Trump just got Shot

Author: Owen_T


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WyIted's avatar
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When the Democratic governor of Michigan was saved by the FBI from a plot to kidnap her Trump joked about it.
It is a joke. In this particular instance it was a revers sting. Essentially they trucked some retards into doing something they never ever would have done without the FBI manipulating them into it. 

You can honestly go fuck yourself. I am a conservative and I would never do these things and the fact that you think we legitimately would is disturbing. No we don't want to kidnap or kill politicians. No we do not want to end democracy. 
DavidAZZ's avatar
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DavidAZZ's avatar
This is obviously a result of the Liberal and Media destructive rhetoric.  For years they have pushed the demonization of Trump, calling Trump Hitler, making him look like a sub-human, etc etc.  Now someone who is easily swayed and needing some attention is willing to do the "justice of the people".

We only have crazy eugenic loving (death), baby killing(death),  terrorist siding(death) liberals to blame for this.  They are the party of death and destruction and this is a clear example of their rhetoric.  It saddles right along with their beliefs.  If you don't think like we do, then you are worthless, bigots, ignorant, etc etc.  The list goes on and on about how conservatives should be eliminated and not left to our ideals.  They must come for our children (SF fags choir) instead of "live and let live".

Great job at preserving Democracy when you try to jail a political opponents and since that didn't work, try to kill him instead.  Democracy only counts as long as your side is the only voice that is heard.  Kind of like a catch 22, isn't it?
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
Finished his rally speech by telling the crowd to fight like hell or their not going to have a country anymore.
This is actually true though. However it doesn't seem reasonable to think storming the capital would work
It's irrelevant whether that was a reasonable assumption. The conversation here is about Trump's violent rhetoric and as I have laid out in detail, there is no coherent alternative explanation other than Trump's rhetoric being aimed at stoking violence in his behalf.

It doesn't matter how a reasonable person would react, that's the entire point of stochastic terrorism. You say things that you know will appeal to the unreasonable people within the group who are a statistical certainty to be there. Every public speaker understands this, please stop pretending Trump was unaware that some people among his followers would take his message to it's logical ends and act on it.

I would be more concerned with Nancy Pelosi refused. Maybe so she could form this false narrative. There is also footage showing capital officers letting protestors in and unlocking doors for the.. have you ever wondered why that would happen if not to set up a narrative?
This is all tin foil hat nonsense.

Trump never offered 10k troops to Nancy Pelosi, but he claims he did so either you accept that he's lying which calls into question why he would need to lie about something like that if his motives were pure, or he did offer those troops which speaks to his awareness of the threat as he repeatedly told the crowd to fight like hell.

This narrative that Pelosi refused the troops to set the stage for J6 is just stupid. Those troops would have been offered literally for her own protection, there are very few people who would have been more in danger if the protesters managed to get their physical hands on lawmakers. And that's setting aside the absurd disregard for Occam's razor to even suggest such a ridiculous plot.

The Capitol police began letting the protesters in after Congress had been evacuated because that was the only choice they had at that time. They were overpowered so the rational course of action at that point was to stand down to avoid further bloodshed. It was common sense, not conspiracy.

the middle of the speech surrounded by no supporting context he utters the words "peacefully and patriotically" make their voices heard.
So it seems pretty obvious that statement would not be here if he didn't want that to be the takeaway..
It's called a false exculpatory and anyone with an IQ above room temperature can figure out why someone would throw a line like that in there... Because they know cultists like you will use it to defend them. This is very much like when a mob boss tells you what a shame it would be of something happened to your family. No, that's not an expression of concern.

Moreover, you focus only on this one miniscule part of his speech and throw away not only every other word he uttered, but also everything he's said and done for the prior two months. 

Again, he uttered 13,000 words. I challenge you to pull up the transcript of that speech and see how long it takes you to find it, and while you're at it I dare you to search for a single sentence anywhere else in his speech aimed at cooling down the temperature of the crowd. It isn't there because that's not what he wanted. And the people who stormed the Capitol understood that.

