Total topics: 52
According to
the Standard Model of Cosmology, the Universe is temporally and spatially finite,
and it is expanding.
The question
becomes, what is it expanding into?
Science and Nature
The Existence of Green is Disproved
In another thread, on a far away board, much like this one, angry
Evangelical Colorblinds (ECs) finally proved that Green does not exist. Here is
a report by someone that was actually there...
For centuries it has been said that Green was both blue and yellow, and yet, it was neither blue nor yellow.
The Evangelical Colorblinds (ECs) pointed out the obvious contradictions in this paradoxical statement, it was proven that something can not be both and yet neither at the same time, and Green was shown to be illogical and irrational.
Those who believed in Green pointed out that people everywhere, in all times, always, have reported having experienced the color Green.
The ECs explained that those people lived in a pre-scientific age, which is equal to unscientific of course, and therefore Mankind must in fact have always been wrong and that Mankind has just always been delusional, simply wishing that there was a color Green.
It was shown that what is referred to as Green by pre/unscientific man is merely a particular wavelength of light within the visible spectrum of the electromagnetic field, and that in fact, the color Green had therefore been explained away by science. It was determined that Green has no objective existence.
It was pointed out by the people that believed in Green that they do in fact experience the color Green themselves.
These people were told that the burden of proof was on them, that no one can prove the existence of Green, and it had already been proven that Green had no objective reality anyway. The EC's then explained that these people were also delusional, anti-scientific, illogical and irrational; they mocked them, called them names, and proclaimed them stupid.
The believers said that Green was the color of photosynthesis, that photosynthesis transforms light into life, and that the air we breathe is nourishing because of this process. It was said that no color chart is complete without Green.
The ECs proclaimed that Green was the color of envy and the color of money and so it was a function of greed. The ECs went on to show that most of the wars of mankind were fought by people wearing Green uniforms, so that Green has obviously been the cause of mayhem and murder for centuries, and it was shown that all of the terrorists of 911 had Green cards and so in our day, Green was nothing but the cause of terror and destruction also. It was stated that if men would simply accept science and renounce Green, the world would be a better place and we would have peace on earth.
I became frustrated by this thread and wanted a break from the discord and so I went to look at the Color Forum to read other threads to see what the believers had to say among themselves, I wanted to see people pronouncing the glory of Green in all its shades and hues.
But all I found were posts by the Forests mocking the Hunters and the Hunters mocking the Forests. People were telling the Azures and Turquoises that they had allowed the one true Green to become polluted by adopting the royal blues of the Romans and Greeks, and the sky blues of the Native Americans into their Green. People were telling the Emeralds and the Jades that they had allowed an eastern yellow to pervert and pollute the one true Green. The Pales were attacking the Darks, calling everyone neo-darks, and the Darks were attacking the Pales, saying they were Greenless. Ranging from patronizing to blatant anti-Olivism, it seemed everybody was picking on the Olives, some even said the Olives had killed Green. Teals were fighting with Chartreuses, there was a Seventh Day Avocadoists telling everyone that the world was coming to an end in capital letters, and some nutcase offering people a free toaster if they would accept Limeism and tithe. Everyone was proclaiming that their Green was the one true Green, and that all other Greens were false Greens.
I realized that nobody was really discussing Green; they all just seemed to be waiting for their turn to talk and then speaking about themselves, and I just didn't see the point of it all.
I realized that over half of the people in the world had developed their color charts on the basis of the color chart of the ancient Olives and so I think they must have been on to something. I also knew that the ancient Olives had believed that one should not even utter the word Green so as not to turn Green into an object and forget that the word Green was referential to a relationship. I was beginning to understand why the Olives tried not to use the word Green and so I decided that I would never again say the word Green as long as I lived, and having so resolved, I turned off my computer and went for a walk in the woods.
After a while I just didn't think about it anymore, I didn't try to put words to it, I just felt the grass under my feet and looked out at the plants and trees, the vastness of the blue sky filled me with a sense of awe and wonder, and the yellow sun warmed me. I breathed the fresh air and I was surrounded by an abundance of life, and I realized that it didn't matter what anyone had to say about the color Green, for I beheld that the quality of Green is within me.
