Mayday Mafia DP2

Author: AustinL0926


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I’m out of the house posting on mobile rn I’ll respond to the bigger posts in a bit when I’m back on my computer
whiteflame's avatar
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I’m going to focus up on work until 5, so I’ll address any responses thereafter.
Lunatic's avatar
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years mafia EOD both Whiteflame and pie on the mischop dp1

Shocking tv moments ended early because of an execution, but pie was on the mischop dp1

Presidential election mafia, both pie and whiteflame on the final chop dp1

Middle school mafia both pie and whiteflame on the final mischop dp1
Out of the last five games we no lynched once, pie was on the other 4 dp1 EOD chops and Whiteflame was on 3 of them.

I could probably get a bigger stats pool to pull from if I have the time and inclination. But we generally don’t purposely no lunch here and generally pie and Whiteflame are always on the lynches. You take a game where there is a consequence for mafia to be part of the lunch and they are both no where near the lunch and you don’t find that somewhat scummy?

Earth's avatar
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 I'm not sure why you'd believe that Luna could use his legacy role if he was lynched.
Hang on, where did Lunatic say this? Assuming mafia have legacy roles, they can only use them if they get lynched. My legacy role works when I die, lynched or NK'd.
AustinL0926's avatar
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AustinL0926's avatar
Do we not have a report for Casey's death? The way this was phrased made me think it applies to every death.
Casey's accident report will be conducted when they flip.
AustinL0926's avatar
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AustinL0926's avatar
Vote count 2.3 (no change):

whiteflame (2/4): Luna, Banana

346 people died when a cargo door burst open in mid-air, severing critical control cables... In the following investigation, it was found that a similar set of conditions causing an identical failure had occurred in ground testing in 1970 before the DC-10 series entered commercial service...  In spite of this warning, nothing was done to correct the flaw, as shown by internal memos from McDonnell-Douglas, despite the conclusion that it could cause a catastrophic in-flight loss of control... The consequences of this entirely avoidable crash were many, including – but not limited to – some of the largest civil lawsuits to that date. - Turkish Airlines Flight 981
Casey_Risk's avatar
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Okay, I think it's about time for me to come clean a bit. My legacy role is indeed my status as a tree stump. After my disappearance, redundant systems were created to prevent a flight from ever completely disappearing from tracking again, and black boxes were given longer battery lives. I wanted to see if there were any interesting reactions to me not flipping, given that scum would have known they didn't actually Janitor me, but I don't think that provided anything actually useful. 

The other thing I lied about is what exactly my main role does and what I did last night. I didn't Inspect Pie -- I Tracked Moozer and saw that he visited Pie. Curious to see what the reasons for this were and if he would lie about having done so, I lied a bit about what I did. I do find it a bit surprising that Moozer came clean about strengthening Pie. I don't think it was a very wise decision necessarily, but I don't think he likely would have admitted to it as scum. Pie has apparently been silenced and Banana claimed to have RB'ed him, so he could have claimed to have used his ability on anyone else. Though, it's worth noting that he and his partner may have figured out that I was lying about my role.

Suffice it to say, right now I don't want the town to lynch Whiteflame, for a particular reason. Ill leave it at that for now. 
Lunatic's avatar
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Well, then you're not looking very closely at that post, especially since it comes early. If Casey wants my claim, let them call for it. Doesn't even require a vote because Casey can't vote anyway. Call me stubborn all you want, call me scummy for it, I really don't care.
Something about sleeping is im sure what you are referring to. If your soft claiming dreamer, that's not a particularly strong claim. There is nothing that I can look at and go "Oh whiteflame has gotta be town" from that. I can't force you to claim, i've got my vote on you that's about all I can do, while hoping the rest of the town comes to their senses. 

