Total debates: 23
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In this debate I will contend that prudence is the highest virtue.
We talkin' war
It's Time To Put The Lies To Bed
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I hold that capitalism is more democratic than socialism.
Abortion should be illegal in all cases except for when a pregnancy puts a mother's life at significant and abnormal risk.
The Bible is internally consistent.
I believe that the Marxist "Labor theory of value" is incorrect.
A debate for me and Dynamicsquid on whether or not America is a messed up place.
I hold that abortion should always be illegal except for in those rare cases when an abortion is the only way to save a mother's life.
Public safety supercedes your right to play with guns
Capitalism is a great system IF it is regulated properly
I will be holding the position that abortion should always be illegal except for in those cases wherein the life of the mother is put in abnormal danger by pregnancy and the child cannot be safely removed from the womb by doctors and kept alive.
President Donald Trump should be impeached and removed from office.
Palpatine was good and the Jedi were EVIL !
This debate will be about the death penalty.
I hold that capitalism is a superior economic system to socialism.
Abortion should be illegal in most cases.
This debate is on the topic: "The most rational response to the question of god's existence is to have faith." I will take the Con position. See the full description for more details.
It is most likely that God exists.
Is the two-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict a good idea?