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Total comments: 156


Definitely was personal and I don't need you to sugarcoat anything. Last thing I am is weak. Have a good day


Yeah and I know I lost I'm not saying pick me as the winner it's just the fact of his RFD being unnecessary. I have no issue with constructive criticisms if it's coming from a genuine place instead of a personal place. His vote was blatantly rude and he knows it and he wants to act dumb like it wasn't. I'm just ignoring him from now on. I honestly shouldn't have even let his RFD affect me to where I responded like that, could've ignored it and I regret that I gave you the same impression as TWS. I used to argue with people on this site all the time but now I'm trying to change, I don't wanna keep arguing


"Abortions are never deliberate, they are contemplated, and a choice is made"
Not always the case. Everyone doesn't belong in the same box. It's some women who just got pregnant and already made up their mind of having the abortion, I know someone like that. So no there's no "oh let me think about it" sure, some cases that happens but not all the time. Some women unfortunately go into the situation of getting pregnant knowing beforehand that they will get an abortion, no contemplation. So yes they are deliberate whether or not they contemplated. Just because they contemplated doesn't mean when they go through with the abortion it makes it not deliberate, because they went through with it. I forgot to respond to that point you said, other than that I'm done now forreal with the back and forth. Now I see why a lot of people can't stand you on here.


How sad. I deleted my replies to them. I'm done here, I'm not with the foolishness. Not giving this anymore energy. This will be my last comment on here. Sorry to anyone who sees this back and forth. Hate it got out of hand like that.


Thanks and you're right I could have elaborated more. Just been super busy and not having the time or passion for it so the arguments were relatively short. But at least the debate is over. Can't wait for this to die down because it's sad how I'm literally getting ganged up on for no reason


Oh look, another clown joined a circus. I really don't give a fuck about anything you say lmfao. I don't know you, you don't know me. Keep it pushing. It's honestly not even that deep. I'm done arguing with TWS1405_2 and here you I gotta put another peasant in the trash. Yes I'm really 27. How old are you? I'm super curious because the way YOU'RE behaving right now shows teen behavior to me. I know exactly how to control my emotions, do you? You clearly don't as you're so upset jumping in something that doesn't have anything to do with you. A truly mature person would've ignored this but you're also seek attention, drama and validation. Gotta love strangers on the internet wanting to paint a picture acting as if they know someone personally off of words on the internet. I was disrespected first so of course I'm going to defend myself. I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings so bad that I didn't act nice and kiss his ass lol. Have a good day.


Just gave the receipts with my prior comment below and proved you wrong, but I'm done here. Deuces.


What I said: "Abortion: the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy."
What you said: "You conveniently left off the second half, which is the part that I was referring to as being factually inaccurate."

Literal proof right there that all 3 of my quotes you said and labeled "Proven liar" is a lie. I just proved above that YOU brought up the second half of the definition first in which you said that's what you were referring to, but it's literally irrelevant to the debate.


All non proven ๐Ÿคฃ

Murder is what I said in my definition in R1. You also said the same definition. If it's not the full definition how come you didn't use it? Lol you're full of shit. Can't even say the full definition.


Like I said the debate is about whether or not abortion is murder. You made it about how long it takes within the weeks for abortion. YOU made it about that in the comments. I never mentioned that in my debate because that's irrelevant towards the debate.

What's the complete definition of murder then? How come you didn't use it then since you're so smart? Lmfao exactly. Again, nitpicking.




And that's your inaccurate opinion if you think I lack knowledge/ignorant of the subject.

So that's what you were referring to in the definition, okay, but that's beside the point. The debate is simply about whether or not abortion is murder. Not how long abortions are performed. That's why I left that part out as the core meaning of abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. 14 weeks, 28 weeks whatever. It's within the 28-week window. You proved nothing.

"most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy" is from google. If you have an issue with the definition then take that up with the CEO of google.

If my murder definition is incomplete, then so is yours by that logic because both of our murder definitions are literally the same. That is the complete definition of murder, you're just nitpicking. Again, you proved nothing.

Your weird behavior and insecurity knows no bounds, grandpa. Please seek mental help.