...Really dude? A million coincidences? We both know that's an absurd framing, let's not kid ourselves. There's literally only one coincidence you called out and I telegraphed it openly. Also, let's not kid ourselves about my "missing out" on the end of the DP. I was on for the end of the DP. I didn't "miss out" on anything beyond getting my vote in before you hammered. I didn't even "miss out" on "setting up my lynch target way in advance," something that you actively sussed me for doing. And now you're sussing me for not doing it? What? In this case, what you're doing is characterizing me as someone who would never do this as town and that I somehow would do this as scum. I don't think that's a compliment, personally, but what do I know? Also, I'm really so done with this "convenient timing" argument. I posted two hours ahead of the end of the DP giving the precise time I would be available. I posted as soon as I was actually available. I sincerely do not give a fuck if you believe me.
I already pointed out how rare it is for you to not be on an end wagon with just a brief showing of the last 5 games, you were on three of the final mis-chops. I don't even think it's worth denying that you generally aren't apart of dp1 lynches. So why wouldn't it be worth looking into the fact that you weren't there for the one that could actually hurt scum by them being on it? As you said you were there for the DP end. Who else was going to be lynched at that point? We don't no lynch often here, but a lot of times when we do its because we wait to long and the day phase expires. You trying to frame me as quick hammering when there is less than an hour left is rediculous. At the end of the day the timing of your vote and the way you voted is scummy, especially since now you are admitting there was likely only one or zero scum on the lynch, yet were so eager to vote there being two last phase. Yeah they totally are coincidences. We know your excuse though, what is your excuse for pie? If you aren't scummy for doing it, why isn't pie who was on 4/5 of the last games EOD chops, the fifth being the one he modded?

I know what Cerulean said. I know what you were saying and what everyone else said about not wanting to no lynch. That still would have been my preference over lynching someone with a confirmable role in DP1. As for how we positioned ourselves at the end of the last DP, let's compare. I gave an extensive set of reads and directly sussed Moozer. It was confirmed by multiple people, but you keep leaving it out of these responses. Then, I said I would be offline for a little over an hour. During that hour, you hammered, but somehow it's my fault that I only returned to place that vote on Austin's quiz. Whatever. Your position, meanwhile, was to largely townread Owen throughout the DP, but still willingly hammer him in the end. It's the fact that you weren't scumreading him but still willing to do that that sets me off. I don't see the hypocrisy.
I was okay lynching for information even if I wasn't convinced owen was town. The hypocrisy is that you make it sound as if there would have been an alternative. I also don't completely buy that you being okay with a no lynch is a pro town move from whiteflame, but you'll just dismiss that as wifom too. But you can see from a large number of games where you are town, you choose to go with the option of lynching over no lynching. The one game I advocated the no lynch was when I was scum as well. Leaves more lynching options on the table and more unknown variables for future day phases. Regardless going back to the "confirmable role" thing, your telling me that you hard town read him for that after I was literally just a scum messenger makes me think that you are doing the exact thing you are accusing me of doing, hedging your read with inside information. You have the added excuse of not being on the lynch, but that just makes it more scummy imo. TBH this argument is turning into more of a "No I would or wouldn't do that" essentially a "No U" situation and becoming a bit repetitive. I think you would, and if your scum your obviously gonna say the opposite so this is getting tiresome. Just gotta hope town sees the light here. 

So, let me get this straight. Because "Role confirmation =/= Affiliation confirmation" and we learned that lesson so well last game, the best choice we could possibly make this game is to immediately vote off the only claimed role confirmable player? Do I have that right?
1. There was nothing "immediate" about that lynch, there was less than an hour of the game left. 
2. It just disqualifies your read heavily that owen was town, if most of that is being banked on him being confirmable when we literally just learned that lesson last game. Like I just said, you are doing the exact same thing that you are accusing me of doing for town cred. 

*sigh* Again, I did provide my case for voting Moozer. It's there, in black and white, in a long set of reads that I posted last DP. I appreciate that you think highly of me, but why the fuck do you keep leaving out my reads and claiming they don't exist?
I've acknowledged your read on him, it was part of my basis for scum reading you to begin with. But you didn't make a push on him, if you are trying to say that, you are lying. Your vote wasn't even on him for one. You had unvoted before the halfway mark of the day phase even occured (page 5 out of 17).Your last posts about moozer was literally waffling about him.

