Instigator / Pro

Which 12 year old would win in a fight: Aang or Naruto.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 3 votes and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
One week
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Minimal rating
Contender / Con

Morals are off for both characters, and they start with no knowledge of each other. Both combatants are completely rested, healed and equiped with their normal gear.

The battlefield is the valley where Sasuke and Naruto had their big fights. They start on their own statue with the waterfall in between them.

PRO: Aang
CON: Naruto


Im just not sure that Pain=12yo Aang. That could be a separate debate


1.okay lets see, I have never argued for perfect jinchuriki powers that obviously come at the end of the war (sorry i know you dont know what war im talking about). I have argued for powers that kurama can give naruto at any time and powers that have been seen in the og show. I have argued for speed, durability, healing factors, chakra hands and power (all shown in the debate with sources and with naruto being 1 tail) .I never brought up perfect jinchuriki, only jinchuriki. My point about fire and the age was that Aang in his base mode did not master fire yet so he cannot use it in the beginning to just burn Naruto as PRO mentioned. Then after that I acknowledged that in AS Aang can use firebending but I provided sources to why I think Naruto will tank most of the fire attacks.

2.”his buddy shows up?” His buddy never left. Thats strawman but unfortunately Kurama is a part of Naruto and his powers are too so thats not a separate individual fighting Aang. Its still Naruto boosted by his character powers. And yes if Naruto dies and Kurama revives him DURING (not later) the fight is not over. Avatar State cannot revive Aang if he dies (idk where you got that from either, Aang literally died in AS and AS did not save him). If after the battle Naruto dies from battle damage that does not mean he did not win the battle. If i go in the ring to fight anybody and win but later on die from brain damage I still won the boxing match. Also please dont put in your definition of victory that PRO never used. How many times someone dies is irrelevant if he keeps coming back until he wins. Im not saying Naruto will keep coming back forever Im just commenting on your weird definition of victory. no again,,,… what kind of biases broo I said general knowledge FOR BOTH shows… naruto being able to create hundreds of clones is shown in the freaking first or second episode of the og naruto… like sorry I assumed the people voting on an aang vs naruto debate will have at least some basic information about who naruto and aang are.. Good thing you have watched Avatar at least because you would have said something stupid about Aang too like: “oh idk what aang can do … some kind of circus acrobat that bends over and has magic water and air idk (seriously???)”


Have you seen the Pain vs Naruto fight? At the end, Pain encases himself in a small earth box and traps the 6-tailed Naruto in a rock sphere, which Naruto needed 8 tails to break out of. I am fairly certain that Aang in the avatar state could do something similar. The first Avatar, Wang, was able to confine Vatuu, a powerfull evil spirit comparable to multi-tailed beasts, in a ring of air, fire, water and earth.


> “lol not even remotely close to what was argued about Kurama and the fire bending”
Let’s see, Kurama mode … perfect Jinchurik … episode 329.
And what do you think your arguments on age and when Aang learned abilities was supposed to argue if not him not learning Fire until sometime at age 13? You had a whole list of months…

> AFTER he kills Aang and already has won the battle
So after losing, his buddy might show up and kill the person who defeated him, and then kill him too… that’s not his victory, that’s him losing twice (and the other guy losing once, but both are dead so I’ll call it a draw). The other guy has something similar (pretty sure it doesn’t kill him, but still not his victory).
A debate could be held on who has better friends who will come take over if they lose; for me at least it didn’t override the comparison of the two actual fighters in question.

> “ LOL WHAAT…. have you not ever watched the show lol”
Ahh, found the heart of the matter. You seem to believe you’d have a winning argument if I was biased in favor of Naruto, and that I should have such bias… I’m more familiar with Avatar, which slants things a little against it. Peaceful monk kid vs training to murder people for money kid, need I even say my default?

