Resolved: Diogenes is the wisest philosopher in history.
The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.
After 2 votes and with 1 point ahead, the winner is...
- Publication date
- Last updated date
- Type
- Rated
- Number of rounds
- 5
- Time for argument
- Three days
- Max argument characters
- 10,500
- Voting period
- One month
- Point system
- Multiple criterions
- Voting system
- Open
- Minimal rating
- None
When it comes to all the ancient philosophers, Diogenes is the wisest.
Wise- Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment.
Philosopher- A person engaged or learned in philosophy, especially as an academic discipline.
1. Only constructive arguments in Round 1. No rebuttals. It isn't enough for Con to argue that Diogenes isn't the wisest philosopher. Con will choose their own philosopher (either currently alive or one from history) to contest mine.
Round 1 will be used to highlight qualities about why the chosen figure is the wisest.
2. Forfeits are the loss of a conduct point.
3. On-balance.
4. No Kritiks.
I wasn't going to vote on this originally. But after the mistreatment, I can't let this slide. Originally, I considered giving the win to Con.
But all things considered,
So RationalMadman vote-bombed my friend and got him banned, then threatened to vote-bomb Devon?
If all of this is true, then what expectation can Rational have to his own immunity from being vote-bombed?
The answer is none.
Wow, I can't believe the gall of people here.
Right off the bat I find pro's case stupid due to the stupidity of Diogenes's philosophy of minimalism. Wealth is a tool and a weapon that can protect and provide for you in life and it is literally just stupid to deliberately choose to be poor. I also find the opinion that having things/obsession is the root cause of depression stupid. Depression can be caused by many things including a mere chemical imbalance.
My initial impression is that Diogenes was an opinionated but very unwise bum.
Pro argues that being an idiot who picks fights with powerful people who can fuck you makes him wise which is absurd but what is even more absurd is making this claim while also overlooking the fact that he probably didn't stand up to them in any meaningful way or he would have been fucked.
I'm also giving sources to Con right off the bat because Pro simply makes unbacked assertions throughout round 1.
Pro attempts to salvage Diogenes from loserdom by claiming he was adaptable but I'm not seeing it. He adapted by being less comfortable and powerful than he could have been if he was truly wise and sought to accumulate fat stacks of paper. Truly wise mother fuckers only care about making money, staying safe and eating well.
I am disgusted by pro's round 2. He goes on to claim that being popular and having "spiritual discipline" makes someone wise. He's blowing a bunch of hot air.
In round 3 he asserts a bunch of things that EVEN IF make Diogenes "wise" to an extent, fall short of making him the wisest mother fucker to ever practice philosophy.
Pro forfeits any hope of winning the debate (if he didn't already) in round 4 by admitting that in his view of wisdom, you can live like a retard and still be wise. The absolute central sign of wisdom is how you live your life and by discounting this he seems like he's just blowing hot air up Diogenes's ass hole. He asserts that he understands humanity on a "spiritual level" but all I see is a hobo with opinions about human nature that didn't win him anything in life but a reputation. The only valid argument is his street-smarts but was he really the most street-wise philosopher and does that alone make him the wisest? No, it doesn't and no he probably wasn't because the man was an idiot for being smarter than average compared to a real genius philosopher.
I am also giving conduct to Con for Pro making up the language thing.
Regarding voting on each others debates:
That I believe you should not, is not some dogmatic commandment from above.
Any vote against each other is likely to reignite drama, so voting on each others debates is needlessly walking on thin ice.
From a moderation perspective, a known grudge makes any reported votes fall under greater scrutiny.
I do not consider you my friend.
You think you are clever or funny with this emotional manipulation but you pivoted from
'RM didnt get me banned, my actions did, blablabla'
'I have nothing to be sorry for, I did nothing to have regrets.'
In how few posts and time? 😂
They can indeed both be true at once. Your act is transparent, try a bit harder.
These are some pretty harsh comments to make to somebody you consider your friend.
No wonder you were so confident to go against me with bars that trashy btw, I now get why in the first place you were so lazy throughout it. The votebombs were planned all along.
