How to lose weight

Author: WyIted


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I know a lot of you guys have weight problems. It's understandable due to the environment and the calorie dense foods you see around you are probably a tad bit addictive. 

I must warn you that there is a psychological component to weight loss and I have designed a diet that will deal with much of that on it's own but honestly the psychological component is going to be needed for the long term mantainance phase after you are done losing weight more so than for the initial weight loss. 

# Why use the Method I recommend 

I will say before you begin that if you are prone to a restrictive eating disorder than this diet is not for you. The diet is generally safe for most other people but I am not a doctor so whatever you do is on you. 

The reason we are going to use this method and fuck it I might as well give it a name. Okay, we'll it already has a name and it is a long forgotten diet that is extremely effective, but before you Google it just finish reading this post because this post is all you need. 

It's called "The 5 Bite Diet".   With it you should be losing about 5 pounds a week. The reason you want to ignore recommendations of merely losing 1 to 2 pounds a week is that it can be demotivating to have such slow progress and with the way weight naturally fluctuates you really won't know at the end of the week, once you step on the scale if you actually lost a pound or were just dehydrated. Hell you may lose a pound of body fat but step on the scale and see you are up a pound. Not to mention alow progress is boring as fuck. 

So this diet and don't judge it by the name quite yet will have you losing roughly 5 pounds a week. Enough to keep you excited and moving forward.

# how much to lose

Before I explain how to do this there is one more thing I want to touch and the reason I bring it up now is that once you have the secret formula you'll stop reading and just start plotting how you'll do this. 

You might ask, how much weight should you lose. The answer is thay it's more than you think. Unless you have a restrictive eating disorder you are always fatter than you think you are. Consult the BMI chart. For my age, height, and sex it says I should be between 120 and 145 pounds. 

A lot of you will aim for the 145 because it is the lower ha going fruit, but I am going to tell you thay is wrong. Aim for the lower number. Mine is 120. See how you feel. Are you okay with that bottom number? You can always put weight on.

Now the part we have all been waiting for

# The diet

This diet is basically a modified bariatric diet. Doctors recommend this diet to bariatric patients all the time. The difference between them and you is really just the surgery. You can eat their diet and get results as impressive as them but without the surgery, and if the diet is healthy for 800 pound people at deaths door, it's probably going to be fine for you. 

# The rules

1. Only drink water. If you need you can have a morning coffee or tea but do not sweeten or add milk or cream to either. They need to stay zero calorie drinks.

2. Two bites of protein both as snacks usually and at different times

3. 5 bites of lunch

4. 5. Bites of dinner

5. One multivitamin

I know what you are thinking. You can fit a whole lot of food in 5 bites, so it's important to have reasonable sized bites and we can tell what is reasonable by training ourselves. For maybe the 1st week or 2 of the diet the 5 bite lunch will be a snickers candy bar. The 5 bite dinner will be a snickers candy bar as well. Both should take you exactly 5 bites. No more no less. 

Here is how I do the diet personally but it's customizable. Do what you want.

5 AM I have breakfast which consists of a single bite of a slim Jim and a black coffee

10 am I have another bite of the slim Jim

1230 I eat lunch either a snickers bar or a protein bar

7pm (but occasionally a few hours early) another snickers bar or protein bar

As far as maintainable is concerned I would recommend switching to a Mediterranean or paleo diet. If you notice you are gaining than maybe start incorporating intermittent and extended fasts, but there is also nothing wrong with just going on the diet every time you gain 10 pounds. 
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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I've done a lot of calorie counting in my life and that sounds like roughly 400 calories per day, which will definitely lead to some weight loss.

One of the fundamental contradictions though is the economy of scale in cooking vs the fact that the most sustainable diets are composed of diverse but tiny portions.

I've always found fasts to be the most realistic diets because real people (i.e. myself) don't have 1.5 hours per day to use thinking about how much calories the food I'm making has and spending 5x time cooking because I can't cook anything in bulk.

Now you seem to be happy with snickers and a dried sausage and I would rather starve (literally).

Another option is a classic, when you are fasting a lot; especially if you cut out added sugar products... then things like ripe fruit taste really really good (and sweet) but they still have very little calories. Like you could replace the snickers bar with a big container of strawberries and you'll feel a lot better after.

The big advantage of fruit is that you can eat it raw which means no cooking and for the most part it comes in units with very well known calories. If I had robot servants sure I would have a bunch of tiny servings of well prepared vegetables but alas vegetables are hard to cook and it takes just as long to prepare a small amount as a large amount.

Trying to eat a carrot or a bunch of spinach might be useful in convincing your brain that eating really isn't worth it and to give up on life.
WyIted's avatar
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I've done a lot of calorie counting in my life and that sounds like roughly 400 calories per day, which will definitely lead to some weight loss.
This is why you are fat.

The snickers bars are 250 calories each and the 2 bites of slim jim are probably less than 100 calories but let's round up to 100 for funsies. 

That's 600 calories a day. You underestimated by 33% or whatever math is correct 

Like you could replace the snickers bar with a big container of strawberries and you'll feel a lot better after.
Snickers has protein carbs and fat. The diet restricts you to 5 bites and the strawberries are only carbs so as silly as this sounds the snickers is a more balanced meal.

