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You will be ranked upon several factors. There is no such thing as a truly ideal debater, everyone makes sacrifices in their playstyle.

I'll start off with some who I think won't have an issue with me rating them, if you want to be rated let me know.

Ratings in each category are out of 10


Originality: 8
Depth of Research: 10
Effort vs Margin of Guaranteed Victory: 3
Intimidation Factor ~ Makes Opponents Forfeit/Concede: 9
Intimidation Factor ~ Unpredictability Drives Opponents To Argue Chaotically: 5
Intimidation Factor ~ Reputation Brings The Utmost Stress and Effort in Opponents: 10
Ingenuity of Debate-Structure Manipulation: 4
Eloquence: 6
Rebuttal Factor  ~ Brushing off many paragraphs with 2-3 sentences: 1
Rebuttal Factor ~ Meshing rebuttals with contentions: 8
Rebuttal Factor ~  Constructing arguments that are extremely difficult to rebuke without hurting one's own case in some way: 8
Rebuttal Factor ~ Tendency to understand how voters interpret rebuttal-vs-contention interaction and strength: 10
Quality of Presentation: 7


Originality: 6
Depth of Research: 8
Effort vs Margin of Guaranteed Victory: 7
Intimidation Factor ~ Makes Opponents Forfeit/Concede: 7
Intimidation Factor ~ Unpredictability Drives Opponents To Argue Chaotically: 7
Intimidation Factor ~ Reputation Brings The Utmost Stress and Effort in Opponents: 10
Ingenuity of Debate-Structure Manipulation: 8
Eloquence: 9
Rebuttal Factor  ~ Brushing off many paragraphs with 2-3 sentences: 7
Rebuttal Factor ~ Meshing rebuttals with contentions: 10
Rebuttal Factor ~  Constructing arguments that are extremely difficult to rebuke without hurting one's own case in some way: 10
Rebuttal Factor ~ Tendency to understand how voters interpret rebuttal-vs-contention interaction and strength: 10
Quality of Presentation: 9

Let me know if you want me to rate you or another user, I will first make sure I have permission to rate everyone in this way.

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