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As typical of the genre, Ragnar features as mythic in personality, deeds, and death. Ragnar is an accomplished warrior in the saga, fighting both men and dragons. He also marries different women, all of whom bear his children. He marries his first wife, Thora, after slaying a dragon to win her.

Total topics: 6

I know Ragnar is a veteran but I'm not sure I know for certain that there are other military veterans on this site.  Who here is a veteran of the military?  US or otherwise?
19 8
King David of this fine establishment wants you all to know that there is no rule and he wants a MEEP.

An enforcable rule on using comments sections as well as general assistance and coaching of debaters during a debate both in general but especially in the Comments Section of that debate with live tips.

Should it be introduced?

I say yes and it should have punishment proportional to how extensive and precise the assistance was, not simply on how intentional it appears to be.
35 9
Despite Ragnar's claims that he went toe-to-toe against Roy, it's difficult to say for certain precisely how strong of a debater Ragnar actually is, since he has never been remotely challenged (unlike Oromagi, who at least went against Jeff from the top 20). 

Judging from his abortion debate against PGA (the only truly competent person who debated him on DART), it's difficult to say for sure. He kept continuing using the idea of "collection of cells", which surely would've fallen under a more competent debater like MisterChris. His comparison to slavery was hard for me to tear down, but I knew it was flawed, and Chris notes that the women's own choice makes it difficult to sustain (not to mention I could only find one research that said 92% of abortions are unintended pregnancies). Pro also didn't use the uncertainty principle, which was Chris's nail in the coffin that defeated me. I don't know if Ragnar would've been able to link the legality impact, as Ragnar's analysis of specific laws and politics are uncertain (unless he's actually on Roy's level). As for my personal loss, it's well known that I am pretty much way below average when playing devil's advocate for the most part.

Going through his DDO debates though, it's definitive that he's probably at least above average level, if not on Oromagi or Whiteflame's current level. He managed to defeat an above average user about sociology. And while Oromagi was still in his unstructured version, some one random voter was convinced that Ragnar won about self-driving cars (though to be fair, Oromagi was fighting an uphill battle). The closest Ragnar was to being beaten was in a Star Trek debate, where bladerunner voted in his opponent's favor (though Maikuru has not been defeated either, and voted for Ragnar). He definitely has improved since, but due to lack of debating against serious opponents, it's difficult to say if Ragnar is truly on Roy Latham's level. I heavily doubt he would win big issues, such as gun control, death penalty, etc. How good do you guys think Ragnar actually is? 
11 4
A toast to Ragnar, who now boasts most votes posted.  No service on DART is more necessary or better valued.  Hail!
46 13
Is his infringement an Internet possibility?

Or are some people just too sensitive and immature.

Interestingly....Why do minor's not require parental supervision on what is a site that will inevitably include adult comment?

16 6
There is a secret to climbing the ranks on this website that I never revealed to anyong for all this time.

Your username needs to have 'magi' or 'ra' in it as significant sections of the username (so not in the middle).

I'm sorry Ethang5, it was never about being liberal. That was just the illusion.
22 7