"As for who to lynch based on what we know, Moozer's role still sticks out a bit, but his legacy role at least has me questioning whether he's the right decision to go with here. Given Owen's claim, I'm least willing to lynch him atm."

"And then there's Moozer. I'm still hesitant to lynch him for reasons I've already mentioned"

"If there really are so many roles in the game that manipulate, then I can see the basis for there being a Strengthener. He did also claim before all these role manipulations started rolling in, so I can understand why he looks a little better on that front."

Tell me how any of this makes it seem like you are leading a strong case against moozer? Also for the added bonus, the bolded shows you weren't as solid on owen as you are now pretending to be.

Let's not kid ourselves, dude, this is exactly what you've done in previous games. It is not new for you to push this hard on me. Just because you didn't play this way last game doesn't mean you've never played this way as scum. Particularly in games when you're being actively scumread, you try to put that effort down as hard as you can. 
Name a recent game where I have pursued you this hard as scum. I'll wait. I will admit I was a more aggressive scum 4-5 years ago, but people picked up on that meta and I have been drastically different since. 

To your credit, you're not being as rude about it this time, but this is hardly a first,
Like I said to moozer, I won't deny occasionally being a dick, but even the last time I was a dick to you as scum, it wasn't me scum reading you, it was basically just calling you out for thinking Barney was confirmed (which was partial frustration at the mod austin for giving too much information in answers to you). I wasn't just straight up calling you scum. The way I am going about this I am not earning any favors, even curelean is buying your BS and casey also has reason to town read you IG, so I am taking the path of the most resistance as scum is your argument. In what world does that make sense?!

and I'm seeing a lot of whataboutism (seriously? I said I was scumreading you early in the DP and literally your first response was to call me out and VTL me) in your responses that looks awfully familiar.
Idk wth whataboutism is, but cool word. But I've been scum reading you since my first post in this game. I haven't omgus'ed once, and I left the end of last day phase heavily scum reading you for voting 2 scum on the wagon immediately after not partaking in it. My read on you has been consistent, and no variable of you "calling me out" has changed any of my reads. It showed some hypocrisy sure on your end, but I already had you nailed down mister. 

And yes, I was townreading you last DP for your softclaim. Things have changed based on your behavior since then, and I don't think an Ascetic claim makes you look particularly clean.
The reason you were town reading my soft claim though, is the exact thing you should be reading both my claim and behavior as. Why would I soft claim a third blocking style role? That was what you town read me for. Why also would I claim something that can't confirm me with little to no pressure (your vote wasn't on me), unless I genuinely thought there wasn't a reason to hide the claim anymore (IE mafia guessing it), and why wouldn't I have claimed something way better than Ascetic? I know I haven't been the most popular player this game, you think I would come up with something better than that as scum. My mathmetician claim in my last scum game was genius for example. You think I go from that to claiming Ascetic? You aren't being consistent in how you are reading me and it's convienent that you are choosing to read one thing as town, and the same similar thing as scummy when I have doubled down my pressure on you. Like I said, for all the OMGUS accusations, you are guilty of most of it atm. 

See, it's responses like this that have me most on edge about you. You keep saying all these things I don't normally do. OK, I have a history as both town and scum. Where, as scum, have I shown this degree of stubbornness? Also, I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm not dying on this hill. That doesn't mean that your vote alone is going to sway me. If enough people want my claim, I'll claim.
You are asking me to provide an instance that hasn't happened. That is because like I have said multiple times, you are good at scum. From what I have seen in recent games when you are scum you fly completely under the radar. There hasn't been any recent games for you to show stubborness, because you haven't gotten this much pressure this early in recent games where you have been scum. This is new territory for you. 