I didn't go there to do that, so it wasn't my take away at all. 
Your personal takeaway is irrelevant.

Did anyone say we should assassinate Trump, or is that just the conclusion you came to regarding what the logical way to respond to that would be? 
Yes. Even directly saying it mtiple times.
Then you agree that telling people to come to a rally to fight like hell if they want to have a country after having a presidential election literally stolen from them... Does not mean... Peacefully make your voice heard.

Therefore, it is logical when two words out of a 13k word speech contradict everything else within that speech and said over the prior two months, to dismiss it as a false exculpatory aimed at pointing to it as an excuse when accused of orchastrating the violence that would ensue.

will be wild". Please tell me something... When the hell has a peaceful protest ever been described as "wild"?
I just got invited to a party where I was told it was going to be wild. We just drank beers and set off fireworks. When white people say wild we aren't saying it to mean murder politicians.
We're not talking about a college style party genius, we're talking about a political rally protesting the alleged theft of a presidential election.

Google the word "context"

Hillary Clinton had the same opinion. 
Tired, debunked, absurd, false equivalence.

Hilary Clinton argued Trump's victory was illegitimate, not that he didn't win.

Do you understand the difference between those two things.

It's his opinion that there were some unfair elements. 
"The election was rigged" is not a statement of opinion, it's a statement of fact. To substantiate statements of facts you need evidence. Not only does Trump not have any, he couldn't have possibly had any given that the votes hadn't even been counted yet by the time he started claiming it.

When all of the evidence supporting a claim comes out after the claim was made, it doesn't take a genius to see that it's all an ad hoc bullshit backwards rationalization to justify the original claim, which logically leads to a motive to use that claim for other purposes. This is all common sense.

You guys also literally called George Bush Hitler for years...

You also don't have the moral high ground here after the left was rioting for months
You aren't talking to "the left". You're talking to a real person with real thoughts and opinions. I never called Bush Hitler, I wasn't even paying attention to politics then. I did not support the riots and have never defended them.

Stop deflecting with irrelevant nonsense. You can either defend your position or you can't.
Reece101's avatar
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Let’s play a game. Which is the real Trump quote?

Wylted, this goes for you too. The mentions say you’re not active.

1. “Do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,”

2. “They let — I think the real number is 15, 16 million people into our country. When they do that, we got a lot of work to do. They’re poisoning the blood of our country,”

3. “We’ll stand up to crazy Nancy Pelosi, who ruined San Francisco — how’s her husband doing, anybody know?”

Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
This is obviously a result of the Liberal and Media destructive rhetoric.  For years they have pushed the demonization of Trump, calling Trump Hitler, making him look like a sub-human, etc etc.  Now someone who is easily swayed and needing some attention is willing to do the "justice of the people".
Remind me how the political right reacted when a deranged Trump sycophant tried to assassinate the speaker of the house and ended up almost killing her husband by striking him in the head with a hammer. I'll wait.

Remind me which political candidate posted a video online of his opponent being hogtied to the back of a pick up truck.

Remind me which candidate is pledging to pardon and release the people who stormed the US Capitol on January 6th.

Great job at preserving Democracy when you try to jail a political opponents
Trump is being prosecuted because he committed clear and obvious crimes. That's how the rule of law works. The way it doesn't work is to declare Trump immune because he's running for president, at least not to any halfway thinking rational person.

Democracy only counts as long as your side is the only voice that is heard.  Kind of like a catch 22, isn't it?
It is, we agree. So let's see what your candidate had to say about this...

"The only way we’re going to lose this election is if the election is rigged"

Looks like you're preaching to the wrong crowd.
DavidAZZ's avatar
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Let’s play a game. Which is the real Trump quote?
Probably all three, but what is your point?

Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
Let’s play a game. Which is the real Trump quote?
They're going to be so angry when they find out since they really hate dangerous political rhetoric.
DavidAZZ's avatar
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Ah!  Double-R, the master hair splitter.