“A statement like this doesn't mean anything to a lay person, and voters are supposed to act like they are lay persons.”
“I don't much care for ultimate powers”
“if either loses they have a power which takes over and kills the other”
-lol no Aang doesn’t have that
“and at least for Naruto it might also kill him if he uses it”
-yea lol he might die sure, AFTER he kills Aang and already has won the battle
“Was of course wise to point out that Kurama is apparently not mastered until after episode 300; much like how con tried to argue Aang couldn't use fire (avatar state I'm unclear on).”
-lol not even remotely close to what was argued about Kurama and the fire bending
“Not to mention, trying so hard to dismiss his fire powers, implicitly says Naruto is weak against them”
-lol just watch the sources pls
“. Likewise for trying to shift focus off of those other non-kinetic attacks.”
-lol this is me not responding to “Aang can just drown him with water style”.
-the durability analysis was botched again and everything about Naruto is dismissed because a Kunai harmed him …
“Yet it's pro who lists Naruto's skills there”
-yes , thanks pro for mentioning that naruto can throw knives idk why i didn’t think to include that
“Those are a ninjas best ways to counter Aang maintaining distance with his wind powers”
-lol no again, I would assume the chakra hands are much better than kunai. Ht obviously they are much underestimated and not proven to be effective
“Something about he collects fox tails”
- lol what
“, and the fox tails are sometimes toads, and that lets turn himself into any inanimate objects and him make 1000 clones of himself (seriously?)... Need I go on”
LOL WHAAT…. have you not ever watched the show lol
“Whereas Aang can manipulate X, Y, and Z (elements), and those counter G, H, and I from Naruto.”
-yea that makes sense, so what are the XYZGH


2 hours left, and your vote will determine the outcome.


“That would be the script you were just talking about. It's not about one lone skill alone to win a fight. Fights are dynamic things, which inevitably end up utilizing more than one skill, and unexpected things happen.”

Yes, all Im saying is that scripts should not be a significant part of your decision imo but since they are Im asking you to provide the script that convinced you that Aangs skills would win this fight for him. About everything else I think we are saying the same thing.


Figuratively, you're Naruto's spokesperson for the upcoming fight.
The other debater is the other guy's spokesperson.
You're each trying to get people to place their bets on your side.

"You can say Aang skills will dominate Naruto which is technically creating a script in which you claim you know the outcome of a fictional character’s battle."
It's not a script, it's an impression given to me by the comparative arguments.

"Which skill exactly wins it for you?"
That would be the script you were just talking about. It's not about one lone skill alone to win a fight. Fights are dynamic things, which inevitably end up utilizing more than one skill, and unexpected things happen.
An old friend of mine had his rifle jam at the worst time, allowing an insurgent to close the distance. The fight ended up not being decided by shooting skills, even while on paper my friend should have won for being so much better at shooting...

To explain gumption just look to the previous paragraph. The tides shifted against my friend, and he had to deep clean his rifle afterwards.


Fair enough, I would only add that while I agree both have plot armor my argument for durability does not rely on that since I have mentioned healing abilities that Naruto have because of Kurama and the general superior physical endurance in that Universe. Naruto is not the only one that just smashes through rocks when he is thrown at them for example meaning thats not just plot armor. Fights in general are more intense and characters from that verse are able to take and inflict more damage solely with their bodies. Thats in the debate as well.


I'm reminded of a debate I had several years ago, about who would win between Flash and Green Arrow. We're talking extraordinary super powers against some weirdo with a bow and arrow (pun intended). The points basically impaled Flash, over and over again.

Around the same time, someone successfully argued that Batman would defeat Darkseid.

It doesn't so much matter who /should/ win, what's more important is how well each is argued.

That said, I still have to give a proper review to durability as that might change the outcome if it was well argued (to be clear: I dismissed both sides due to plot armor, not just one)


Plot armor is real yes but it was never argued by PRO, and just because you find it maybe ridiculous that we discuss it, its very important. The simplest way to judge durability is simply looking at the healing factor of Naruto. Even if you don’t recognize anything else from the show.
Like the brutal damage Naruto has been shown to take with his bare body without shielding himself with elements or jutsus.