You actually did use the word "lazy" here. You also said "opportunistic."
Lets take the whole qoute in context, because nothing changes about my point. 

I don't know if passive is really the word I am looking for, though I guess to some extent it works. The reason it stood out to me really is that it felt more "lazy, oppertunistic", like you are perfectly okay with lynching him whereas I feel like town whiteflame would have tried to see more both sides of moozer here and weigh him as being town equally. Your town playstyle is more "lawyer" like where I feel like you have to have a pretty good reason to want to lynch someone before caving to it. 

Lunatic's avatar
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So then your point was that I should have equivocated more on Moozer... but you're simultaneously frustrated that I didn't have a vote on him (which is where it would have been) at the end of the DP? Not helping your point.
Both you and pie backed off of Moozer AFTER I had called you out on it. I already mentioned to pie why that was scummy last day phase. And I am not frustrated that you didn't have a vote on him, just pointing out that if he was your strongest scum read, you would have laid out a case against him well enough in advance. You didn't and I proved that above.

Again, you're calling me out for not posting a vote, which would have been inherently aggressive (especially since, by that point, I would have been trying for a lynch) while acknowledging that it was my "super aggressive" response to Moozer that set you off in the first place? Really?
You are really good at gaslighting, but im not falling for it. Like I said earlier, being a part of a lynch isn't being super aggressive. I fully expect to you be on a lynch in most games, after you've weighed both sides of an issue thoroughly. Initially you were hell bent on moozer, only backed off of him when I called you out for being hell bent on him, and then proceeded to do nothing useful with your vote the rest of the phase, but were over eager to say there was two scum on the wagon to sabotage results when you now admit there was likely 0-1 on the wagon. All signs point to you and pie trying to sabotage austins results.

Lunatic's avatar
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It might be worthwhile, this phase, for everyone to stack on a single choice. We let someone towny be the one to answer and everyone else bandwagons. The idea there is that either we get very useful information that confirms we were correct, or we essentially get worthless information that, at the very least, confirms the answer we picked was wrong.
I was thinking this as well, I think this is a good idea and definitely something we should do this phase. 

This is a very bad look for Lunatic, in my opinion. There were 40 minutes left in the phase. There's absolutely no reason to hammer that early when WF explicitly asked for more time, especially if you think it's wrong. It's just bad form.
I disagree entirely, but I know why you think the way you do. From the champs game I played on Mafia Universe, there tends to be a buzz of activity near the end of a day phase. It's not always like that here, in fact often it can be the opposite. Like I said earlier, we generally don't try and no lynch, but the few times it has happened, it happened because of inactivity. I think on this site, any hammer happening in the last hour is more than justifiable. The most recent no lynch that happened was heroic mafia dp1, and no one could form a decision. 

When I posted my vote, I was getting ready to log for the night and I wasn't prepared to leave the game ending in a no lynch because of inactivity or laziness. Everyone that was on at the time had already voted, besides pie, who seemed like he wasn't going to be voting for owen which meant that it was likely to end in a no lynch. And I am not sorry about whiteflame, he had PLENTY of time to post and make a case. Him not doing so is very out of character for him, and making us wait until the last hour is a risk I wasn't going to take. He just as easily couldn't have showed at all and then a no lynch happened and done the same thing "Oh darn looks like im too late". I'm sure he's glad your buying it, but I am not.

There was no reason to expect to come back and see Day already over because there would have been half an hour left. WF probably already pointed this out, but I'm a bit steamed about making an honest-to-god activity read because you couldn't bother to be patient.
Like I said, I am not risking a no lynch for white flame to come back and do the exact same thing a half an hour later "Oh gee golly, looks like I missed the deadline, sorry folks hurdeedur, I'll be sure to be there next time!"