There is obviously political rhetoric on both sides.  Find me some headlines with the liberal media and Hollywood bashing Trump and we can talk.  Also, keep in mind, Biden has not been shot, it was Trump, so the mindset of America's idiots are blatantly being trained by the liberal media.

You are no dummy.  Tell me that the Stormy trail was not political theater.  You know it was.  Made up charges somehow tied to federal charges and over 30 of them for one transaction and tied to an unnamed crime.  Are you really that ignorant to the political theater?  You probably think that Biden had a cold on the debate a few weeks ago too.

You don't think that there people who rig elections?  Are you a child?  Do you not think that there is real power being thrown around?

I'm just so baffled at your attempt to discredit everything that is being said  when it was obvious that your media covered for Biden's dementia for YEARS!  You are smarter than this.  If they lied to you for years about Biden, what else do you think you swallowed from their mouths?

This is clear that there are some people in power that doesn't like Trump.  This is the very reason that I will vote for him, adulterer or not, fraud believer or not.  The swamp doesn't want him, that means I do.
DavidAZZ's avatar
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They're going to be so angry when they find out since they really hate dangerous political rhetoric.
You are such an extremist and your horns are holding up your halo.  You are okay with it because it was Trump that got shot.  

Double_R's avatar
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There is obviously political rhetoric on both sides.
Yes there is, but there is no equivolence between the dangerous and absurd things Trump says regularly vs the things any prominent democrats say.

I gave you three examples, there are plenty more. Find me one example of one prominent democrat anywhere saying anything relatively close to any of those for which they were not immediately castigated by the rest of their party. I'll wait.

Also, keep in mind, Biden has not been shot, it was Trump, so the mindset of America's idiots are blatantly being trained by the liberal media.
The mindset of America isn't determined by one deranged 20 year old.

Tell me that the Stormy trail was not political theater.  You know it was.  Made up charges somehow tied to federal charges
I argued the stormy trial in detail here. You are more than welcome to jump into the conversation. Starts well before this post and much before it would be missed, but it's a good 'cut to the end' post if that's all you'd care for.

You don't think that there people who rig elections?
I think there is no evidence to support the claim that the election was stolen. You are free to provide some. If you could you'd be the first.

I'm just so baffled at your attempt to discredit everything that is being said  when it was obvious that your media covered for Biden's dementia for YEARS!
You appear to be baffled about me saying things I never said. Please provide the example of me discrediting "everything that is being said" which is true.

This is clear that there are some people in power that doesn't like Trump.  This is the very reason that I will vote for him, adulterer or not, fraud believer or not.
Which just goes to show why this country is so screwed.

Your standards for whom you will vote for is not who has the best policies, not who is the most qualified, not who is the best representative to protect our country's values, but the guy whom the powerful hate the most. To you politics is just a reality TV show so your guy is the one who will get the best ratings.

God help us all.
Double_R's avatar
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You are okay with it because it was Trump that got shot.  
I never argued or implied anything like this, you are arguing with the Double_R you invented in your own mind.

One of the reasons I so passionately oppose Trump is because of his weaponization of violent rhetoric. What is absolutely disgusting to watch here are all of the right wingers who have had no issue with it while we have been screaming from the mountaintops about it for years to now all of a sudden be so concerned when it finally happens to their guy. Hypocrisy doesn't even describe it. It's beyond stupid, it's insulting and at the same time downright frustrating because I know that so many idiots out there will buy into it and vote based on it. I used to think we were better than this, but unfortunately way too many of us are not.
DavidAZZ's avatar
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Your standards for whom you will vote for is not who has the best policies, not who is the most qualified, not who is the best representative to protect our country's values, but the guy whom the powerful hate the most. To you politics is just a reality TV show so your guy is the one who will get the best ratings.
Not my only standard obviously, but if you think Trump is more qualified than a dementia guy, then really your standards are pretty low.

