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some practice for MisterChris
Woodrow Wilson was NOT a good president.
Democrats are concerned with redistributing wealth to the poor, while Republicans preserve profits for large corporations.
Abortion should be a basic right because every individual deserves autonomy over their own body and the freedom to make personal healthcare decisions without political or societal interference.
I know it may sound controversial, but try to change my mind.
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God: a perfectly good, omnipotent and omniscient being that created the universe. Please note that neither side has to prove that god is real or not, you just have to make a case that your side is more probable than the other.
I think it's flawed; the idea of keeping everything the same as it was specifically when YOU were younger is going against the way societies work.
Cyber piracy
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anyone is welcome to challenge me
Let’s have fun with this one!
The Beatles are the best music group
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