I've always found fasts to be the most realistic diets because real people (i.e. myself) don't have 1.5 hours per day to use thinking about how much calories the food I'm making has and spending 5x time cooking because I can't cook anything in bulk.
Quick tip for when you move to the mantainance faze. If you really hate food preparation just replace your meal with a soylent.

Best.Korea's avatar
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I have 30% more weight than I should have.

I used to be skinny for my whole life, but shit happens in life and I ended up eating more than I should, and it quickly led to adding weight.

Now I cant seem to lose  weight even if I reduce calories to 1200 a day. Its strange.

Sure, I miss times when I was skinny, but damn its hard to go back to that now.

Even after I spent days of not eating anything, I didnt seem to lose much weight and whats worse the moment you start eating again, weight comes back within a day or two.

My biggest problem is chocolate. It contains lots of calories and I cant live without it.

I guess the only way to actually return to being skinny almost like Eugenia Cooney is to actually stick to a diet which is so extremely low in calories, and to stick to it for half a year or even a year until body gets used to eating only a little bit of food.
WyIted's avatar
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Now I cant seem to lose weight even if I reduce calories to 1200 a day. Its strange.
Somewhere around 75% of fat people have been found to incorrectly count calories in studies where researchers gave them the a calorie counting app and observed them..

You did not break the laws of physics. You either did not do it long enough to see results or you counted calories wrong. Fortunately for you I have given you the 5 bite diet and you will bow be 20 pounds lighter by the time 2025 gets here
Best.Korea's avatar
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You either did not do it long enough to see results
Thats the problem. Doing it long enough is mentally difficult.

Also, you have to account for metabolism and activity.

I have almost no activity in life, and I sleep for 12 hours a day. Both of these significantly reduce metabolism, which means they reduce the amount of calories body uses. So yes, its quite possible that my body actually needs only 1200 calories a day to maintain weight.

For example, person who burns 80 calories while awake and 50 while asleep gets significantly different results when sleeping for 8 hours and when sleeping for 12 hours.

It takes a very strong will to stick for a long time with any diet designed to lose weight.
WyIted's avatar
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So metabolism has very little effect on your TDEE . It could shift it maybe 10% in either direction at worst, in which case you just adjust your reccomended calories.

The 5 bite diet is so low calorie you can be sedentary with a low metabolism and be fine and weight drops so fast you will remain motivated to step on that scale every week and see your progress.

 I have almost no activity in life, and I sleep for 12 hours a day. Both of these significantly reduce metabolism, which means they reduce the amount of calories body uses. So yes, its quite possible that my body actually needs only 1200 calories a day to maintain weight.
You if your are 5 ft 2 this may be the case. If so just drop more calories but given that studies show fatties underestimate calorie intake it's probably better to look at the more likely explanation. 

We are going to stop that sleeping shit anyway. So studies show that 7-9 is ideal for longevity. For now on you will aim for 9 hours. No sleeping after 9 hours. You probably need closer to 7 but let's do baby steps here.

We also have studies showing that 13 hours of moderate activity or more is needed for longevity benefits. This is going to be accomplished by you getting a pedometer and getting 15k steps in a day. 

No more fucking around. Going on walks to get that 12k is ideal but you can also pace around your house. 
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
We are going to stop that sleeping shit anyway. So studies show that 7-9 is ideal for longevity. For now on you will aim for 9 hours. No sleeping after 9 hours. You probably need closer to 7 but let's do baby steps here.

We also have studies showing that 13 hours of moderate activity or more is needed for longevity benefits. This is going to be accomplished by you getting a pedometer and getting 15k steps in a day. 

No more fucking around. Going on walks to get that 12k is ideal but you can also pace around your house.
I am sorry master, but I am a lazy person. I cant sacrifice so much of my time just to lose weighht.

Please understand >.<
WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
I am sorry master, but I am a lazy person. I cant sacrifice so much of my time just to lose weighht.
This is the best part. I already accounted for this. You may also listen to podcasts while taking 12k steps . 
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
I've done a lot of calorie counting in my life and that sounds like roughly 400 calories per day, which will definitely lead to some weight loss.
This is why you are fat.
No, I am fat because of the periods I stop calorie counting :)

The snickers bars are 250 calories each and the 2 bites of slim jim are probably less than 100 calories but let's round up to 100 for funsies. That's 600 calories a day. You underestimated by 33% or whatever math is correct
215 and the whole slim jim is 130 calories. A slim jim is around 6 big bites so 130/6 = 43 calories for two bites. That comes to 473 calories.

Also I said "roughly" and when I said "count calories" I didn't mean I guessed, I was simply alluding to the fact that I gained good intuition and being off by 73 calories is a confirmation in my book.

Like you could replace the snickers bar with a big container of strawberries and you'll feel a lot better after.
Snickers has protein carbs and fat.
You say that like it's a good thing.

The diet restricts you to 5 bites and the strawberries are only carbs so as silly as this sounds the snickers is a more balanced meal.
Alternating through the three common berries gives you total amino acid coverage and almost every micronutrient. You eat nothing but snickers and cured meat you will get scurvy.