Btw after I said that Naruto has vasts amount of chakra reserves PRO agreed. I have no idea why this chakra argument of PRO is taken so seriously when in reality is nothing problematic. Naruto was never shown in the show losing a fight due to chakra insufficiency. PRO also never gave such examples. Saying something takes chakra is obvious. If voters dont know what a jinchuriki and uzimaki is idk if they are fit to vote on this debate. Just like voters researched PROs sources on their own, they could google those two words if they really dont know what they are. PRO obviously knew them and dropped that chakra argument. Maybe also because it wasn’t leading anywhere since I also mentioned that when Naruto dies or is out of Chakra, Kurama can intervene.


Firstly I want to mention that everything I will say here has been said in some form in the debate and if I go into heavier detail about certain things thats only because PRO has not challenged me on those topics and has not continued his line of questioning after my rebuttals.So my details are strictly for clarification purposes for the voter and not extra arguments. I will definitely go into heavier detail since multiple voters are including things PRO never came up with in the debate.

Secondly and more important to me is the method a voter will judge this debate and what do they value more. If at the end you value PROs method of reasoning more Im willing to accept the results. This is why I have no problem with whiteflame’s vote since he explained to me how he values tactics and mentioning of scenarios a lot and I didn’t do that (bc i think they are biased).
My method of deciding who is going to win is much simpler and in the same time way more complex. Talking about skills and how they would interact with each other is okay and can be somewhat important but it’s highly subjective and biased. Creating fake scenarios where we say “Aang will do this and then Naruto this and then Aang that” is completely unverifiable. We can use our imagination to create fake scenarios and we can have a fun conversation doing so, which will entertain the voters more, sure but imo theres a better way to judge this. Generally accepted categories to compare characters in fights are : strength, speed, physical and magical powers, durability, special abilities etc… Now I acknowledge that in every fictional show/anime/movie there’s contradictions and theres no perfect logic in them. Yes sometimes characters look extremely powerful in some fights and in other fights their abilities “seemingly” do not translate. That does not mean we can disregard their accomplishments during their powerful moments just because they are inconsistent and have weak moments . We can objectively analyze episodes and determine the capabilities of those characters no matter how hyperbolic they might seem sometimes. That is to be expected from fictional shows. So if we can objectively verify some statements about those main categories we can compare what we know and not compare what we don’t know. The only time fake scenarios and fighting scrips can be taken into account is if they have some kind of backed up claims for both characters. For example if we have proof that Aang can use fireballs and we have video proof how Naruto tanks fireballs thats one verified very specific situation that we can have an idea for what will potentially happen. All kind of other scenarios are almost useless and use no purpose but entertaining the voters and speculating. No way to know how their abilities will interact, no way to know what they would think of doing or anything like that. Morality being outside of this debate is even better because then we would have to think also what would they even feel. Although mentioning their background and their environment could be taken into account in the “strategy” category but thats also speculative.

“I treated this as who would win in a fight, not merely who is more over powered.”

If more powerful plus faster and more durable does not win the debate idk what else does. You can say Aang skills will dominate Naruto which is technically creating a script in which you claim you know the outcome of a fictional character’s battle. And also you did not show me which skill will dominate which skill of Naruto? And how can we prove that. How can we prove thats the course of action they will take?

I showed why Naruto is physically stronger, physically faster, physically more durable and overall thats what gives him the better chance on paper. And frankly all we can do is that.

“since endless gumption from a farmer would not overpower either of them. It was used to put my conclusions from the rest into one neat place, and make a point about grit and follow-through”

Im confused here, if you can clarify what does that mean.

“Aang would fight from a power disadvantage, but would more likely than not win via skill”

Aang was indeed shown to be in power disadvantage but even if skill was discussed, nobody ever established their character winning based on skill alone. Which skill exactly wins it for you? And again the problem of how much can we really into account those skills when we can’t verify how they would interact with each other (at least most of them).

