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#Limousine liberal

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So I have this thread up which explains why old money tends to vote democrat for some back ground.

History buff mentioned that my conclusion makes no sense, because rich people would want to pay workers less, but I will explain the incentive structure soon. 

what moderates left and right agree on

Moderate boring idiots on the left and right, essentially your Bush/Clinton types have this theory that in order to have a capitalist society you need a strong social safety net in terms of minimum wage, subsidies etc. 

The reason this part of the theory was developed is because occasionally the working class in the past has revolted and the results of even the revolts that fail is the wealthy elite end up with their heads on pikes. 

So the wealthy do like to make money, but they also realize that to continue making money they have to be alive so they throw the poor and working class a bone. 

The moderates put it as needing a strong safety net to prevent people from rebelling at the ballot box. These same moderates also think or at least publicly state that socialist/communist societies fail because they don't have that strong capitalist engine to provide a safety net. So this is a circular thing. To have a poor population that can still have its bread and circuits, you need a strong capitalist system to peal those benefits off of.

tying this together

what this means is that the wealthy elite to keep the plebs (thats you)  happy (meaning not homicidal) they need to push for things like strong social safety nets. 

The more knowledgeable leftists which this site lacks often criticize the welfare state as hiding the flaws of capitalism and keeping the proletariat subdued. The Laissez Faire Libertarian types really don't care or don't realize that without the social safety nets and with new players to compete with old money, you have a destabilizing effect on society.

So this is why you will see the nuevo rich often side with the right. Also what is known as the petty   bourgeoisie will often side with the right, those are your small shop keepers, people who own painting businesses etc. They are either small players in the game or too new to the game to realize that the destabilization they used to make their money is also the same type of destabilization that can come right back and smack them in the face.

what to do

so What does the old money do? They ccan't get rid of a social safety net in fact they prefer it there because it keeps them safe, they can’t roll back the minimum wage for the same exact reason. 

The next best thing they can do to is start importing a bunch of cheap labor into the country.

Another tactic they also use besides importing cheap labor is that they will often pretend there are nursing or doctor shortages. Any time you see a career that pays well, the old money will start flooding your local papers with stories of shortages. It happened with nurses and truck  drivers and if you are wondering why it is harder to get 6 figures after studying for a year or 2 to program a computer, it is because the old money has petitioned the government to start flooding the cou try with much cheaper Indian labor.

This is the game folks. 
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