Trump is a change to the status-quo.  I don't agree with Trump's actions, morals, etc, 

Double_R's avatar
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if you think Trump is more qualified than a dementia guy, then really your standards are pretty low.
Not sure exactly what you meant to say, this makes no sense. Trump has on multiple occasions thought he was running against Obama and thought Nikki Haley was in charge of Capitol security, just to name a few, so he's not exactly all there either.

But even if we were to set all of that to the side and accept that Biden has completely lost it while Trump is as sharp as a tack, Trump is still orders of magnitude worse. I'd rather have someone who is too weak to effectively defend American democracy than someone who is actively seeking to destroy it. Voting for Trump because he is strong without regard for what he is trying to do is like firing the security guard of your jewelry store because he keeps falling asleep and replacing him with a convicted bank robber.
DavidAZZ's avatar
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Not sure exactly what you meant to say, this makes no sense. 
Crap!  I meant to say less qualified.  Oops! 

But even if we were to set all of that to the side and accept that Biden has completely lost it while Trump is as sharp as a tack, Trump is still orders of magnitude worse. I'd rather have someone who is too weak to effectively defend American democracy than someone who is actively seeking to destroy it. Voting for Trump because he is strong without regard for what he is trying to do is like firing the security guard of your jewelry store because he keeps falling asleep and replacing him with a convicted bank robber.
Great analogy, but it will be impossible to have "democracy" destroyed with all the checks and balances set in place.  I would be more worried about how our enemies sees a dementia rattled man as a leader of the free world.

Are you setting the "destruction of democracy" in regards to Jan 6 or the 2025 project?  Or is it "Orange man bad" so like a hammer, everything looks like a nail?

Double_R's avatar
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Are you setting the "destruction of democracy" in regards to Jan 6 or the 2025 project?
Both. January 6th showed us what Trump was capable of, project 2025 shows us what Trump will do and more importantly how he will accomplish it.

I could talk about January 6th at length and have on this site many times, but if I had to narrow it down to two words it would be: 187 minutes. There is no plausible rational argument to be made that the violence that erupted was not exactly what Trump wanted when he, as commander in chief, was somehow both MIA and sitting right there in the WH dining room watching the entire thing play out on TV.

Project 2025 has gotten a lot of attention due to some of the more salacious and absurd ideas within it, like banning porn. Those are attention grabbers but that's not what makes it so significant. What makes it significant is schedule F and the fact that they are already vetting people to take the positions they plan to open up.

What we have all (including Trump) learned through 4 years of his presidency is just how fragile our democracy really is with the wrong people in charge. No matter how absurd and frankly un-American Trump's impulses were no one was really scared because we all knew we had institutions in place to keep him in check. The problem is that those institutions are only as good as the people running them.

In the beginning Trump had no idea what he was doing, he admitted that he didn't even know what NATO was till after he got elected. So naturally, he had to surround himself with people who knew how government was supposed to work. But those individuals would constantly get in his way because they actually cared about the constitution. Those "anynomous" op eds are a perfect example of this.

As we look back at the 4 years of his term you see a gradual backslide to him putting people in place who's main qualification wasn't experience or subject matter competence like before, but loyalty to him personally. The culmination of this is Jeffrey Clark, whom Trump tried to install as his acting attorney general despite being deeply unqualified. The only reason Trump wanted to put him in was because he was the only one willing to go along with Trump's attempt to use the justice department to steal the election. So what stopped him? All of the senior officials within the department threatened to resign in protest.

You see back then, this was a threat to Trump. In the political climate Trump has cultivated since through January 6th, his ridiculous claims that Biden weaponized the DOJ, the recent absolute immunity SC ruling, and now, this assassination attempt on him... That is laughable as a deterrent.

