Okay, there is a long list of sins, so lets start.
Lets start with 7 basic sins, then we move on to others.
1. Lust
This sin is easy to commit. In fact, anyone watching porn has already committed it. Anyone checking out girls all the time, especially married ones, has already committed it. I do like to masturbate.
2. Gluttony
I like eating and drinking a lot.
3. Greed
Greed is simply wanting to have a lot of money. I want to have a lot of money, and I also want to have lots of everything that feels good.
4. Sloth
I am very lazy. I prefer to avoid work.
5. Wrath
I am very angry and I get upset easily. Basically anyone committing the smallest mistake causes my wrath.
6. Envy
I envy a lot. Especially when I see people who have good big dicks and my dick isnt even average. I also envy those who have power. I should have more power than them.
7. Pride
I am very proud of myself. I consider myself the greatest possible achievement under the circumstances where no one else could have done better.
Now when we have covered 7 basic sins, lets move on to others.
8. Disobedience
Religion teaches you to be obedient to authority, to parents...ect. However, I prefer to disobey when people want me to do something I dont like.
9. Swearing
Fuck God, fuck this, fuck that...
10. Lying
I do lie a lot. I sometimes lie so well that even I start believing my own lies.
11. Adultery
Jesus said that you can commit this sin by lusting after a woman. So yeah, it can be done by watching porn or checking out married women.
12. Idolatry
Okay, I commit this sin because Lucifer is my idol.
13. Animism
I do like to worship spirits too, as well as demons.
14. Polytheism
I worship many Gods. I think that increases the chances of getting help from them. I even pray to Lucifer and Jesus at the same time.
15. Draconian
This means excessive revenge. I dont believe in eye for eye. No, if someone makes me lose an eye, I will not be satisfied with him just losing an eye.
16. Indulgence
Moderation is not a sin. Thats why I do indulgence, opposite of moderation. I overdo things. Its a sin.
17. Excessive and exaggerate in everything
I dont do anything in moderation. If I sleep, I sleep for 10 hours, not 8.
18. Filth and mess
I do sometimes live in filth. I dont exactly prefer to clean and wash myself all the time.
19. Removal of pain
Okay, this one might not sound like a sin, but it actually is. Christians expect you to live in pain if thats what it takes to live a "Christian life".
20. Pile up wealth
This one is simple. Just be greedy and pile up money.
21. Cheat and trick
I do like to trick people. Sometimes I even make people believe I am on their side when I couldnt be further from it.
22. Homosexuality
I am still virgin, but watching gay porn commits this sin.
23. Steal
I do think that we should tax the rich and take their wealth.
24. Gossip
Well, this one I commit by talking bad about people.
25. Start conflict
I do like to fight other people.
26. Pull out
God commands you to multiply. Thats why I dont multiply.
27. Expensive things
I do like expensive things. Like, I am all for helping the poor, but it shouldnt be at my expense.
28. Make others fear you
I often act in confusing and unpredictable matter to make people be always uncertain about me.
29. Make others feel guilty
I like blaming everyone for my mistakes.
For example, nothing I do is my fault because I was circumcised and my body was violated, damaging my brain and making me free from any responsibility for anything in life.
30. Complain a lot
I do like complaining about everything thats not perfect, and nothing is perfect.
31. Never be satisfied
I am never satisfied and always want more.
32. Curse a lot
I do like wishing others bad.
33. Always revenge, never forgive, never forget
I never forgive anything. Forgiveness is for pussies who are afraid to take revenge.
34. Hostility, not kindness
I hate everyone.
35. Do not help
I usually wouldnt help people unless it benefits me.
36. Arrogance
I am very arrogant, obviously.
37. Dont give charity
I usually dont give to charity.
38. Bitterness
I am always bitter because I hate the world.
39. Blasphemy
I have no respect for anything people call holy. I could poop on the Bible.
40. Boasting
I like to exaggerate my achievements. Like, if I am better at something than you, expect me to rub it in your face.
41. Being deceitful
I do like to present myself as something I am not. I have many faces.
42. Disrespecting parents
I dont respect my parents at all. Like, they started this when they gave birth to me.
43. Desiring praise
I do like when people praise me. I think people should praise me all the time.
44. Division
I prefer division in society, as opposed to unity.
45. Drunkenness
Being drunk helps me forget that I hate the world. For a moment, it seems like the world stops existing as it is.
46. Effeminacy
I like acting like a girl sometimes. I even like pretending to be a girl.
47. Hatred
I hate everything, obviously.
48. No love
I really dont want to love anything or anyone. Why love when you can hate them instead?
49. Impurity
I would hate being pure. I am not an angel. Angels are gay.
50. Malice
I do like to see when people have problems. Like, deep in my heart I know they deserved it.
51. Sorcery
I did try sorcery to give myself power. Not sure if it worked.
52. Anti-truth
I hate telling the truth. Truth is ugly.
53. Insults
I like insulting people.
54. Pleasure
I do like pleasure more than God.
55. Offering soul to Lucifer
I have invited Lucifer to claim my soul. As long as I am happy, I dont care what happens to my soul.
56. Being hypocrite
I always expect people to do more than I personally would.
57. Spilling seed
I do like to masturbate a lot
58. Sin of killing
I say that abortion and euthanasia should be legal. Both of these are sins according to Christians. Christians think euthanasia kills people, as well as abortion.
59. Say God's name in vain
Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus fuck him
60. Fortune telling
I do try to predict my future using fortune telling apps.
61. Seeking power
I think I deserve power. People should do exactly what I want them to.
62. Breaking rules
I do not have much respect for any rules.
63. Excessive mirroring of opponent
If someone hits me once, I hit him 1 million times.
64. Dishonor others
I do like to bring others dishonor.
65. No balance
There is no balance. There is power, and those too weak to obtain it.
66. Doing favors to those in power
If someone has power, I might help him so that later I get favor.