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Nordic nations are not all the same but yet have common traits, this is the ideal system
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WE should stay out of the dispute between Hong kong and red china
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I have always had my doubts but wished for it to be true Hve we been visited long ago by if not green men then maybe purple women?
Morphic fields control form and behavior of everything from subatomic particles to animal behavior
Americans are less free than other industrial nations
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china is on the rise we are sinking its only a matter of time till the red Chinese take over the world
Should a college give immunity to a rape/sexual assault victim, even when the victim has engaged in illegal activities? Let's talk about it!
Standard of living indicates the income of a nation how much stuff people in that nation have quality of life is more esoteric a less rich nation can still be a better place if it is safe, if it offers education and health care at affordable prices good housing etc you can live a good life with less
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