Trump is not the same person he was in 2016. Back then he really thought he would ride into Washington and walk out a beloved hero who did such a great job. That Trump was hopeful and didn't realize the power he had. The person running at the top of the ticket today is nothing like that. This Trump has given up entirely on those ideas, and is instead full of anger and wants nothing but retribution. But most concerning, is that this Trump knows now how to accomplish his worst impulses and most importantly... Will have the sycophants in place to make it happen.

The next time Trump tells his DOJ to seize voting machines there will not be seasoned experienced officials who have served for both republicans and democrats telling him no. Next time it will be a room full of people who's only credential is loyalty to Trump.

The constitution in the end is nothing more than piece of paper. It takes the people in charge to interpret and enforce it. Put the wrong people in charge and that piece of paper can be thrown in the trash. This is what Trump has figured out, and now he has nearly half the country behind his effort to rewrite it. 2016 and 2024 are not the same.
TheUnderdog's avatar
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You just don't see this shit from Republicans. This is dnagerous rhetoric from the left causing this
Does, "Hang Mike Pence" sound familiar?

But there is a difference between killing an innocent person known to be innocent and killing a murderer.  So I'm more upset with, "Hang Mike Pence" than I am with the shooter.

Trump can do no wrong to you, so you won't critisize him.  I'm merely virtue signaling to anyone not in the MAGA cult (the majority).
DavidAZZ's avatar
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Wow.  Well said! 

Either way, I don't see it in that light but probably because I support Trump and I don't gobble up the media narrative.  I guess November and the year 2025 will tell.

I still think the media has hyped up the "Destruction of Democracy". 
Double_R's avatar
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Either way, I don't see it in that light but probably because I support Trump and I don't gobble up the media narrative.
It's not about gobbling up any narrative being fed to you, it's about recognizing facts and then connecting the dots.

I just laid out the case from A to Z. Is there any part that you dispute on factual grounds, and if not, what part of what I said does not logically connect?

I still think the media has hyped up the "Destruction of Democracy". 
It's a mistake to think of the threat to democracy narrative as some kind of watershed moment where we go to bed a democracy and wake up a dictatorship. With that expectation of course the narrative you are thinking of will be wrong.

Trump has already done tremendous damage to our democratic institutions, another Trump term will continue that decline and I believe will supercharge the pace.

This video gives a good insight into what I'm talking about if you'd care to learn more about where I'm coming from. It is a bit dated but still clarifying. And especially take note of the tone of this video, it's remarkable - you can really see how much further in the wrong direction we've gone just by how benign these examples feel by today's standards.
DavidAZZ's avatar
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I just laid out the case from A to Z. Is there any part that you dispute on factual grounds, and if not, what part of what I said does not logically connect?
I will concede to this argument as I do not have enough time or knowledge on this topic to refute your case.  It was laid out very well and I hope it's not the case because then we are all screwed no matter who we vote to be president.

I watched the video and it gives basic parallels, but nothing really defining.

Can you expand on the schedule F from the 2025 project?

Double_R's avatar
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Can you expand on the schedule F from the 2025 project?
Schedule F is an executive order Trump signed towards the end of his administration which Biden immediately reversed. Project 2025 calls for Trump to reinstate it while providing the apparatus for Trump to maximize it's impact.

The way our government is currently structured, the executives within it's many agencies report to the president, so the president can fire any of them at will. This goes down a few lawyers, these individuals are normally referred to as "political appointees". They're the positions every administration must fill at the beginning of each term.

The people who work under them are what we call "civil servants". These are the people who are not appointed, they are in their positions because they are subject matter experts and serve through multiple administrations. Think of the scientists who work at the FDA, or prosecutors that work for the DOJ. These people do not report to the president so he can't just fire them, he would have to order his political appointees to fire them and fire his political appointees if they refuse.

The reason the government is set up this way is to add a layer of protection to our civil servants. These are the people who know what they're doing and are notoriously apolitical, so we do not want these people to be subject to the political whims of the day. By protecting them, a president who is trying to get them fired for the wrong reasons would have to go through multiple layers likely gaining massive negative public attention. Think of Richard Nixon and the Saturday night massacre.

