Total debates: 23
Should Humans Be Subject To The Moral Commands Of A Universal Creator? Or Is There Another Meta-Ethical Theory That Would Be Better EVEN IF God Exists?
The pro side will be arguing that "If God does not exist, then morality is speculative at best." And the con side will argue that morality can be grounded independent of the view that God exists.
Similar to moral realism vs moral antirealism.
Theists often claim that without God, objective morality could not possibly exist. As an atheist, I technically agree with them, though for a particular reason -- my stance is that morality is subjective EVEN IF God exists. Socrates_had_a_baby has agreed to debate me on this topic. Let's discuss!
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When Sally does jonny it's morally evil When pull out = evil When sterilized intentionally = evil When NFP still evil :)
My brother wanted to see that I got humbled so come on chew me up and spit me out
(Excluding people who are severely mentally impaired.)
I will argue that morality is subjective. CON must argue that morality is objective.
For the purposes of this debate, free-will does exist, and we can argue about the definition of free-will during the debate.
BOP: Prove that a creature without self awareness can suffer.
A debate about abortion and whether or not women should be doing it.
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I believe that morality is subjective
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Logic is absolute all over the world and morality is considered to be it's antithesis, but I argue that they originate from the same point and end at the same point.
Can we argue that abortion should be outlawed simply because it can be perceived as moral? Do morals over ride ones right to body autonomy?
Proposition places BOP on Con by assuming any form of sentient being has moral value.
In this debate "YouFound_Lxam" will be arguing that morality is objective, while "Critical-Tim" will argue against it. If "Critical-Tim" succeeds in proving morality is not objectively defined, he will then attempt to define morality with an alternative.
Getting angry, upset points to an objective transcendent basis for morals, values, which points to the biblical God.
Is morality objective? Or is it only subjective, and based on principles of right and wrong that differs for each individuals own personal framework?
I believe that western civilization is totally degenerated, with everything that is going on. However i am open to debate, to see the other point of view, and if possible convince me otherwise.