Yeah again this site is not mafia scum, people don't get all of a sudden active in the last 30 minutes of the phase like they do there, and we've been bit by no lynches multiple times in the past because of stuff like this. Anyways I wouldn't even neccesarily blame him for that if it did happen, its that he was there and voted the way he did immediately after the phase ended when there was real consequences with POE to being on the lynch and having multiple people vote 2, then getting information from austin. I am still not 100% your are biting on that part of the logic, which is 90% of my case against whiteflame. You are overly attached to the "ThERe WaS tHiRtY mInUtEs LeFt" Logic. 

Did you think the phase ended at XX:00 instead of XX:30? Because unless it's specifically that, then the alternative to you voting Owen there was waiting to vote.
Not to sound like a broken record here, but on this site, the risk of waiting tends to lead to no lynches. 30 minutes is different here than it is on mafia universe. I was logging off for the night, and honestly, nothing would have switched regardless. 30 minutes isn't enough time to get a train going on someone else, and if what whiteflame is saying is true, he wouldn't have voted owen anyway, which means we likely would have just no lynched. 
Lunatic's avatar
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Mafia Universe, not mafia scum

EBWOP post 100
Lunatic's avatar
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I've been playing this game for over three months now and I'm still learning new things. What does this mean? 
It means "Edit by Way of Post" Its a term used on mafiauniverse I picked up in my lingo.

Usually on dart people just say "Fixed" and qoute the part they messed up.
Cerulean's avatar
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It turns out that playing Mafia at work is not conducive to having a consistent chain of thought when you can be interrupted at any moment by an urgent email.


I think on this site, any hammer happening in the last hour is more than justifiable. The most recent no lynch that happened was heroic mafia dp1, and no one could form a decision. 

Yeah again this site is not mafia scum, people don't get all of a sudden active in the last 30 minutes of the phase like they do there, and we've been bit by no lynches multiple times in the past because of stuff like this.

Not to sound like a broken record here, but on this site, the risk of waiting tends to lead to no lynches. 30 minutes is different here than it is on mafia universe.

Point taken. I suppose I'll simply assume this is true unless someone contradicts it.

whiteflame's avatar
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whiteflame's avatar
 I'm not sure why you'd believe that Luna could use his legacy role if he was lynched.
Hang on, where did Lunatic say this? Assuming mafia have legacy roles, they can only use them if they get lynched. My legacy role works when I die, lynched or NK'd.
This was a point made in response to Moozer. My point was that his entire strategy hinged on Luna's legacy role somehow being usable if lynched. Apparently, yours falls into that category, but my point to Moozer was that that is an odd assumption to have for someone else's role.
Cerulean's avatar
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To be frank, I'm really struggling here because I don't have anyone who I solidly townread. As in, I think Banana's role claim looks good because it was presented in a pure-looking way. I think Pie's silencing is real because he seems like the type who likes to yap his head off all day and I have doubts that he would pretend to do something like this. I think Moozer doesn't fit the archetype of a newbie-ish scum player. But I wouldn't bet the game on any of those- Banana could have been coached, Pie could actually be that crazy, and Moozer could be trying to drastically shift his play compared to the last game. So clearly I need to take a closer look and figure out if I'm being an idiot or not.
Cerulean's avatar
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but my point to Moozer was that that is an odd assumption to have for someone else's role.
It doesn't seem like a horrendous chain of logic, if I'm following right. "Lunatic looks like he's trying to get lynched" -> "Lunatic has a role that benefits from being lynched" -> "Lunatic's legacy is something that is either able to or specifically triggers after being lynched." Granted, it's not right since the first part wasn't true, but it makes some degree of sense if you perceive the first step in the moment.
Earth's avatar
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I think you aren't reading between the lines. My legacy role activates upon my death, NK or lunch. If Lunatic mentioned his activates upon getting lynched, then that might be a potential slip.
whiteflame's avatar
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It doesn't seem like a horrendous chain of logic, if I'm following right. "Lunatic looks like he's trying to get lynched" -> "Lunatic has a role that benefits from being lynched" -> "Lunatic's legacy is something that is either able to or specifically triggers after being lynched." Granted, it's not right since the first part wasn't true, but it makes some degree of sense if you perceive the first step in the moment.
...except that the lynch train had long since fallen off of Luna and Moozer remained on it just the same. I also don't get where Moozer believed his role would activate on lynch. Those are the two aspects I don't get.

whiteflame's avatar
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I think you aren't reading between the lines. My legacy role activates upon my death, NK or lunch. If Lunatic mentioned his activates upon getting lynched, then that might be a potential slip.
My point is that I don't think he did. From what I've seen, Moozer stated that he thought Luna's role activated upon getting lynched. I haven't seen Luna confirm or deny that.