What schedule F does is reclassify these people such so that Trump can fire them directly without jumping through any hoops. So if a prosecutor for example wants to investigate a shady deal Don Jr. was involved in, or if Trump wants fake charges pressed against Hilary Clinton, Trump can just fire them himself if they don't act according to his will without jumping through any hoops.

The only reason any president would do this is so that he could gain total control over every element of our government. So next time he wants to argue that he was right about the trajectory of a hurricane he won't have to draw on a map with a sharpie, this time he'll be able to call up the national weather service and tell them to re-project the hurricane's path to meet whatever he claimed it was.

The result of this a serious degradation of public trust in all of our institutions, so next time we're told a medication is safe and the are political implications, we'll all have to worry if that's coming from the doctors involved or if they're just saying whatever Trump wants them to say.

But what project 2025 calls for goes even deeper. It's plan is to automatically fire nearly every civil servant in the government and replace them with pre-vetted candidates. Basically, what they're doing is interviewing an army of people right now to fill all those positions, their primary qualification being loyalty to Trump.

Essentially, Schedule F is the lesson Trump learned in his first term that he will be correcting in his second. I'm not exaggerating when I say there will be no more adults in the room. In 2016 a slew of Trump sycophants staffing the federal government was a pipe dream, now it's a documented plan backed by some of the largest right wing groups in the country. It's literal point is to get rid of all the guard rails people like yourself seem to think will protect us because it did last time.

I also think it's worth pointing out, what's driving this is really all those "deep state" conspiracy theories. Like any conspiracy theory, they're almost always based on a nugget of truth. Trump was stifled the first time because there are a lot of people in the federal government fighting back against his agenda. Where they get it wrong is that it's not a bunch of politically biased liberals who just hate Trump. It's people who have been in their fields for many years and know what they're doing so they understand how batshit crazy Trump's impulses are. When Trump said to shoot protesters in the leg, these are the people who said "no we can't do that" because unlike Trump they know better. These are the people Project 2025 calls on to replace.

I hope it's not the case because then we are all screwed no matter who we vote to be president.
That's just not true. No matter how old and scenile you think Biden is there is nothing on his agenda that even compares to this. The fact that Biden reversed this order goes to show the massive disparity between what these two men value.

We can get through 4 years of bad policy and/or incompetence, we cannot get through a president taking a wrecking ball to everything we have spent centuries building.
Reece101's avatar
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Things we know about the shooter:

  1. He donated to a scam progressive pact, by accident or on purpose.
  2. He was a registered Republican and voted republican for 2 years prior to his death
  3. Statements from his old school peers say he was a loner, got bullied, often wore camo, wore a face mask even after the covid pandemic cooled down, and he had conservative inclinations. 
  4. He got kicked off his schools rifle club due to his bad handling of rifles
  5. Day of the shooting he wore an apolitical gun youtuber t-shirt. 
  6. Neighbours say his parent’s house where he was staying had MAGA signs on their front yard.
  7. His dad is a libertarian conservative with a bunch of guns, which his son used one of to carry out the shooting. 
  8. Pipe bombs were found in the shooters car right after his death. 

Potential motives:

  • He had deep seated anger that he had from school.
  • He wanted to prove he had a good aim. 
  • He was a conservative accelerationist. 

Anyone else got better ideas for motives?

DavidAZZ's avatar
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DavidAZZ's avatar
Anyone else got better ideas for motives?
Maybe his parents were so caught up in the MAGA movement that they had no time for him.  So he wanted to destroy the MAGA King.

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We can get through 4 years of bad policy and/or incompetence, we cannot get through a president taking a wrecking ball to everything we have spent centuries building.
I'm not referring to which man is better.  I am referring to us being screwed because each side is becoming more and more polarized, demanding that the other side see it their way or else.

Bad news and a likely civil war coming soon.  I feel the USA is a tinder box ready to explode.