It's not smooth, it's see-through fakeness. It's cringe to read.
If you were serious about a truce, you'd apologise and have remorse. You are not that good at faking a conscience, you learned to fake the other things but faking the being sorry part didn't come with the package.
You are not my friend and you will never be my friend. You are a person who terrorised me here and is gaslighting me even now about it.
This truce is my first step towards the light.
I appreciate you hearing me out and accepting the alliance, my friend.
You call me an incel autistic loser who is an evil disgusting piece of shit with zero EQ but don't yourself have the first iota of an idea of EQ or taking responsibility for what you did.
I'm not even going to pretend that I hope you see the light and improve yourself, I doubt you ever will.
It's not my fault, so I don't feel bad for you and I don't feel guilty.
But if I agree to give you free Elo, does this mean you will hold up your end of the bargain and agree to a truce?
I genuinely feel towards you what you said in the Slainte goodbye thread btw, the irony was and still is immense.
If you really felt bad for what you did to me, you'd do it regardless. It tells a lot about you that it is 'conditional' on some arbitrary nonsense.
You only want to bait me so your spamvoters can take my rating again. I am not an idiot and you are not a good person.
So just to be clear, you will accept my truce, assuming I do all of that.
You owe me so much rating, pay up. You won't. That's how I know your truce is fake.
Lancelot it's cringe and hilarious to me that you think people fall for your act, not because none do but because you thought I will.
You offer a 'truce' in another thread after making this happen.
If you really want a truce make 4 debates, all rated and aimed at me, with resolutions you can't win and then forfeit like a good boy.
Goodbye. I'm done with this place.
An example that qualifies for Hall of Shame would be your competence as a moderator.
You've been goaded to act based on minimal evidence against my friend here, but have allowed one of the biggest vote-bombers get away with so much shit UNDER YOUR WATCH.
I don't visit this site enough to care what happens to me, but I've seen enough.
Maybe you just have a chronic inability to mod properly. One deliberately bad vote where I make clear I don't care what happens to me seems insignificant to your uselessness as a staff member on this dead platform. Irony is the same vote-bomber you're protecting even pointed it out.
I'd be embarrassed if I were you too.
Barney made a valid point. This shit has gone too far.
What Boba_Tea said is only partially true. Rational has targeted me to grudge-vote and vote-bomb me, but he isn't the reason I got banned. My own actions from personal attacks to name-calling are why it happened.
I'm unsure if the perpetrator(s) are creating all this chaos on my behalf, but I'd like to say I don't need anyone speaking for me or fighting my battles.
The terms proposed by Barney about me and RM not voting on each other's debates are reasonable, but I think the exception should include unless one of us gives permission. RM is a competent voter, when he tries to be. Permission can be given in three ways.:
1. Me or RM directly ask for a vote in the comments section, thus giving permission.
2. We agree openly that it's okay for one of us to vote on the debate, or he or I are chosen to be a judge on the other's debate.
3. Permission is given in DM's.
Violation of this agreement should result in the temporary suspension or termination of mine or RM's voting privileges rather than a ban. Rational may protest to these terms, but no matter how unpleasant they may seem, he has to agree because the alternatives are worse.
Is there any way to restore the lost rating? RM lost a lot because of those votebomb accounts. I am pretty sure site owner can restore it.
I have every righ tto vote on all of Lancelot's debates. If you ban me for it, that is insane.
You never once told me that. Had I not opened this one debate comment I'd have not known that idiotic rule. I don't agree to it. I don't abide by it.
Guess it's a war of attrition, the problem is eventually a small island on the Internet aint worth sailing to anymore.
I hope you enjoy watching the erosion of regular members here debating. There's a reason that over time the top 15 have barely any actually debating.
I have lost enough rating here. I will shut my mouth, let this place rot and you and whiteflame can enjoy the fact you let a vote-corrupting verbal abuser who is literally re-igniting his violations upon his return, get away with it.
He is on your friends lists. When you banned me you said some total BS like you let me get away with shit. You don't. If I did this I'd be permabanned. You are hypocrites with double standards and total and utter negligence here. I am done debating here after my Islamic debate is over.