"Pro demonstrated their lack of the requisite knowledge of the subject material to even have this debate." <<< called me dumb without calling me dumb. You were being indirect with calling me dumb.

Any person with common sense knows that those definitions of abortion and murder are correct. You used those same definitions in your debate in your description as well - same with many other people do in debates. I guess that makes us all wrong then according to you. Did YOU cite a source to back them up? No, you didn't. (Description) The hypocrisy is evident.

My definitions:
Abortion: the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy
Murder: the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another

Your definitions:
Abortion: induced termination of a pregnancy
Murder: when one human being unlawfully kills another human being

Slightly different wording but the same definitions in which you never cited a source. A source isn't really needed for definitions. They typically come from or google etc. So you saying my definitions are wrong is actually hilarious because it shows how dumb you are and it shows that your definitions are wrong too then by your logic.

And you demonstrated that you're a very sad pathetic individual who thrives off drama on the internet because you're unhappy with your own empty life.


It was very rude. You could have just said I lost originally. That's within the terms, but you know good and well you were being rude by calling me dumb. You're actually the dumb one because in your RFD you claim my definitions are factually incorrect when no, they are in FACT correct. You're the dumb one here like I said, but your opinion is your opinion.

"sooner or later your curiosity will get the best of you, and you'll see me putting YOU in your place."

Curious about what lmfao after this back and forth I'm no longer interacting with you anymore as you'll be ignored. You can never put me in my place, I actually put you in yours that's why you're so upset.

"But hey, Whiteflame wanted actual reasons from conduct within the debate, fine, I gave them in more detail."

Should've done that in the first place, instead your prior RFD came off personal rather than a professional RFD, but this is long overdue and idc anymore and idc about your RFD so I'll neither enjoy it or pay it any mind. Makes me feel no type of way. And I'm not a child. Have a good day


Lol now you look stupid. ๐Ÿ˜‚ That's all my issue was since the very beginning, it was your RFD, so don't twist it as something else. It came off childish and super personal. Now it's better, you could've done that at the start. I'm not saying you have to agree with me but what's not gonna happen is me getting blatantly disrespected. Btw I didn't report your vote, but it had all rights to get reported. "I got reported so how about you report him" such elementary behavior. Can't believe you act this way at your big age lmfao but I'm the 5 year-old. I took accountability for my actions in private. That's the difference between me and you, I can admit when I'm wrong. Now where was I? Oh, back to paying you dust, have fun being mad.


I like Eminem I think he's extremely talented, I don't listen to him though. I guess that doesnt really make sense haha but I do know his popular songs and will listen to them if it plays on the radio. I love Eminem's cyphers.


Man please. You saying a whole lot of nothing. Irrelevant. Just like you telling me to "STFU" you can STFU too. I showed my maturity by saying let's end this but you obviously wanna keep going per your comment afterwards wanting to keep arguing and throwing insults. Me taking up for myself and putting you in your place doesn't make me immature. You started this nonsense. And yeah I can't send links since DDO doesn't exist anymore. If that's delusional then alright. I've gotten a lot out of school, but you know what I'm through with the petty back and forth. If you think I'm so uneducated then okay. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Talk about attitude and demeanor lmao look at you though....and you call ME the hypocrite.

You're the dumbest person I've ever had the misfortune of coming across on this site lol. DeonM is destroying you in the comments. Once again showing how much of a dumb fuck you are. You're twice my age and probably some of the other people in the comments too yet you carry yourself this way, that's extremely sad old man. Do better.