04.16.2024 05:48PM
While I'm more familiar with Avatar, I thought it would be an easy win for Naruto due to their Sexy Technique. Sadly, it did not even get mentioned.

A couple criticisms of the setup... Morality defines character, so these fights miss the point of themselves if that's wholly ruled out. Age, I liked the way it was argued, but picking a certain point in both shows would have avoided confusion (say end of season 1, or 20 episodes into each show?). Probably best to also say if they have their usual friends or not.

Pro takes this in better showcasing the power of his infantry (infant soldier). Each major power given its own subheading and details thereof, and then "Chakra" as one just for comparison to the other side's limitation on it ("Naruto's chakra reserves are not a problem either since he is an Uzumaki and Jinchuriki" is not a good counter, since no one in the audience is likely to know what that means). The ultimate abilities on either is an interesting bit, because while apparently Naruto loses his intellect to use his, I am certain Aang loses control when in his (as con mentions). This bleeds into the whole age thing, for if Aang has X powers...
I should add that lumping a bunch of diverse powers all together in a single paragraph, makes them lose weight. Since age of power are so vital, a list of each of the tails and what it enables (plus when attained) would make this far easier to grade.

I'm left with the impression (largely from pro's source) that Aang is 12 through the vast majority of the show, and perhaps for the final fight he's turned 13. Con may have not intended to bet so much on this, but with the steady back and forth, instead of coming to a reasonable compromise (like fine I accept 70 episodes worth of training, let's get back to the debate), he stood by it until the end (even telling people to go find sources for it). When the first source I find (timeline of Aang) verifies that it all happened within a single year.
>Book One: Water (12 BG - 100 AG)
>Book Two: Earth (Spring 100 AG)
>Book Three: Fire (Summer 100 AG)
>Post war (100 AG - 102 AG)

Con brings up super speed that Naruto has to best Kakashi... And pro counters that was 16 year old Naruto, whereas at 12 he was not nearly that advanced into superpowers.
Both seem to be able to run on water, but Naruto almost certainly has a faster top speed. It's a weird one, I believe con is thematically correct, but over doing one trait gives pro room to mitigate its impacts.

Instant Deaths:
They're boring. I'm reminded of One Punch Man, which is a comedy series. These two have their comedic moments to be sure, but are not comedy wherein they solve all their problems by flying through the main villain Invincible Style in the first episode.

They both have plot armor, big surprise...

I'm left with the impression that Aang is less powerful, and overcomes greater challenges. That ultimately wins.



Addendum to my vote:

I treated this as who would win in a fight, not merely who is more over powered.
I actually think Naruto would take out Aang with a throwing star to the eye (or kunai if you prefer), but nothing like that shot up.
Gumption is not an explicit category in the debate. Looking back I did misuse the term, since endless gumption from a farmer would not overpower either of them. It was used to put my conclusions from the rest into one neat place, and make a point about grit and follow-through... The debate left me with the impression that Aang would fight from a power disadvantage, but would more likely than not win via skill (skill as shown by the debaters).

Durability is a weird concept on these shows.
Characters are always as durable as they need to be for the story, regardless of if a bystander would have survived it.
Iron Man shrugs off hits from tanks, but punches from a well preserved WWII veteran is a threat; at the same time, normal humans survive such punches instead of exploding (elevator scene comes to mind... if his strength was consistent, it would have been a scene from The Shining).
Plot armor makes examples of incredible durability non-initiative of lore unless it's explicitly stated to be a super power. That said, I was PMed a complaint of having not given fair weighing to durability, so I will be taking my vote down until I have a chance to re-review (have to get back to work right now)

Oh and plot armor explained:



You brought to my sttention a crucial detail. How could I forget the sexy jutsu, Naruto takes the win for sure. Luckily CON forgot about it as well.


