Total topics: 4
Before I go further let me clarify that not all murder is equal. It's why we have degrees of murder in the law books. I would also include suicide as a form of murder and state that any loss of life is a tragedy. Feel free to skip to the section on murder that interests you, however a prerequisite or two on how I decide the value of life.
# What is our purpose
I am not here to defend this. At least not in this post but maybe if anyone asks for Clarification. Out purpose is to expand our consciousness and consciousness in general.
There are two forces in the universe. One that fights for turning all things into automated beings to the point where we seize to exist beyond being philosophical zombies and another force that wants us to be more conscious and it's a battle between these forces I refer to as God and Satan.
While one force turns us into zombies watching t.v. or TikTok and being passive in existence the other makes the universe more aware and you can see it by computers beginning to even exhibit some form of consciousness.
So in my view consciousness is good and turning into philosophical zombies is bad. Now how this belief influences my thoughts on murder will be seen below.
# abortion/infanticide
Abortion is wrong because it prevents consciousness from expanding. From making the world more conscious. However I wouldn't consider it the same level as shooting a stranger in the face. Same with infanticide. I think the punishments for infanticide are too much and of course if a woman has to choose between her health and that of a child it should be her decision and hers alone and she shouldn't be judged for it.
Now you might ask. What about the logical conclusion to this . If it is unethical to abort kids because it prevents consciousness expansion than is it also unethical not to have a bunch of children. The answer is yes. If you are a healthy and stable adult in a relationship with a stable and healthy partner, it is unethical not to have a bunch of children. It's also unethical to be unstable and not pursue a healthy relationship for the same reasons.
# war
Remember I care about level of consciousness as well as amount of consciousness. We can divide humans into savages and non savages. It is unethical to kill savages, however it is more unethical to kill non savages and if we have nations like Israel who are competing with savages for their very existence it is ethical for Israel to do what is necessary so their citizens can survive as well as be fruitful and multiply. This is the same reason that colonialism is acceptable. Not because of non savages replacing savage populations but because colonialism often does a lot to civilized savage populations. I would consider all fundamentalist of all religions savages as well. While Christian fundamentalist is more safe than Islamic fundamentalist belief, both peoples are savages who need to be civilized.
# life extension
Expansion of consciousness should be out main goals and since we have a moral obligation to create more consciousness we also have a moral obligation to expand our own as well as extend how long our consciousness continues to exist. We should seek to obtain physical immortality.
If we assume that we Wil gain physical immortality it makes the following subjects necessary to address.
# Euthanasia
While I was pro Euthanasia because we also not to respect people's rights they way it has been implemented is disgusting so until we can do Euthanasia like civilized humans instead of savages, it needs to be banned.
# space exploration
We need to be concerned about overpopulation as we continue to create more and more immortal people so what Elon Musk is doing to make us a space faring people is important.
# artificial intelligence
We have a moral obligation to try and replicate the brains of anyone who has ever died as well as anyone who might ever exist. We also should be recklessly pursuing super AI .
Any defense attorney who has tried enough cases will tell you that sometimes they put in documents requests to the prosecution and occasionally the FBI has to hold a secret meeting with the judge express to the judge that it would hurt national security to release the information.
There are cases where a dependent recognized that top secret technology was being used to catch them and the case was thrown out and the dependent signed documents agreeing to shut their mouth. Some operation trip wire cases were overturned because of this as one example.
Bryan Kohlberger did murder those 4 girls. He also happened to know exactly what technology the police had to investigate his crime.
I think what happened is the FBI used some secret technology, such as satellites taking secret surveillance of the area and knew before the tip came in That it was Kohlberger but had to wait for the correct tip to use in order to cover up the actual technology used.
There is a ton of evidence Kohlberger was being monitored before the security guard called in with the tip, but the tip allowed them to finally connect him to the crime, without having to reveal the classified method of doing so. Remember they were receiving 10000 tops a day, so they just needed the right one to find him, one thay would probably go ignored in regular investigations.
If the defense pushes hard to get ahold of the methods of catching kohlberger, I wouldn't put it past the state to drop charges to protect classified technology used by the FBI
African Americans, from the bottom half of the American income distribution, have had worse homicide rates than any other country in the world.