Talk all that shit online but a pussy in real life, you one of them people who gets beat the fuck up in real life because of their mouth. Don't know how to shut the fuck up. I swear the internet got miserable ass folks so comfortable. It's wild. You just a washed up old pathetic miserable ass bitch. But I'm out, this is boring and this shit is going on for too long and it's embarrassing. I'm a king, I don't deal with peasants like you. You're dirt. Think TWICE before ever disrespecting me again bitch. I'm through wasting my valuable time on you, I got more important things to do. Welcome to my block list. Last comment to your weird ass.


lol yeah ok




Trust me I know. I started this site in 2019 and eventually got banned. It was toxic. Idk why I even came back on this site now I'm back in the same spot arguing with people smh. I just have to ignore


Yeah unfortunately. I wanted to end this maturely and like I said not add more fuel to the fire but he wants to keep arguing. These type of people you must ignore and pay them dust. Misery loves company


Like I said you don't know me from a can of paint. Had I sent you countless links of my past debates from it would've shut you up. I can play devil's advocate just like you can. I've been on the pro and con side of abortion is murder/pro life vs pro choice. I'm very much educated and intelligent and you can't tell me otherwise as you don't know me personally. I've gone to school just like you have. Yes, you do have more worldly experience than me and ofc more professional experience, you've had a chance to a LOT of things and have done more and I'm going to experience a lot of things as well. Can't help the fact that you're older than me. Imagine using that as an insult. I don't need to better myself off of you, fuck you. I better myself every day for myself, not for others especially not some washed up damn near 50 year-old on the internet who uses his age to shame others by saying "you're an idiot compared to me" instead of helping and educating them. Another thing, age doesn't equate maturity, it's about your mind. I'm smarter and wiser than a lot of people my age. Just because someone's older also always doesn't mean they're smarter.

I literally chilled and pumped my breaks last comment (which I really didn't have to off the premise that YOU started all of this to be begin with) I just said I'll end this maturely and agree to disagree yet you still wanna argue and throw insults, so who's really the mature one in the situation? Grow up. You and this intellectual coward bullshit is hilarious, keep thinking what you want, grandpa. Trust me, it's a lot I could say but I'm refraining from it. I'm gonna give you one last chance. Agree to disagree.


Yep and I was asking how was that psychological projection. Lol selective reading matters too. I'm 27. You're way older than me so you have more experience ofc. So yeah I haven't retired yet lol. College dropout? That's cute.

Ok if think I don't know the topic cool, whatever helps you sleep at night.

I'm just gonna end this and not add more fuel to the fire it's not worth it. I'm just gonna end this maturely and not keep arguing. We can agree to disagree.


Boy hush I ain't worried bout you thats why im LAUGHING because you aint saying shit. How bout you reply to my comment on the other debate pussy




Psychological how? Oh you a therapist now? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ You act as if you never cussed Mr. goody two shoes, "Way to demonstrate your lack of emotional and intellectual intelligence" I guess that applies to you too then. I'm talking about your RFD being rude. Let's copy and paste since you have short term memory loss.

"Pro began with a false premise and ended with a false conclusion. More importantly, Pro demonstrated their lack of the requisite knowledge of the subject material to even have this debate.
Con did not have to argue much to dispel the weak and unsubstantiated position of Pro."

Which was why I said you're using a whole bunch of big words to mask being rude. All I'm talking about is your RFD, that's what catapulted all this. It's not about me disagreeing I'm just calling it out for what it is. We can disagree that's no problem but your RFD was uncalled for. Congratulations on your resume, ask me if I give a fuck? This isn't a job application buddy calm down. It's the fake smart woke shit for me ๐Ÿ˜‚ Difference between me and you is I don't have shit to prove to a stranger online who I don't know or care about because I'm secure in myself. Couldn't be me. But since you wanna know so bad. I went to college, I'm very educated. I took criminal justice before but that's not my field. I also OWN my own house free and clear, highly doubt you can say the same. Successful homeowner at a young age, also have my own businesses (plural) yeah let's not get to that conversation because what you're not gonna do is that. I'm not the one.

I do know the topic very well like I said, thanks. Be careful with that clown word because if anyone is a clown that would be you. You better be careful or this will turn bad REAL quick because I'm the wrong one, I'd really hurt your feelings so please don't try me. I'd suggest you shut the fuck up. You got so many degrees and shit and worked all those places why you on a debating site then lmfao probably some sad ass 40 yr old, get ya life together


Can't wait for Savant to destroy this dumbass in this debate!


