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BOP: Prove that a creature without self awareness can suffer.
Pro- Argues why being a night person is better Con- Argues why being a morning person is better
is the justice system racist or not. i say no so let's talk
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There is no evidence for a god of any kind and therefore we have no reason to believe in one.
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Rationality is not the centre of human nature
It has been difficult to get this debate off the ground. Previous debates had Proponents that did not want to provide what they feel as proof of the existence of god. I'll try again - making it more correct for those who seem to not understand or want to argue the declaration instead of the topic. Does God exists?
Death is moment not eternity
Just want to start a discussion about the existance of god. If things go well and I find good debaters would like to have a talk with them on Youtube.
This debate is about abortion and if it should be legal or not.
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