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The debate is over the possibility that dreams have either spiritual or divine meanings to them. I, as con argue that they do not, while anyone who is pro must argue that they do.
I will argue that physical evidence, namely that which science has limited itself to study, is not the only way to know something with certitude.
Christian god as described in the Bible cannot exist. By accepting this debate you also accept that the Bible is either the complete word of god or the Bible is completely made by mankind. There’s not saying that some scriptures are real and others are not. No picking and choosing. Primary burden of proof rests with Pro. Pro must prove that he is impossible and Con must prove that he is at least somewhat possible.
tiger parent is a parent that would use every resource available to them and push their child to ensure their child's highest success in the long run
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This debate is different than any debate you have seen before. This debate is a psychological experiment.
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Life is sometimes not worth living.
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If you weren't a MAGA supporter before, you will be.
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Nesse debate, quero argumentar que a teoria marxista é determinista tecno econômica, onde irei apresentar várias evidências sólidas de que para ele, a tecnologia ao entrar nas relações sociais, necessáriamente e inevitávelmente causam e determinam a próxima sociedade, e depois pretendo, se provado este ponto, refutar toda a teoria marxista.
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