Total questions: 140
You seem to quote Sun Tzu frequently. Is Chinese history something you enjoy learning about?
Not really, just the teachings of Sun Tzu. I don't hate learning about history, but I'm not overly obsessed. In my eyes history is very similar across regions, just paced differently.
So lyricism came natural to you
yes, I won't go into specific awards I did or didn't get but I was far superior to my peers at it even from a young age. It impressed adults a lot.
Has a certain person changed your mind about something/someone
Yes, rarely but yes. I won't be specific though, for this is about privacy and making you unable to ever imitate me online. Those who have single-handedly changed my mind are rare and often merely were speakers of something that was more asking than telling.
What do you think of me as a person?
You don't think deep, so shallow. Being shallow leads to you also being impulsive and not considering the consequences of what you do and say much before you do and say them.
How did you develop your style as a rapper?
I listened to good rap but honestly nothing beats natural talent in something as artsy as that. You either 'got it' or you don't. I maximised my natural talent for poetry.
What is the meaning of life to you?
To use what is at your disposal to the maximum capacity in order to enjoy life but to ration said use of it if it gets in the way of sustaining your life and its enjoyment and the lives (and enjoyment) of those around you.
A simpler interpretation is 'to change constantly as much as is required to enjoy a long and happy life.'
You said in your last question to me that I'm anti-authority. I've probably said that I support a small government and that I'm anti-authoritarian, but I don't recall saying that I'm anti-authority. How did you come to that conclusion about me?
Takes a Zontar dodger to spot a Zontar dodger.
How do you decide what profile pic to suggest to someone, and how did you get started in offering such suggestions to begin with? Also, thanks for the good suggestion for my profile pic. It's a good fit for me.
The answer to your question as it's worded is 'I just did'. To highlight my capacity to please the asker, similar to how I please the one seeking a profile pic, I will answer what you meant to ask; how am I so good at it and what is my secret?
The first step to understanding people is to give up on the notion (entirely) that we are not animals. You need to think of human beings as literally a species of animal that has pleasure, pain, hormones and stuff that amounts to things we can't really control but create an experience we dub 'free will' or the smarter of us just call 'the conscious experience'. In this experience, you will spot links, many secret links that I can't just explain nor should I reveal to everyone, between liking certain colours, styles, poses, and personality traits of people. This is so deeply judgmental and on a darker side means that evil people are fundamentally flawed at a genetic level if they keep experiencing a lust to hurt and can't seem to stop doing it. Nonetheless, you must spot these patterns, notice the flaws and perks of those around you and you too will begin to find links between taste in things, even how people look, walk, subjects they do and don't struggle with and personality traits that you won't even want to admit are linked to it.
There is no way you will make me go into the details here, it's offensive as many of the links I found are between negative traits, it also seems prejudiced and I keep my research to myself but it's proven correct in blatant ways at times like when I must please an asker with an answer or a seeker with a profile picture. I read them as a creature and link it to what I present to them.
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Do you agree with this popular saying, and why?
No, it is pretty stupid to be perfectly honest. Name one single hero in any fictional or real life situation. They were powerful, much more than the rest.
It takes power to be able to do great evil or great good, how you use that power is entirely up to you.
Who was the worst world leader throughout history?
Too subjective to say. This ignores what part of the "worse" was the qiorks of the sydtem they led etc.
Who was the worst US President?
I am curious about your spirituality. I have read through various statements from you, and you seem to hint around a very esoteric personal and occultist belief system. I am curious about your complete personal mythology
You do realise that calling it mythology is insulting to the one who believes in it, right?
Rule 1 of my religion is do not spell things out too explicitly for the unworthy, since reality and the goddess in charge selected them to not know the truth.
That being said, I'll lay it out for you;
At the core of reality is a random generator. It generates many 1/0 properties of any possible 'is true' or 'is not true' aspect of reality/realities. It eventually set 'is true' to a being with the variable 'can control the random generator'. The being instantly granted itself 'is true' to ' this being knows everything there is to know' and essentially from there controlled all reality. Over time, she (God is more feminine than masculine for multiple reasons) got bored with a fully strategised reality and let some things be random. That is why we have still got some randomness at the quantum level of this 'reality'/simulation but overall have laws of physics, chemistry etc.
Just wanna know who your profile picture is man
I linked in my profile to the piece of art, it's a character invented by an artist.
Define beauty
Define being annoying
What is your profile picture
When you say that your life's priority is power, what kind of power to be exact?
Once you understand power like I do, to the depths that I do, you will realise there is a central kind of power to obtain that translates into ALL forms.
The power to efficiently use what is at my disposal to get the most long-term benefit out of my situations while having enough short term pleasure to not hate life.
How many questions do you have to ask before you get a medal?
