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#Weight loss

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I know a lot of you guys have weight problems. It's understandable due to the environment and the calorie dense foods you see around you are probably a tad bit addictive. 

I must warn you that there is a psychological component to weight loss and I have designed a diet that will deal with much of that on it's own but honestly the psychological component is going to be needed for the long term mantainance phase after you are done losing weight more so than for the initial weight loss. 

# Why use the Method I recommend 

I will say before you begin that if you are prone to a restrictive eating disorder than this diet is not for you. The diet is generally safe for most other people but I am not a doctor so whatever you do is on you. 

The reason we are going to use this method and fuck it I might as well give it a name. Okay, we'll it already has a name and it is a long forgotten diet that is extremely effective, but before you Google it just finish reading this post because this post is all you need. 

It's called "The 5 Bite Diet".   With it you should be losing about 5 pounds a week. The reason you want to ignore recommendations of merely losing 1 to 2 pounds a week is that it can be demotivating to have such slow progress and with the way weight naturally fluctuates you really won't know at the end of the week, once you step on the scale if you actually lost a pound or were just dehydrated. Hell you may lose a pound of body fat but step on the scale and see you are up a pound. Not to mention alow progress is boring as fuck. 

So this diet and don't judge it by the name quite yet will have you losing roughly 5 pounds a week. Enough to keep you excited and moving forward.

# how much to lose

Before I explain how to do this there is one more thing I want to touch and the reason I bring it up now is that once you have the secret formula you'll stop reading and just start plotting how you'll do this. 

You might ask, how much weight should you lose. The answer is thay it's more than you think. Unless you have a restrictive eating disorder you are always fatter than you think you are. Consult the BMI chart. For my age, height, and sex it says I should be between 120 and 145 pounds. 

A lot of you will aim for the 145 because it is the lower ha going fruit, but I am going to tell you thay is wrong. Aim for the lower number. Mine is 120. See how you feel. Are you okay with that bottom number? You can always put weight on.

Now the part we have all been waiting for

# The diet

This diet is basically a modified bariatric diet. Doctors recommend this diet to bariatric patients all the time. The difference between them and you is really just the surgery. You can eat their diet and get results as impressive as them but without the surgery, and if the diet is healthy for 800 pound people at deaths door, it's probably going to be fine for you. 

# The rules

1. Only drink water. If you need you can have a morning coffee or tea but do not sweeten or add milk or cream to either. They need to stay zero calorie drinks.

2. Two bites of protein both as snacks usually and at different times

3. 5 bites of lunch

4. 5. Bites of dinner

5. One multivitamin

I know what you are thinking. You can fit a whole lot of food in 5 bites, so it's important to have reasonable sized bites and we can tell what is reasonable by training ourselves. For maybe the 1st week or 2 of the diet the 5 bite lunch will be a snickers candy bar. The 5 bite dinner will be a snickers candy bar as well. Both should take you exactly 5 bites. No more no less. 

Here is how I do the diet personally but it's customizable. Do what you want.

5 AM I have breakfast which consists of a single bite of a slim Jim and a black coffee

10 am I have another bite of the slim Jim

1230 I eat lunch either a snickers bar or a protein bar

7pm (but occasionally a few hours early) another snickers bar or protein bar

As far as maintainable is concerned I would recommend switching to a Mediterranean or paleo diet. If you notice you are gaining than maybe start incorporating intermittent and extended fasts, but there is also nothing wrong with just going on the diet every time you gain 10 pounds. 
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