Total topics: 2
Round 4 begins in 3…2…1…
Lobby Focused Last DP
Vader - You are the Killcam! You are a mechanic allowing players to see from the eyes of the opponent who killed them. Everytime a player dies, a killcam is to follow.
You are a Gravedigger! Each night, you will passively appear to visit any player that died in the night.
You win with the town.
In the Killfeed
Whiteflame - You are Vehicles! You are a mechanic allowing players to take control of you and move around the map at a faster pace (usually).
You are a 2x Commuter. Each night, you have the option to leave town, making yourself immune to all actions (including lethal ones) for the night.
You win with the town.
Greyparrot - Mafia - Sniper - JOAT (1x Strongman, 2x Role Cop, 2x Car Thief)
Pie - Town - Deployable Cover - 2x Doctor
Austin - Town - Map Objectives - Compulsive Roleblocker
Savant - Town - Minimap Dots - 2x Watcher
Vader - Town - Killcam - Gravedigger
Whiteflame - Town - Vehicles - 2x Commuter
Players Remaining
1. Casey
2. Wylted
3. Lunatic
With 3 alive, it takes 2 votes to lynch. The DP ends on Friday, February 15 at 10:00 pm EST. I am willing to grant an extension because of Valentine’s Day if one person requests it.
Forum games
DP3 Lynch Vote Count
Wylted (1/1) - Wylted
DP3 Nomination Vote Count
Wylted (1) - Pie
DP3 results: Wylted was lynched! He was a jester! Jester can now joint win with town and mimes (hotfix patch).
Lemme explain what just happened.
So I wanted to give Casey (the third party survivor) a strong role because I felt like she had one of the hardest roads to victory without power roles. So I gave her the really strong ability to rewrite someone’s PR to something of her choosing. It was way too strong looking back, but I only felt it was gonna introduce chaos.
However, I did not expect her to use King to team with Wylted like this. I gave the survivor this role before I decided jester couldn’t joint win with town or mimes.
The whole reason I decided that was because I didn’t want the jester to team with town for a free win. Survivor and condemner didn’t have a real reason to team with town, so I didn’t consider it an issue.
So I was thinking about how third parties could team with other parties, but I didn’t think about how survivor and condemner could team with jester after I made jester unable to joint win. This wouldn’t normally be an issue until late game at which point the survivor/condemner has earned their win… but I overlooked this one particular play the survivor could've made.
I really couldn’t say anything about it until now.
So yeah, Casey just cheesed the shit out of my setup. Because I don’t want this game to be completely unfair (even bastard games have a limit!), I will just allow jester to joint win with town and mimes. The game will continue.
Wylted - You are Logan and Jake Paul, the brother duo of terrible influencers! You like to get yourself involved in whatever you come across, usually making some dumb spectacle out of it in the process, from music to boxing.
You are the purple goo. You have no night action, but all players who come in contact with you on the night will have their role swapped with yours. This will make them the purple goo, while you gain their abilities.
CHANGED BY CASEY: You guys must think you’re king. You are the King for this next cycle. You will have the sole vote on who gets lynched.
If multiple players target you in the night, one of them will be chosen- first, by order of operations; second, by random chance.
You are a jester. You win when lynched. You can joint win now, but you previously couldn’t.
Casey - You are Jeff Skilling, the former CEO and COO of Enron! You were an aggressive executive with one eye on the business, and the other eye on its stock price! You hired Andrew Fastow, who later rose to a role as prominent as yours. You both want wealth and power and you want it yesterday! He can do a few things for you.
You are the Steadfast JOAT (“steadfast,” a flavor meaning your abilities cannot be changed). Your abilities are:
1x Rewriter- One per night, per game, you may target another player and hit them with one of Fastow’s misleading spreadsheets. They will now have a new role (of your choosing, you cannot change their affiliation or make them vanilla, however!), and will have to interpret their character differently.
1x Commuter- Have Fastow take you to one of his offshore properties. You will be immune from all night actions.
1x Morpher- Have Fastow turn another player into a special-purpose vehicle to hide your company’s fraud. You will appear as that player on all investigations that night.
Finally, you are only in it for yourself. You are an Informed Survivor. You win when the town or mimes have achieved their win condition, assuming you are alive at that point. You are informed that the feds (really just another player in this game- Greyparrot) is out to get you.
HOTFIX PATCH: Your character is now Andrew Fastow! Since you used past crimes to gain future success as a public speaker, you are the Cheeser! You have the same PRs as before, but you win when cheesing the setup (knowingly or unknowingly!) You can joint win.
Greyparrot - Condemner- Brian Vickers - Steadfast JOAT (Car Thief, Roleblocker, votebuyer)
Skipper -Town - Juggle!’s leadership - Hidden Hated Miller (told they were vanilla)
Wylted - Jester -The Paul Brothers - Purple Goo
Casey- Survivor- Steadfast JOAT- Jeff Skilling (changed to Andrew Fastow - Cheeser)
Some clowns aren’t in it because they want to control their area of influence. Rather, they just want wealth for themselves. They only want power to generate more wealth. It doesn’t matter who the establishment is, people like this will play whatever side they need to play. Their only principle is the almighty dollar. Such is the story of Jeff Skilling and others.
1. Pie
2. Earth
3. Lunatic
4. Whiteflame
5. Joebob
6. Owen
7. Banana
With 7 players alive, it takes 4 votes to lynch. Whoever has the most nomination votes will receive the gun. VTL = Vote to Lynch; VTN = Vote to Nominate.
The DP ends in 76 hours, which is on Tuesday, November 26, at 2 pm EST.
There were no night actions last night, except for mod stuff. The votes from yesterday have been reset.
Forum games