I warned you, you can think this quitting is fake, it isn't. It's his 'win'. He drove me away from here. Except I know for a fact I am leaving a sinking ship and he's just a thug pirate on it amongst you pirates.
Lancealot got himself banned. Hopefully he did not intend for it to turn out like that but that’s the way it played out, which was a risk he knew or should have known.
RM is not whispering in the ear of the mods for us to do his secret bidding. Of all the people who have trolled RM, I am the most guilty; so please dismiss the notion of him controlling us.
As for the accusation of RM casting a votebomb… A vote you disagree with is not automatically a vote bomb. Vote bombs are classically 7-point BS void of analysis of the debate (e.g., your vote here). Further, even the Old Testament would not condone this behavior even if you were right; one eye for one eye, not two or three (or whatever this campaign against him is up to) for one.
I have seen the vote from RM which /might/ have been retaliatory (still not a votebomb). Had these problems not massively overshadowed it, we in the mod team would have reviewed it in detail. As is, now it just goes without saying that RM and Lancealot should not vote on each others debates for the foreseeable future.
And however bad it may have been, the place to have issues with it would be the comment section of the debate in question… Much like what I’m doing here, I’m keeping it /here/ where you cast a bad vote; instead of following you to some future debate to talk smack about your voting habits on this one (not that you’ll be able to vote again any time soon).
I agree the situation is severe. However, Whiteflame is already already treating it as such.
In mod chat when he mentioned banning someone for a minimum of two weeks for a shitty vote, I wondered how shitty it would have to be… I just read said vote, and OMG that is weekly stupid level shitty, like hall of shame worthy, the type of case that causes special explanations in the rules for what not to do.
When Lancealot had accounts acting in a manner to imply they were possibly colluding, they were quickly ordered not to vote on his debates; when they acted as slave accounts to votebomb in spite of that they and he were banned.
Lancealot is punished for things he seemed to have willfully committed. A rogue agent connected to him is suspect but we aim to give people the benefit of the doubt; plus he’ll already be punished via embarrassment of his friends behavior.
If either of you take your position genuinely serious, please can you talk Whiteflame into taking this situation as severe? This is not funny, this is a fundamental line in the sand you need to be drawing, I can't even believe that still at this stage there is discussion of not clamping down harshly on the 'godfather' of the organised rule-breaking group at work.
This is as asinine as giving a hitman a life sentence with no further investigation or sentencing when it's crystal clear who ordered it and there's a whole pattern of abuse by that individual.
This isn't about me defeating this foolhardy thorn in my side, this is about justice and setting a deterrant example.
If you stand by and don't completely clamp down on this, you will realise exactly what many cultures did when at first they punished only individuals for organised crime. I am not speaking in hyperbole here to you I am telling you with the same fervor and assurance as I told you things on Discord which all proved to come true about Lancelot and how he'd escalate it.
I am telling you all this publicly because there is no point chatting behind anyone's back anymore other than if it's 'insulting' or sensitive information. You need to ban this guy, permanently. That is the one secure way to make it so that then no matter how long he abuses me with alts etc, his raw motive for being here (his account and the fun he can do with a persona) is mitigated. It also serves as a deterrant.
You should and already are discussing ways to mechanically make this unfeasible but that won't help the original issue. I don't know which mod you admire or aspire to be like, perhaps none but I guarantee you this. Nobody, not David, Bsh1, MisterChris, Airmax or Barney (unless he is somehow advocating it) would stand by this and just let it slide on an individual basis.
This is you and your overly literal interpretation of rule enforcement. Right now I wish Wylted was here because there is no way at all he would be okay with this.
So you think I am conspiring against him and sabotaged myself to frame him? Who are you trying to fool here? What did I warn you over a month ago now on Discord?
You can believe what you want.
"I wasn't going to vote on this originally. But after the mistreatment, I can't let this slide. Originally, I considered giving the win to Con.
But all things considered,
So RationalMadman vote-bombed my friend and got him banned, then threatened to vote-bomb Devon?
