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#transdimensial surfing

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How you can improve this site and what I am doing as I once again go behind the scenes to work on a few things.

What you can DO

1. Do not engage in political threads unless you have critiques of a specific policy. avoid talking about individuals or political movements as a whole unless you have some critique or analysis of some sort of underlying philosophy. Some examples may be criticizing the liberal assumption of people being blank slates at birth and all differences in the outcome being attributable to environmental factors or criticizing the conservative assumption that meritocracy is possible or desirable.

2. Expand the community outward. Start a blog and link to the blog from here and vice versa. By creating that community outside of this site and then infusing them into this site, you expand the number of intelligent people on this site and help build a debate community, that will still exist if this site disappears tomorrow. preferably the overlap with each other, blog, and VLOG communities, means we just need a few people handy at coding with some free time to rebuild this at any point, or if there is no desire to rebuild this, then you have built yourself a bigger network and strengthened your ability to argue your position and persuade by making debate a part of your broader life.  If blogging or Vlogging is not your thing than build a twitter presence and start intertwining this community, with the one you build on Twitter, facebook or truth social even.

3. Another thing I used to do when I was on, is I would come up with a debate topic and reach out to bloggers. I found a conspiracy blogger and challenged them to a debate on whether the Red Cross had occult origins or not. I also remember a time where I challenged one of the local heads of Mothers against Drunk Driving to a debate on whether drunk driving should be legal or not, so if you ever want a good debate and can't find one here than perhaps go seek out some activist organization. Just keep in mind that people who join things like MADD, usually do so because they lost a loved one to drunk driving or had other personal tragedies, so definitely be tactful in challenging people to debates.

What I am Doing

1. I am slowing down and scaling back my participation here. Mafia will likely consist of 1 or 2 high-quality posts on my days off or 7 shit posts that barely contribute on the days I work. I will vote occasionally on debates but not participate much in the forums

2. I want to make a bunch of low-effort content that expands my circle to intertwine it with this site, like I suggested above. The way to do it, from what I can see from others, is have a unique philosophy that can just be repeated over and over and applied to a wide variety of circumstances. Hoe math has 1 philosophy that he quickly creates a ton of videos with by applying it to differing circumstances. His content is like 10 pages of notes. With a simple 10 page philosophy it can be done and then it is a matter of learning how to edit in some minimalistic way among other things and hopefully the content pisses off enough people where they want to come here and debate it.

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