Double_R's avatar
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Bad news and a likely civil war coming soon.  I feel the USA is a tinder box ready to explode.
I agree generally, and I believe Trump is primarily responsible. Trumpism doesn't survive without Trump, once he is no longer driving out politics only then do we have a chance to rebuild.
Double_R's avatar
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Maybe his parents were so caught up in the MAGA movement that they had no time for him.  So he wanted to destroy the MAGA King.
I actually think you might be very close. We know the kid was bullied, so it's very likely he just wanted to do something that would make him feel bigger than everyone else.
ebuc's avatar
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O_T.....Obviously not great. Thankfully, he's fine. So, what are your thoughts?

There is no place of political violence in USA or other.

Apparrently the Jan 6th insurrectionist didnt get the memo. Maybe Trumpet sent the memo to incorrect addresses, or, maybe he ask Gulliano to cover that task.

Trumpet has 60 million cult followers willing to do his false narrative bidding. 

Best some of you grab some of the pudding by the crotch before the truest followers get all of it first. Just saying, grab it when the time is right.

Forget about bodily autonomy for women. Many Republican women apparrently may forgot that a long time ago. Do what their husbands say or face wrath of their imaginary allegiance to Evangelical Bible court.

DavidAZZ's avatar
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Trumpism doesn't survive without Trump, once he is no longer driving out politics only then do we have a chance to rebuild.
True to an extent.  He wouldn't have such a following if it didn't resonate with the people.  If he were looney, then he would have only nuts as his following, but since majority of the right is on Trump's side, I think Trump was more of a spark plug to the MAGA engine.

Tidycraft's avatar
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I thought it was funny when Trump endorsed Biden for the presidency in his speech. Don't you?
ebuc's avatar
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  If he were looney, then he would have only nuts as his following, but since majority of the right is on Trump's side, I think Trump was more of a spark plug to the MAGA engine.

A majority of loonies in Republican party. Surely you jest Mr Feynman. 

Loonies who support grabbing pudding by the crotch before their eating the pudding, is not loony in their minds. And this includes the nutter evangelicals supporting the Trumpet horn of repeated false narrative's.

This goes back to Trumpets claiming Obama is not a USA citizen, and now 140 people who worked for Trumpet are behind the Project 25 to show a birth certificate along with a 2ndary proof of USA citizenship.   This is all about trying to ...' make america white again '...movement. 

Voter fraud is rare and Project 25 loonies know this.  Both Carl Sagan  and Bucky Fuller { 1981 }  made comments that humanity is moving into a new dark age, or as Fuller put it, were already in a new Dark Age
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Double_R's avatar
He wouldn't have such a following if it didn't resonate with the people.  If he were looney, then he would have only nuts as his following, but since majority of the right is on Trump's side, I think Trump was more of a spark plug to the MAGA engine.
I'm not arguing that Trump is creating the frustration many on the right are feeling, I just believe those frustrations are wrongheaded and any good faith intelligent conversation would expose that. But Trump is not bound by the political laws of physics, so he gets to say absurd things and it does nothing to him, allowing him to point that anger in all sorts of directions that are extremely harmful because they're disconnected from reality.

The way I see it, the issue undergirding all of our political frustrations is the natural evolution of capitalism and it's role in consolidating wealth to an increasingly tiny minority. This is destroying the middle class and making us all feel like the America we were taught was so great feel like a fading dream. The question is why is this happening and what can we do about it?

This is where Trump's blaming of everyone from immigrants to lazy homeless people to drug cartels to elites to those trans people coming for your children all comes in. Anger is a natural human emotion. It can be the most useful emotion we feel but the problem with it is that it needs a target. Trump provides that Target and because for some reason he isn't bound to reality like the rest of us he gets away with sending his troops to fight battles that don't exist or have nothing to do with the issues at hand.

While a sightly different take, this is a great video on Tucker Carlson and how he also plays into the phenomenon I am describing.