I experienced something real and genuine that day. I don't exactly know how to express it with out saying the word, all I can say is that what I experienced that day was both blue and yellow, and yet, it was neither blue nor yellow.
For centuries it has been said that Green was both blue and yellow, and yet, it was neither blue nor yellow.
The Evangelical Colorblinds (ECs) pointed out the obvious contradictions in this paradoxical statement, it was proven that something can not be both and yet neither at the same time, and Green was shown to be illogical and irrational.
Those who believed in Green pointed out that people everywhere, in all times, always, have reported having experienced the color Green.
The ECs explained that those people lived in a pre-scientific age, which is equal to unscientific of course, and therefore Mankind must in fact have always been wrong and that Mankind has just always been delusional, simply wishing that there was a color Green.
It was shown that what is referred to as Green by pre/unscientific man is merely a particular wavelength of light within the visible spectrum of the electromagnetic field, and that in fact, the color Green had therefore been explained away by science. It was determined that Green has no objective existence.
It was pointed out by the people that believed in Green that they do in fact experience the color Green themselves.
These people were told that the burden of proof was on them, that no one can prove the existence of Green, and it had already been proven that Green had no objective reality anyway. The EC's then explained that these people were also delusional, anti-scientific, illogical and irrational; they mocked them, called them names, and proclaimed them stupid.
The believers said that Green was the color of photosynthesis, that photosynthesis transforms light into life, and that the air we breathe is nourishing because of this process. It was said that no color chart is complete without Green.
The ECs proclaimed that Green was the color of envy and the color of money and so it was a function of greed. The ECs went on to show that most of the wars of mankind were fought by people wearing Green uniforms, so that Green has obviously been the cause of mayhem and murder for centuries, and it was shown that all of the terrorists of 911 had Green cards and so in our day, Green was nothing but the cause of terror and destruction also. It was stated that if men would simply accept science and renounce Green, the world would be a better place and we would have peace on earth.
I became frustrated by this thread and wanted a break from the discord and so I went to look at the Color Forum to read other threads to see what the believers had to say among themselves, I wanted to see people pronouncing the glory of Green in all its shades and hues.
But all I found were posts by the Forests mocking the Hunters and the Hunters mocking the Forests. People were telling the Azures and Turquoises that they had allowed the one true Green to become polluted by adopting the royal blues of the Romans and Greeks, and the sky blues of the Native Americans into their Green. People were telling the Emeralds and the Jades that they had allowed an eastern yellow to pervert and pollute the one true Green. The Pales were attacking the Darks, calling everyone neo-darks, and the Darks were attacking the Pales, saying they were Greenless. Ranging from patronizing to blatant anti-Olivism, it seemed everybody was picking on the Olives, some even said the Olives had killed Green. Teals were fighting with Chartreuses, there was a Seventh Day Avocadoists telling everyone that the world was coming to an end in capital letters, and some nutcase offering people a free toaster if they would accept Limeism and tithe. Everyone was proclaiming that their Green was the one true Green, and that all other Greens were false Greens.
I realized that nobody was really discussing Green; they all just seemed to be waiting for their turn to talk and then speaking about themselves, and I just didn't see the point of it all.
I realized that over half of the people in the world had developed their color charts on the basis of the color chart of the ancient Olives and so I think they must have been on to something. I also knew that the ancient Olives had believed that one should not even utter the word Green so as not to turn Green into an object and forget that the word Green was referential to a relationship. I was beginning to understand why the Olives tried not to use the word Green and so I decided that I would never again say the word Green as long as I lived, and having so resolved, I turned off my computer and went for a walk in the woods.
After a while I just didn't think about it anymore, I didn't try to put words to it, I just felt the grass under my feet and looked out at the plants and trees, the vastness of the blue sky filled me with a sense of awe and wonder, and the yellow sun warmed me. I breathed the fresh air and I was surrounded by an abundance of life, and I realized that it didn't matter what anyone had to say about the color Green, for I beheld that the quality of Green is within me.
I experienced something real and genuine that day. I don't exactly know how to express it with out saying the word, all I can say is that what I experienced that day was both blue and yellow, and yet, it was neither blue nor yellow.