Of course it doesn't take much of a detour to stay alive but berries are definitely the more complete option.

I have a feeling you're going to dig into it so I'll preempt:

In a snickers bar there is Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid 0.5 mg.

As mentioned a snickers bar is 215 kCal and the equivalent amount of strawberries is 651g of strawberries. That's more than this container by 1/3:

That amount of strawberries has 377 mg of vitamin C. 750X more than the snickers bar.

It is said that you need 90mg per day. Very easy to get to with strawberries, it would take 180 snickers bar per day.

What about protein? (and remember you said snickers had protein, we're not talking about the slim jim):
215 calories of strawberries has 4.5 grams of protein. A snickers bar (215 calories) has 3g.

Reviewing the ingredients you can confidently say most of the snicker's protein is found in the peanuts. Even in this area where berries are considered a poor source quantity matters.

Calorie for calorie candy is bad because adding all that sugar simply reduces the acceptable intake to small quantities. Psychologically and nutritionally it's far better to eat a lot of low calorie food especially fruits which (when eaten ripe while you're very hungry) are hardly a chore.

It's not easy to find the ratio of long chain to short chain carbohydrates in things so I'll leave that alone for now, but my money is that a strawberry has a healthier mix of sugar and starch.
WyIted's avatar
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Alternating through the three common berries gives you total amino acid coverage and almost every micronutrient. You eat nothing but snickers and cured meat you will get scurvy.
That's what the daily multivitamin is for

What about protein? (and remember you said snickers had protein, we're not talking about the slim jim):
This isn't too far from being a protein sparing fast so you don't need large amounts but it is why you would have 2 bites of protein a day and the snickers is just to get used to the 5 bites so you can shift hopefully away from snickers to a protein bar. 

If you want to swap this for a container of berries go for it, but at least have a protein shake for breakfast. I think there is something to be said for a smaller portion of food during this fast because it may help to shrink your stomach.

Calorie for calorie candy is bad because adding all that sugar simply reduces the acceptable intake to small quantities. Psychologically and nutritionally it's far better to eat a lot of low calorie food especially fruits which (when eaten ripe while you're very hungry) are hardly a chore.
It depends. Some people can see a daily candy bar as a motivating thing particularly if they feel really deprived.  Again the snickers is just to get used to knowing what 5 appropriate bites are but you can replace it with 5 bites of what you want. I suggest protein bars but ai have seen others use whatever everyone else is eating around them but just make sure they only get 5 bites. My 2 bites of daily protein is slim Jim's but no reason somebody cannot do the same thing and swap it for a bite of egg or a bite of chicken. 

Remember you are dropping 5 pounds a week here so it takes 10 weeks to lose 50 pounds when most diets suggest 1 pound a week which means it normally would take a year. The point is just to get the weight loss out of the way and move on with your life. You only need extreme discipline for 10 weeks as opposed to a year or more.

In my case I would need to eat 1800 calories a day to go from my heaviest of 200 to my ideal weight of 125 which would have been 75 weeks of discipline not taking into account having bad weeks here or there which would make this a 2 year project. The 5 bite diet shrinks the time frame to less than 3 months. Maybe 4. 

It's not easy to find the ratio of long chain to short chain carbohydrates in things so I'll leave that alone for now, but my money is that a strawberry has a healthier mix of sugar and starch.
Look berries are one of the healthiest foods on the planet. You said you get lazy sometimes and forget to count calories. I showed you an option where you can take a multivitamin and count bites, which is easier to count than calories. This diet is customizable also. You can change it to the 10 bite diet and that moves you up to about 1000 calories a day, which is still fast weight loss. You could also cycle. 4 weeks of the diet followed by 1 week where you eat at maintenence or even a surplus. 

I don't know about you but for me eating at 500 calories a day for a few months is a lot easier than starving eating at a calorie deficit for 18 months. It also seems easier to get back on track fast even when life throws you a monkey wrench where you get depressed for a month or whatever. 

If you have 3 good weeks and lose 15 pounds than have a bad month, you probably only put on 5 pounds during the bad month, but even if you get absurd and put on 10 pounds than you still kept 5 pounds of progress when you get back to work. 

There is a reason you see so many success stories with bariatric surgery and it's because it is  quick.

Once we get to the mantainance phase I have different reccomendations.  I am going to reccomend something like the Mediterranean diet for mantainance combined with either IF or the occasional extended fast. Some may find that they can mantain with a 16-8 fast and others who really eat a lot on their feeding days may need to take 2 days a week off from eating. 

Lemming's avatar
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Eat healthier,
Eat less,
Exercise more,
Count calories.

Don't shop when hungry.
Don't keep junk food in the house.

If your diet saves you money, keep the saved money in mind as an additional reason to follow the diet.

If you manage to get a six pack or strong jawline, keep them in mind as aspects of yourself that you enjoy as reasons to follow the diet.

Keep in mind people 'out of shape, who can't run or cut their own toenails.

Keep future old age in mind, and how good health will make it more enjoyable.

Just keep stacking reasons for why your diet and exercise is better than gluttony and sloth.
And keep them in mind.