Cerulean's avatar
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...except that the lynch train had long since fallen off of Luna and Moozer remained on it just the same.
I suppose, yes. The interesting thing is that Moozer didn't bring any of this up at all when he was pushing Lunatic, right? If you think someone has a super powerful legacy role when they get chopped and that's why you're pushing them, you could just... say that, right? Ask out loud to the thread "Hey so does it look like Lunatic is trying to get himself lynched to anyone else, does he have like a good legacy role or something?"

But everything Moozer was saying seemed to suggest he genuinely believed Lunatic was scum.
whiteflame's avatar
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I suppose, yes. The interesting thing is that Moozer didn't bring any of this up at all when he was pushing Lunatic, right? If you think someone has a super powerful legacy role when they get chopped and that's why you're pushing them, you could just... say that, right? Ask out loud to the thread "Hey so does it look like Lunatic is trying to get himself lynched to anyone else, does he have like a good legacy role or something?"

But everything Moozer was saying seemed to suggest he genuinely believed Lunatic was scum.
Yep, that's part of it as well. It was all just dropped on us in his first post in this DP.
whiteflame's avatar
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I'm not going to be quoting blocks of text anymore. I think our back-and-forth has gotten to the point where it's taken over the DP, so if you want to try and convince someone else to VTL me or get Casey to agree with you, then you're welcome to do so and I will claim. I won't respond to efforts to get me to out my claim until then.

You gave a nice list of games that conveniently left out the last one where I was scum and VTNL'd in the end (and it's certainly not a first for me to refuse to join a majority lynch on DP1), but the point that makes the least sense to me is this:

You take a game where there is a consequence for mafia to be part of the lunch and they are both no where near the lunch and you don’t find that somewhat scummy?
What I don't understand about this line of argumentation is that it applies both ways. Town has the ability to choose one of three numbers. Regardless of who is scum and whether they were on the lynch, one of those numbers leads to the consequence of town being given information about them. So, when you say there's a consequence for staying on the lynch, I agree... insofar as, if there had been two scum on the lynch, the majority would have given more information to town. Doesn't mean it was always bound to be that way. Unless you can foresee two town members guessing there were four people in this game who would guess at two scum, I don't see how that follows.

Again, you cut me off before I could join any wagon when I actively promised I would make a decision at a specific appointed time. Cerulean pointed it out, too. The fact that you actively prevented me from doing so, with full knowledge of when I'd be back, doesn't make me sus. I'm not framing you as quick hammering, I'm stating that you literally didn't give me a chance to post despite there being time to do so and my stating I would be back to post. Quick or not, your decision prevented me from posting, and now you're claiming that my not posting makes me sus.

If you want to sus me for not being with you on the Owen lynch, go ahead. I'm sure people would love to know why my not being on that mislynch makes me scummy. I didn't say that I townread Owen. I did say that his confirmable role was the only one on the table and he shouldn't have been eliminated DP1 without at least demonstrating it. I get that we just played a game where a confirmable role was town, that does not mean we should assume a confirmable role is scum.

If you want to sus me for wanting to no lynch over lynching Owen, something I literally did last game as town for similar reasons, then, please, explain how that works. I don't particularly care if you think it's anti-town. It's literally in my most recent town meta.

As for Pie, I'm not making excuses for him and I don't know why you'd ask me to.