Thank you, I revoted with the rationale from the previous comment I made included and changed the source point to tied.


Well, I’ll base this on Barney’s comment because my vote’s on this debate. Here’s the text of the vote as it stands, his comment is the reason for removal:

“I believe that Benjamin *should have* won this but failed to address the core of the issue: age. He left numerous arguments by baggins about age on the table and conceded a full 70 episodes of aging without a word. On the other hand, baggins made this a big part of his argument and, although the claims are dubious, they are unanswered by PRO and thus must be considered as real according to PRO. If the timeline works according to how baggins described in *multiple* posts, Aang is simply underpowered, and Naruto has undergone serious improvements. Overall, Naruto seems to be favored in this case due to his abilities and durability.
In terms of sources, the Quora source makes me lean towards baggins enough to give him the vote.”


To give ijb1 a chance to revote the current invalid vote has to be removed pronto.


Okay, apologies on the source point. I thought that any notable advantage was enough to warrant giving a side the point (low barrier) and with the way you described it I would not have awarded that point.

To go more in detail about why Aang would lose: based on age, he has received little to no training and would be easily brought to avatar mode, which, as stated in con’s argument, is not as powerful as it seems on the surface. On the other hand, Naruto has significantly progressed and the power of the full nine tails is insane in comparison. As noted by Con, the power levels majorly differ between the series and it is clear that in Naruto there are more powerful characters. As Naruto is the main character, he is one of the most powerful characters in the series as well. His true power is more innate whereas Aang needs to train hard to learn many different bending types.

Note: I have watched both Naruto (not every episode but a lot of the beginning, past age 12) and Avatar the Last Airbender


A lot more detail is needed for sources, that is if they are warranted. Usually if both sides do their due diligence, sources should be tied. It needs a significant lead to win points from extra categories.


I’d say not. As a general rule, when there are many sources given in a debate, pointing to one and saying that it’s a poor source is not a sufficient reason to award source points.

The arguments points could also use more explication. As a general rule, you have to assess points made by both sides in the debate. Ijb, you point to some arguments made by Con and say what was missing from Pro’s argument, but I don’t see any direct assessment of what Pro actually said beyond the statement that “Aang is simply underpowered.” You can conclude that based on your interpretation of Pro’s arguments, but you have to show how you got there, and the path to that can’t be just pointing out what Con’s winning.


Is the reasoning in the newest vote sufficient to award source points?

That wasn’t my main point. Forget about the multiple tails. I made my point about speed and Naruto needed only 1 tail for that argument (not even a tail in Haku fight). Same goes for durability and physical strength, he doesn’t need more than 1 tail to top Aang in those categories. Tactics and skill advantages are biased and can go either way. So even if we give those 30% to Aang the W still goes to Naruto in every other category.


Like 30% of your argument, and also your conclusion, was that even 12 year old Naruto could get as many tails as he wants, despite his seal being strong- if that isn't a fake scenario I don't know what is.

Yeah okay I got that you dont like the sources and the inconsistency in the show is obvious. I think that goes both ways and it was already established. If you look for perfect logic and no contradictions in kids anime shows you wont find any. We know Aangs speed and powers are not consistent too. But we agreed that if we take into account every interpretation I have sources and material that suggests speeds as high as light and as for Aang the highest suggested speed is lighting. At minimum we can say Naruto has short bursts of hyper speed which would give him advantage in that category. Hakus speed can be confirmed to be faster than lighting because he had to be that fast to stop Kakashi from killling Zabuza. Adult Kakashi even in OG Naruto is OP compared to anything in ATLA. And that all happened while Naruto was beating Haku. What else is there to discuss? Durability? Naruto easily. And im talking about durability without Kurama and without any kind of jutsu. Whats Aangs durability without putting 4 elements between him and Naruto as a shield? How much can Aang take if he get hit once? How do you know how their abilities will interact with each other? How important are fake scenarios?