Crunching the numbers, we can see that some of the worst homicide rates (per 100,000) worldwide range from 20.8 (Dominica, 2020) to the 49.3 (Virgin Islands, 2012) FuF7chEWIAAb0ux (844×592) ( . Most of the countries listed here are from South America, Carribean and (a few) being from Africa. South America and the Carribean are the most violent today, whereas Africa has been so in the past but appears to have improved (if African data is to be trusted, which is debatable: FuGF-N6WYA8dHjI (712×811) ( ) FuF8yp1WAAMvQCg (850×620) ( .
For African Americans of the 0-10 income distribution decile, their homicide rate has ranged from 86.1-117.0 homicides per 100,000, making them on average twice as bad as the worst country (Virgin Islands 49.3). The 10-25 percentiles ranged from 48.1-63.9, again making them on average worse than the worst country. Even the 25-50 percentiles ranged from 39.8-65.2, still average higher than the worst country, thus proving that at least the bottom half of African Americans, in terms of U.S. income distribution, have greater homicide rates than the worst country in the world. FuF7cgzXoAIV0nR (660×413) ( taken from Unequal Incomes, Unequal Outcomes? Economic Inequality and Measures of Well-Being (
What do you think of this statistical finding?
94% of ALL abortions take place BEFORE 14 weeks gestation, the majority of those being BEFORE 6 weeks gestation. Absolutely. Positively. NO BABY involved.
Words have meaning. That meaning is defined by the context in which they are given. Semantics matters. Syntax matters. When you use words out of context, out of syntax, and semantically end with emotively charged terms based on a perverted context in which they are given. As a result, many words are used as misnomers and many are also conflated with others, albeit incorrectly. Terms like baby, child, children...the "pro-life" crowd never, ever uses the scientifically accurate terminology of any of the stages of pregnancy. Be it biology, psychology, legally, or reproductively. They are too truthful, too dry and meaningless for them because they cannot handle the truth of it all.
The obvious ignorant (uneducated) #prolife bandwagon considers #conception = to [a] #humanlife or [a] #humanbeing. Problem with that statement is, #cellularlife does NOT equal #ahumanbeing or #personhood.
Cellular life (i.e., conception), the basic biological criteria for #life, is merely potentiality. Without #viability (capable of extrauterine survival), the pregnancy is immaterial. It will not exist until it gestates long enough within the female #womb, period.
Again, 94% of ALL abortions are BEFORE 14 weeks, and viability is technically 19-20 weeks. Less than 1.2% of ALL abortions are AFTER 22-24 weeks. So, the whole "baby killers" argument is unsubstantiated uneducated nonsense. While there are some late term abortions, they are far, few and between (the noted 1.2%).
While fertilization, or conception, meets the very basic biological criterial for cellular life, that cellular life simply does not equal an actual #humanbeing. It just doesn't; as potentiality can never equal actuality. And yet the pro-life crowd keeps using incorrect terminology, misnomers, to describe accurately labeled stages of human reproductive development of a pregnancy. Baby this, baby that.
A zygote is NOT a baby.
A blastocyst is NOT a baby.
An embryo is NOT a baby.
An unviable fetus is NOT a baby.
An initial heartbeat does NOT equal a baby either. A heartbeat only means that an albeit immature organ (not entirely fully developed) is functional. Take the embryo/fetus out of the womb too early (before 19-22 weeks), and it will cease to exist. That being said, #viability is the ONLY issue that should concern anyone where a pregnancy is concerned. This proves why 94% of ALL abortions are before 14 weeks gestation, the majority of those being before 6 weeks. NO girl or woman wants to be responsible for the outright death of a viable fetus (i.e., if viable, an actual "baby"). Despite viability, the pregnancy still has no legal rights outside of Roe v Wade (i.e. - prohibition of late term abortions for mere contraceptive purposes).
Yes, many come back at me with the laws concerning double homicide of a pregnant woman; yet the fact remains that both the state and federal laws written of same categorize or ascribe the label of "legal victim" to the pregnancy, regardless of stage, and never that of [a] human being. The legislators knew that to state otherwise would immediately conflict with established case law (precedence) and Roe v Wade; not to mention the 14th Amendment of the Bill of Rights. So that argument is dead in the water (pardon the pun).
The undeniable fact remains, that without fetal #viability there can be NO actualized "human being."
Science and Nature