Total topics: 3
To Whomever it may, even remotely, concern in charge of DART:
I have been debating and engaging others on the internet since 1995. Long before this page was created, and probably long before any of you were itching your daddy’s pants. To date all I can say about this site, upon reflection of reading some members posts by those concerned about the longevity of DART, is that it does not surprise me how hypocritical most are here.
While I admit I have been direct, forward and sometimes harsh…BUT it was only in RESPONSE to those who attacked me. It is common for those emotively driven vs those possessing actual emotional and intellectual intelligence. I will not name names of the latter, but the names of the former are patently obvious.
When I start new threads, it is based on easily verifiable facts. But do those who disagree with me verify or disaffirm those facts that I claim? No. I just get dolts like IWantRoseveltAgain calling me a “dummy” or a “moron.” I get Double_R creating one strawman after another. I get others coming one fallacy after another. Idiots deficient in linguistically skills. Reading Comprehension. Academic experience. Emotional and Intellectual intelligence.
Then we see something called “MEEPS” about changing or updating or enforcing Codes of Conduct at DART, yet to date from when I signed on to present day, there is no such thing as a COC. It may be written, but it clearly is not enforced in the forum.
I’m willing to scale back my reactions to childish members. Quid Pro Quo. If you stop the attacks to begin with. Hold everyone in the forum to the same standards in the debate section.
So, what will it be those in charge of DART? Enforce the COC or let the forum destroy the basis of DART in its entirety?
Ball is in your court.
Just a thought.
Earlier in his presidency, the people of New York and California said Trump was not welcome in their states. Their governors instructed state officers not to cooperate with federal officials.
But now we find that they welcome federal money to fight the Covid 19 virus. Federal money is fine but federal officials aren't?
If I were President Trump, I would send no federal resources to those states, or to cities calling themselves sanctuary cities. If the chief executive of the federal government is not welcome in your state, why should federal officers be there?
Childish hypocrites, the lot of them. And none of them will notice that Trump has not thrown it back in their faces.