5, 25, 100
Bronze - Gold
But Washington started a govt from scratch without any premise how it would run. King George III called him the most honorable man. Idk how you can see how Obama better than the founder of America
Because being first doesn't make you the best, in fact it rarely ever is the case in anything in lofe that the first to do it was the best at it.
Why Obama? Not George Washington, Lincoln?
Lincoln was a good strategist but overall just an opportubist wothout morals He exolicitly stated he thought of blacks as inferior beings to the white man, many times. He saw it as a chore and burden that he had to free the slaves to reconcile the US. There's a lot more reasons to dislike Lincoln. Washington wasn't good at all, among the worst. His US didn't have good equakity eo liberty for women, poor etc at all.
If you could pick anywhere in the world to spend a week, all costs taken care of, where would you want to go?
The most expensive trip. I'd keep the money and save it andnperhaps go on a less expensive holiday.
If this wasn't an option, probably Vegas (assuming I don't live there). Of I live(d) in Vegas, probably Japan. I like fast-pace focused holidays not beach stuff.
Best US president of all time?
Lol. Probably Obama so far, not that any was super fantastic.
Where does your current profile picture with "Do the right thINg" come from? Is it a campaign slogan or logo?
It was quite blatant what it was regarding. EU membership.
Which user do you respect the most on this site
Other than myself, Virtuoso.
If you were to read through the history of one country, which one would you choose?
Do you think that there should be a leaderboard for members who have the most medals?
What is the thing you are most proud of?
Keeping things I'm proud of IRL private.
In your opinion, who was the greatest general in history?
Sun Tzu in theoretical comprehension of war and even overall 'application' but he was so early that we are talking about things we can't really judge as his enemies were pathetic strategically in comparison.
I don't know exactly who to name here, some of the greatest Generals ever are the no-name ones who kept their head down mouth shut and maintained peace by efficient Sun Tzu style bluffing and inaction, meaning they never actually had to fight wars. I genuinely can't name just one.
What's your favorite place (country, state, or certain place)
Anywhere that's a social democracy could count here.
Why did you choose the name RationalMadman?
It is very accurate to describe me and fantastic for a self-reference in rap battles due to the syllable synergy of 'a'.
What is love?
The result of feeling that you and whatever you love have very common enemies and share a bond based on that.
What activity do you do that makes you feel most like yourself?
I always feel like myself.
Out of 100 random people, where would you rank yourself in terms of your intelligence?
That's actually a small sample size of humans, not a large one. I'd easily be in the top 20 most likely but it depends how you're selecting them and what you mean by 'intelligence'.
I'm among the top 0.3% of humans in intelligence I'd say but if you're picking only intellectuals for the test and measuring it in a very stringent manner my 'flexible adaptable intelligence' won't shine as much but still will show to be in the top 20% for sure.
What is your favourite video game?
Not into them much at this point in time.
League of Legends is one I fanboy streamers on though and I find genuinely intelligent people can climb the ranks there (more so than any other popular online game or whatever).
You're a good debater. Why do you keep forfeiting debate rounds?
Why do you think I owe an answer?
Why do you debate so much? I'm generally a little picky when it comes to the topic. I'm assuming that you're fine with whatever?
I am more selective with opponent than topic, I exploit the enemy well.
Dude, you have like all the badges (but 1). How? Any tips and tricks?
Aim to earn them in the sleaziest way that doesn't break any technical rules. If you spot something you think will soon become outlawed, rush your doing of it. Winning with ease is the highest display of good strategy/power.
Why do you keep changing you profile pic? I never recognize you for like a second
Learn to read usernames, not profile pics.
Ping pong, I like it xD Why do you keep changing your profile picture? I always keep thinking that you're someone else?
I am someone else every moment that I progress through time. It merely resembles the old me.
Hey man, saw your post about earning the question badge. I got to say, that's a pretty smart idea. So... what's your favourite colour?
I'd put it this way. Deep blue is a bit too mellow but by God is a deep green/purple nicer to me than a blaring Red.
Who was your first friend on DART?
Who was your first friend on DDO?
Not your business.
What do you think is the single most important quality someone should have?
The willingness to negotiate with their worst enemy when the time comes.
If you could switch lives with any DDO member for a day, who would it be and why?
None. I absolutely, categorically am my favourite human being to be and know.
I shall rephrase: What is your least favorite country?
China, NK is a puppet state of China no matter what people think.
Trump or Ron Paul? Why?
Trump. Ron Paul would fuck the poor over even worse and stop Islamic Terrorism and Sharia brutality in the Middle East next to zilch.
What is your most iconic or memorable moment on DDO?
With your question to me, I was wondering if you were interested in debating the issue or just curious as to my stand on abortion?
I was garnering 'points' to get a gold medal for 'professional interviewer' :) now I am answering this to get the 'professional respondant' medal. :)
Why won't you tell me your favorite dish?
helps you dox me
What is your favorite food?
I will not reveal it.