If all of this is true, then what expectation can Rational have to his own immunity from being vote-bombed?"
Let me tell you what is happening, this is either one individual doing kamikaze shit on behalf of Lancelot across all accounts or he has a Disc server (which he has regardless he's invited people to it) and is spreading shit there and arranging things, probably in private but with that as the 'hub'.
I'm not going to permanently ban Lancelot on a basis that I cannot possibly know for certain. He received a ban commensurate with what we know to have happened - I'm not going to ban him for longer on the basis that other accounts associated with his have exacerbated the situation. I have already banned several accounts that are obviously linked to these efforts, and ban others and restrict voting as necessary to prevent this from happening again.
You need to permanently ban lancelot for inciting and arranging this. Do you not understand this is the literal clear cut case of vote gerrymandering and corruption? He literally is encouraging people to votebomb me.
the only one engaging in votebombs here is you.
Boba_Tea was explicitly warned on this debate and via PM about voting on RM’s debates and has ignored that warning. His voting privileges have been suspended indefinitely while moderation discusses other interventions.
Removed for ineligibility
07.19.2023 03:25PM
Pro told me Con concedes, but I can’t see this anywhere in the debate.
Pro argues that Diogenes is the wisest philosopher because of his social perception, spiritual knowledge, deeper understanding of people’s motives, having lived and experienced life as a poor man and inner knowledge of how the rich are.
Con argues Rene Descartes is smarter because he was academically inclined and made many intellectual contributions that are used today. His most notorious being the one he uses for existentialism. (Vaguely referenced.)
Pro and Con focus on details that don’t matter. Pro says Descartes’s achievements are separate from wisdom, but even I buy that from a logical standpoint, Pro needs to make more of a comparison. Con says that Diogenes wasn’t wise because he is a hobo. Pro counters this is irrelevant to whether or not he was wise.
Arguments go to Pro since he actually supported his case whereas Con makes a case but then kinda drops his half-way. I believe sources and legibility stayed consistent, so I rank them both a tie.
But Conduct to Pro because the rules say no rebuttals in Round 1 and Con violates that.
Let me know if either of you have any questions!
Are you asking for a truce or declaring war?
Make. Up. Your. Mind.
It has all gone my way, you have been keeping the site alive when I was busy and fed up. You seem to think my win condition is some immediate rating or you being banned.
We actually could work together but you choose to abuse me and great me like dirt.
That is your flaw and your fault.
You made this war, I do not benefit from prolonged war with anyone, that is pyrrhic even if I win.
I shall simply outstrategise you, you are an impatient bully bound to pick on others in due time, as my absence revealed as you made countless enemies during that time while having a delusion that you are popular.
You are so far from popular here that you need noobs to rescue you, I cannot highlight how that looks without insulting you and new enforcement bans that. Though nothing seems new.
"Lancelot, you can arrange whatever corrupt shit you want to troll me, it tells a lot about you on and off here that you cannot engage honestly in any shape or form to win.
You want war, that is fine.
I will grind wins out eventually, regardless."
Oh pls do.
I love it when people declare war on me.
But FYI, every-time you've made a threat towards me, it has never went your way.
Making empty threats based on weird assumptions won't be any different.
I never gave up at all, my case was untouched by you so I merely attacked your remaining case made up of lies.
Thanks for the vote, but I wasn't being literal when I said Con conceded.
I meant to say he gave up arguing his case, but your RFD already covered that part. It was a mistake for me to say he conceded.
Vote on this please
Lancelot, you can arrange whatever corrupt shit you want to troll me, it tells a lot about you on and off here that you cannot engage honestly in any shape or form to win.
You want war, that is fine.
I will grind wins out eventually, regardless.
Can you show me where I dropped my case at all?
The voter's RFD does not explain where or how Lancelot won the debate, if anything it suggests I won.
Nowhere in your RFD do you explain where I lost the debate, it is actually like you were going to vote for me.
Firstly, please vote on this.
Secondly, can you seriously discipline Lancelot? He told the voter I conceded.
Could you vote on this since Con technically conceded?
Perhaps this debate will interest you?