Naruto has databooks with wildly hyperbolic speed feats from the first arc that even deathbattle wiki does not accept as valid and is contradicted by everything else in Naruto and Shippuden.

Aang is definately hypersonic. And he is also consistently a lightning timer. But many people think lightning reactions and movement does not "fit" into ATLA, so headcannon it as "slow" lightning.

Dodging lightning is on par with dodging Haku, unless you are going to ignore the blatant fact that Naruto never reached 1x lightspeed untill KCM1, 10 powerups later.

Whether you are low-balling or high-balling, so long as you apply the same standard to both, Aang and Naruto are relative in speed.


So you admit that if we use both “hyperbolic” interpretations for their speed we can say Aang ranges from faster than wind to reacting to lighting and if we apply the same for Naruto we get much wider range because we have a character moving in the speed of light. Both are inconsistent but Naruto has kept up with Haku at the end of their fight and Haku was still extremely fast by then. That means even if we give Aang the lighting feat he is still slower in everything. This is based on information in the data book I’ve linked not only on animation style.


It's really hard yes. Especially since in ATLA there isn't technology to measure Aangs speed. So his speed ranges from at minimum "faster than the wind" and "running on water" to the more insane feats of dodging lightning in midair. Naruto is a series where one of the main methods of saying "x fighter is stronger than y fighter" is having them "teleport" behind their opponent with a kick loaded up or something. But that is a very inconsistent animation shorthand for superior speed. The same goes for turning into a blur. ATLA doesn't have a huge speed gap in any of it's major fights, and when he "fights" civillians he moves much slower. The best speed feats for Naruto that CON brought up was when he moved so fast that he created waves and winds. Apart from Aang arguably doing the same with running on water and creating massive winds by just running faster than wind. But that also begs the question of why doesn't that happen in every Naruto fight. The Naruto KCM2 clones , when moving orders of magnitude quicker than 1-tail, actually faster than light, should be passively creating orcanoes with every step they make, and yet they don't. So it appears like "hyperspeed" effects is just some extra flare they add into the most important fights with the highest budget and that have to look good. Naruto is wildly inconsistent, while ATLA is grounded and consistent.


Yeah, I thought about lightning in the series potentially having a different speed, but since it wasn’t really mentioned, I didn’t bring it up.

As for speed in general, trying to examine them in the context of their universes was necessary, but it didn’t seem like it was done well. I’m not sure how I’d go about it, but it felt like just saying “this universe has more speed feats” wasn’t enough and even pointing to Sasuke’s Sharingan as a measuring stick didn’t do much to tell me how fast Naruto was moving.


Thank you for voting.

Something that is my fault is I didn't link directly the moments of lightning movement. Here Zuko moves as fast as lightning, which we can see since both are moving in the same frame at the same time: Here Aang jumps from one pillar to another, with at least 30% the speed of lightning, which we can see since both are moving in the same direction at the same time, but it doesn't immidiately hit him: My interpretation is that lightning is just much slower in their universe, since that seems much more grounded than everything in the verse being relativistic in speed (moving in more than 1% of lightspeed). But with CON pulling Haku out to establish Naruto lightspeed I had to retaliate with maximum ATLA scaling.

Showing that, if you give Naruto the benefit of the doubt to have superhyperbolic speed, then you must also apply that lenience to Aangs feats, making them still equal.

But as you picked up on, neither of the characters are that fast.


I’ll aim to get on this. Send me a reminder in a few days if I haven’t voted.

Vote bump.

Vote bump

Vote bump.

Vote bump.


>Reported Vote: FishChaser // Mod action: Removed
>Voting Policy:
>Points Awarded: 3 to pro (arguments)
>Reason for Decision: Benjamin gets several things wrong about 12 year old Naruto, For instance Naruto took the Chunin exams and learned the rasengan while still 12.

Even still, the avatar state is pretty hard to beat for 12 year old Naruto even assuming he could even contend with Aang in base form.

