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Total debates: 3,620
May the best debater win :)
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I (kouen) will argue that the USA can't try to invade China and succeed(less than 50% chance) while the opponent will argue that if the USA tries to invade China, USA is likely(higher than 50% chance) to succeed. "Succeed" being : USA captures Beijing/Peking (the capital)
Dont accept if your not Best.Korea
I (Kouen) will defend that professional athletes are not overpaid, while the opponent will defend that professional athletes are overpaid
Young Earth Creationism is the view that God specifically created everything in 6 24-hour days less then 10,000 years ago. I will instead be arguing from a Christian perspective that the world is much older then that, and had a different mode of creation, mainly the accepted forms of evolution.
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Hi my name is Richard, I personally think white privilege does not exist.
I (Kouen) will argue that war can be justified in multiple instances (at least two). The opponent will argue in favor of war never being justified.
Hulk hogan should apologize and be held responsible for his attack on the twin towers.
I argue that chess is a sport while the opponent argues that chess isn't a sport
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In the holy book of Islam named the Qur‘an, it is said that Homosexuality is a sin. But why are there „queer Muslims“ ? Let’s find out
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