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I just came back from a vacation in India and shocked would be understating the experience. 

I went with a group of about 500 other Americans in a small town that could barely hold us. 

First of all there seemed to be a lot of tension in the small city of pootan . Maybe they weren't used to seeing so many whites. 

An election for mayor was happening in the small town. A gentleman named Predeep was running against a Mr. Patel for mayor. 

The town had lots of cows just walking around. Stray cows, but I noticed as a few weeks went on that there were gradually less and less stray cows. 

They candidates had a debate. Predeep in the debate to my horror Said he was tired of the Americans being there when the towns resources were already strained. He said "they are eating the cows'. 

To Mr. Patel's credit he said predeep was a racist to say Americans eat cows. He defended us Americans by saying that it would be silly to think  actual American would eat cows when they have access to Indian food. 

I will say my friend Joe was the only one out of the 500 to gain weight there. The rest of us lost 10 pounds due to being on vegetarian diets. I guess all of our bodies respond to vegetarianism differently. 

Anyway, anybody thinking of traveling to India just be cautious. These racists believe that Americans eat their cows . Just because stray cows disappeared doesn't mean Americans eat cows. 

Also if you are reading this Predeep. Go fuck yourself we were their to contribute to your economy not to be judged. We may have been your guests but the fact you would expect us to conform to your societal standards and accuse us of disgusting behavior such as eating cows is sick. 
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