Total debates: 31
does god necessarily have to exist?
Is theism is more likely than atheism?
How much of a problem is the problem of evil?
Anime is superior to other mediums of entertainment.
Is the transmigration of the human soul a proven fact?
The Problem of Universals asks three questions. Do universals exist? If they exist, where do they exist? Also, if they exist, how do we obtain knowledge of them?
Structure and Rules inside
Utilitarian doctrine contradicts itself
Beauty is not in the eye of the beholder
No description has been provided
I do not believe that Jesus is God and the trinity does not make any sense
Voting requirements are excessive.
All negative emotions spring from a separation and the death of God.
What we identity with the self is inaccurate.
Islam does not condone terrorism, it is against it
Oppositional Defiant Disorder should not be included within the DSM