNorway is very fiscally left wing
They are higher in the economic freedom index but lack some of the anti freedom policies of the United States.
Anyway I think we all know he was trying to backdoor Marxism there.
I will say if he won the primaries though and was up against Jeb bush, I would have voted for him
What would make you say that?
It's official the october surprise has just dropped. Tim Walz has been confirmed to be a pedophile. I am not making judgements just starting the discussion thread so people can discuss.
It's official the october surprise has just dropped. Tim Walz has been confirmed to be a pedophile. I am not making judgements just starting the discussion thread so people can discuss.what are your thoughts on Trump being a sex offender
I'm surprised you would say that. Trump is a neo con (wanting to fund Israel). So is Harris. Maybe you could vote for Chase Oliver
I hate pedophiles.
what are your thoughts on Trump being a sex offender
No matter what you say from here on out, people here know you're a pedophille.
He wants to fund Israel's war against Gaza; that is Neo Con.
They basically like " hey you a terrorist" and I was like "not yet but show up to my door again and I might be". They claimed they were required to show up and didn't want to and I believe them.
So who is this RemyBrown character?