I've said it before and I'll repeat it: I made clear where I wanted votes to go with my reads. When I made a push on him early, you scumread me for it. When I took off the vote, stated that he was my preferred lynch for the DP (recognizing that it was not a firm read isn't waffling, and the post ended with me saying "So, yes, Moozer is my choice among these four" - again, weird that you're leaving pieces out), and then went away for a little over an hour, you're right that I had not yet applied my vote to him again. And now you're scumreading me for that. To top it off, you keep ascribing different degrees of aggressiveness to what these two VTLs would be, and weirder still, you're treating the early vote on Moozer (which I never said was aiming for a lynch and outright stated was seeking his legacy role and clarification thereof) as more aggressive than joining a wagon to seek a lynch. I don't understand that logic at all.

Name a recent game where I have pursued you this hard as scum. I'll wait.
Chess Mafia. People are welcome to reread DP2. Yes, the mathematician claim was good. You didn't vote me in that DP, but you mounted a similarly charged defense.

Beyond that, it's just very strange to read some of your responses. You voted me first thing in this DP after I made a negative post about you. If that's not an OMGUS, I don't know what is (note: I haven't put a vote on you yet, and I've said my vote is going elsewhere, so where's my OMGUS again?). Pointing out you haven't trusted me from the start doesn't change that. Pointing out that your softclaim somehow makes you town just because it was a pseudo-CC is a minor point in your favor, but there's plenty else that pushes me the other way. TBH, I don't know why you claimed, but I'd read it as trying to get towncred.

Both you and pie backed off of Moozer AFTER I had called you out on it... And I am not frustrated that you didn't have a vote on him
I backed off Moozer after he claimed his legacy role and puzzled over it for a while (I literally stated my reasoning here), but sure, go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back for drawing attention away from him. You've directly said multiple times that part of the reason you're sussing me is that I didn't post a vote. And why yes, I did actually provide substantial reasoning for why I was sussing Moozer well before the end of the DP. Just because it was written with uncertainty doesn't mean it wasn't made at that time.

There hasn't been any recent games for you to show stubborness, because you haven't gotten this much pressure this early in recent games where you have been scum. This is new territory for you. 
Dude, people have pushed me for a claim in DP2 plenty, and I've given it as both town and scum. Where are you getting this? How is this new?

I'm sure you'll have plenty of responses. I could see a world in which you do all this and are town. That being said, there's so much out of context quoting here. You've taken to pointing out that I'm simultaneously so good at being scum that I can't be found out while stating all the ways that my behavior is scummy. You keep pointing to aspects of my behavior you think are scummy while ignoring the ways they clearly don't apply. I don't know if that's scummy, but it's weird and it's setting me off.
Moozer325's avatar
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Moozer325's avatar
Pretty busy right now, I’ll read all the wall posts when I get some free time. For now, I do want Whiteflame to claim. I want everyone’s role outed by the end of the DP, so I figured it’d better to catch people right off the bat.

Casey_Risk's avatar
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Casey_Risk's avatar
For now, I do want Whiteflame to claim. I want everyone’s role outed by the end of the DP, so I figured it’d better to catch people right off the bat.
Why do you want everyone to claim? 
AustinL0926's avatar
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AustinL0926's avatar
Vote count 2.4 (no change):

whiteflame (2/4): Luna, Banana

Go check out Admiral Cloudberg! I enjoy her incredibly in-depth articles about accidents, especially lesser-known ones. She does a good job of mixing technical details with clear and moving prose.

whiteflame's avatar
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If you want my claim, just tag me in your next post. 
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
VTL Moozer
Lunatic's avatar
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If Lunatic mentioned his activates upon getting lynched, then that might be a potential slip.
I never said anything about my legacy role ever. I really don't understand how it ever came into discussion
Moozer325's avatar
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I think it’s usually common that most claims are out by the end of the second day, barring some sort of innocent child or something. That’s just my experience though.
Moozer325's avatar
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Moozer325's avatar
I want you to claim now.