Instigator / Pro

Which 12 year old would win in a fight: Aang or Naruto.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

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Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 3 votes and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

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Time for argument
One week
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
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Contender / Con

Morals are off for both characters, and they start with no knowledge of each other. Both combatants are completely rested, healed and equiped with their normal gear.

The battlefield is the valley where Sasuke and Naruto had their big fights. They start on their own statue with the waterfall in between them.

PRO: Aang
CON: Naruto

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

My previous vote and addendums may be found in the comment section at and around:


Due to having not covered much of durability, adding that in...

"since he is an Uzumaki and Jinchuriki"
Pretty sure I commended on this already... A statement like this doesn't mean anything to a lay person, and voters are supposed to act like they are lay persons.

I don't much care for ultimate powers (if either loses they have a power which takes over and kills the other). Those things being employed as pro points out (well one sided points out), is a draw at best (and at least for Naruto it might also kill him if he uses it). Was of course wise to point out that Kurama is apparently not mastered until after episode 300; much like how con tried to argue Aang couldn't use fire (avatar state I'm unclear on).

"'burning straight up ignores durability'"
This is a pet peeve of mine, while the words are close, that's not a real direct quote. Misquoting to that degree pulls attention to the actual wrote: "The Avatar also has many non-kinetic ways to end Naruto, like drowning, burning, asphyxiation and immobilization, all of which straight up ignore durability"
Not to mention, trying so hard to dismiss his fire powers, implicitly says Naruto is weak against them. Likewise for trying to shift focus off of those other non-kinetic attacks.

Needles, Kunais, and I don't know what else are able to harm Naruto as normal (Kunai was defended because the guy holding it was exceptional; still, normal iron or whatever it's made of). This really goes back to my expectations that both are physically human except when questionable writing takes over.

Speaking of kunais... Naruto is a ninja, for whom throwing weapons are a key thing... Yet it's pro who lists Naruto's skills there. Those are a ninjas best ways to counter Aang maintaining distance with his wind powers (while such also reduces ranged weapon effectiveness, I'm sure there's plenty of examples of Naruto aiming well during storms). Naruto at some point on the show has super long arms (not certain when he gains that power). Chakra arms are Naruto's one ranged attack, and they aren't defended as being good when lines of reasoning are made to suggest their ineffectiveness.


Plus again, it wasn't clear to me what Naturo's powers are within this debate. Something about he collects fox tails, and the fox tails are sometimes toads, and that lets turn himself into any inanimate objects and him make 1000 clones of himself (seriously?)... Need I go on? Whereas Aang can manipulate X, Y, and Z (elements), and those counter G, H, and I from Naruto. During any debate, if the other side does better representing your side, it's going to be an uphill battle.


So in conclusion, I'm left with the impression that Naruto doesn't have the winning combination to defeat Aang, especially with the range problem. Whereas Aang stands a decent chance against Naruto, especially with the power supply advantage. This isn't a conclusive Aang will win 10 out of 10 fights; more like two thirds or three fifths of the time when discounting draws (of which there'd be plenty).

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

I believe that Benjamin *should have* won this but failed to address the core of the issue: age. He left numerous arguments by baggins about age on the table and conceded a full 70 episodes of aging without a word. On the other hand, baggins made this a big part of his argument and, although the claims are dubious, they are unanswered by PRO and thus must be considered as real according to PRO.

Based on age, Aang has received little to no training and would be easily brought into avatar mode, which, as stated in CON’s argument, is not as powerful as it seems on the surface. On the other hand, Naruto has significantly progressed and the power of the full nine tails is insane in comparison. As noted by CON, the power levels majorly differ between the series and it is clear that in Naruto there are more powerful characters. As Naruto is the main character, he is one of the most powerful characters in the series as well. His true power is more innate (the nine tails) whereas Aang needs to train hard to learn many different bending types and power up.

If the timeline works according to what was argued, Aang is simply not well-trained enough and underpowered while Naruto has undergone serious training and still has more innate power. Furthermore, Naruto is so durable that Aang's chances are minimal. Therefore, I believe that CON wins in arguments.

Sources are tied because although there were some minor imbalances it is not enough to give the point to either side. Conduct and legibility were balanced as well.

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

Good points made by both sides, though I think there should have been more of a shared set of knowledge about these two fighters up front. Would've made this more focused and, potentially, introduced more opportunities to make the fight a bit more even. Tl;dr: Aang just has a bigger set of tools at his disposal and it's unlikely that Naruto's strength and durability would be enough to secure him the win.