Benjamin also misrepresents Naruto as a mindless brute when Naruto is a creative/tactical genius but that alone doesn't win Naruto the fight.

Baggins also gets something wrong, get it actually works to his favor because Naruto CAN access some 9 tails chakra voluntarily at this point, but he has to run out of his normal chakra first.

At the end of the day, I think it's clear that Aang has more power, speed and versatility which will rape Naruto directly in the anus cheeks.

Also, the likelihood of Naruto passing the first tail is low because over time, the seal on Kurama weakened allowing more of Kurama's chakra to get through. Chances are that Naruto at age 12 would only get one tail at best and it is more likely that he wouldn't even get that far since it took almost being killed by Sasuke and knowing that he was losing/being betrayed by his best friend to activate the first tail.

There is a way that Baggins could have argued to be the biggest douche bag possible, since Aang was frozen he was technically just suspended in a 12 year old body while being much older. Technically when Aang was 12, he only had air bending in base form.

Baggins overstates Naruto's speed, which is significantly lower than lightspeed and is still lower even later when he gains six paths sage mode. Haku starts to move in front of Kakashi's raikiri before he starts charging towards Zabuza if I remember correctly.

The claim that Naruto can tank fire blasts in base form is wrong. The only time I remember him getting flamed in base form that one might interpret him as tanking it is when Naruto fought Sasuke on the roof of the hospital, but he used his rasengan to create a barrier similar to Hyuga "rotation".

>Reason for Mod Action:

The voter appears to provide a great deal of analysis regarding the veracity of certain claims within the debate, some of which are actual rebuttals made by the debaters, and some of which are the voter himself inserting his insights. While that is valuable feedback for the debaters, it is not in and of itself a basis for the decision. The only line of text in this RFD that speaks to the decision directly is:

"At the end of the day, I think it's clear that Aang has more power, speed and versatility which will rape Naruto directly in the anus cheeks."

While the voter is welcome to post feedback for the debaters, the voter should be clear about what arguments by Pro and Con led him to believe that Aang has these three elements over Naruto. It does not help that the voter does not point to any specific points made in Aang's favor, focusing his attention almost entirely on the claims for Naruto, which makes it difficult to determine how the voter thinks Pro established that Aang has these advantages.


Sorry but your vote doesn’t make sense to me. If someone can review it that could be helpful.

1. You confirm what I have said in the debate

2. You confirm what I have said in the debate again, I never said base form Naruto beast AS Aang

3. You confirm what I have said in the debate again

4. You make your own argument that PRO did not made and cant be used in his favor

5. You said “at the end of the day Aang has more speed” without analyzing anything that has been said about both characters stats and verses. I have shown that even if both characters are not light speed literally, Naruto still moves “in lighting speeds” compared to Aang.

6. What the chances of Naruto getting to a more than one tail mode are not established by PRO either. How does that count as a point for PRO?

7. Sasuke who is the second strongest character in the whole Naruto verse stabs Naruto in the heart, Naruto survives and yet in this vote this counts as a point for PRO? All of my points about Aang having trouble with regular people and being killed by Azula and by just some storm are ignored by both PRO and this voter.

8. I didn’t want to argue for the 100 years in the iceberg because at the end of the day PRO would’ve just said that he can enter Avatar State in any age just like Naruto can access Kurama at any age. And it’s more of Kurama accessing him not the other way because he is still a kid, yes (I don’t see that so much as a problem, it’s still the same power). Which is a positive not negative. Kurama can interfere even if NARUTO DIES. If Aang dies nobody is there to heal him.

9. Voter states that I overestimate something about Naruto’s speed but did not give any explanation how I did that nor any explanation how PRO is right about Aang’s speed

10. The claim that Naruto tanks fireballs is supported by a video that I provided from canon episodes where Naruto tanks fire balls multiple times (not addressed at all).





You haven’t stated your position