Oh well I'm sorry I gave you the impression of him through my words, I wouldn't want that. It's just that he came at me first so I had to defend myself


Nah dont compare me to that weirdo. But he started it so I ended it


Lost all of what debates? I only had one abortion debate, this one and another one atm so wtf are you talking about dumbass lol and like I said I was referring to where I had several abortion debates and won, not debateart plus I just started on this site.


Miss me with the nonsense, I say what I want especially if a lowlife disrespects me first. Don't act like you never cussed not one time in your life. You were being vulgar and rude first. You just used a whole bunch of big words in your RFD to sound intelligent but you were being rude so I returned that same energy and now you cant handle it. Its cool when they do it, its a problem when I do it lmaoooo.

"legal victim" and NOT "[a] human being." - Same thing. Human being. But I didn't debate with you so I couldn't care less. You have your opinion.

I do very well know the topic. I would send links for proof from but sadly the website doesn't exist anymore, but I had numerous abortion debates on there and even won some of them. Even played both sides and devil's advocate. I was referring me having several debates about abortion on, not debateart. But you don't know me from a can of paint so idgaf what you think. Piss poor attitude? Oh I'm sorry that you want me to be happy go lucky and kiss your ass after you literally disrespected me FIRST on your RFD.

Yeah I made a SECOND comment which was "And fyi i've had several debates about abortion" etc. My comment you replied to is my INITIAL comment. I took that sentence and edited it into my initial comment since you're so worried about it


"I don't consume the way that you consume." yep judging by your stance and your debate I'm very glad we consume differently. I don't dismiss all the black rappers who have made hip hop and rap and just give it over to white people lmao. And sure you take it on a whole other level of serious


Lol bitch fuck you and your vote and your comment as well. If you wanna believe a fetus is not a human and that abortion isnt murder then great. If you want to believe I'm dumb and lack knowledge per my debate then awesome. I don't give a shit, you can fuck off. Get a brain and learn to make an elaborate RFD like the other two did, instead you wanna have a smart mouth and come at me sideways. Well I can reach that energy too. If someone killed a pregnant woman that would be considered double homicide due to her and the baby, was the baby not murdered because it was a fetus inside her stomach? I'll wait

And fyi i've had several debates about abortion and know the topic of it very well. So you can go fuck off


That was my fault my bad, I assumed you were making a joke of someone's name. I initially thought you were talking about Gucci mane at first and then Lil Wayne. That's all I seen, didn't even read the sentence after that and I took it out of context so thats my bad but I never even heard of lil ugly mane, what a wild name. But see you know tons of white rappers and look down on black rappers and you honestly think white people/rappers perfected hip hop which is a joke so ofc you'd know who that is. this whole debate and lie you created shows and proves that you're the one who doesn't take the genre seriously.




lol this has to be a troll debate. wish i was con I would have destroyed Pro's lies. You do know rock and country originated from black people right? But I don't think you're ready for that conversation. And I would hope you aren't talking about Lil Wayne..."lil ugly mane".... when he's arguably the greatest rapper. Yes lyrically no one can fuck with Eminem, he's on another level Eminem is goat status but Lil Wayne comes second. Even Lil Wayne verses and pen game rivals Eminem. The rap culture who is made up of BLACK KINGS have cultivated it and made it important. For you to say white people perfected "hip hop" is a slap in a face. You're basically an addition to racism. Know why? Because whites take everything from black people and make it theirs. Now you're perpetuating it with this debate. And yes I know there are numerous of white rappers and I have no problem with that, I love Eminem but lets keep it a buck. Black folks are the embodiment of hip hop that goes for rap AND R&B


Sorry im late, just now seeing your comments. I'll make anothe rap battle to where Brother D Thomas can accept and I'll select "Judges"


Sorry im late, just now seeing your comments. I'll make anothe rap battle to where Brother D Thomas can accept and I'll select "Judges"


It can be anything you want, you can be creative


I can do whatever I want on here, if you don't like it then there's the door. You're not the moderator of this site so you can kick rocks. There has been plenty of rap battles on here for the past few years, search it up. Plus music battles and unorthodox stuff other than just debating. It doesn't have to only be just debates. People aren't interested yet I just had a rap battle, okay


Everyone please vote


Sorry I meant to be Pro. Got it confused. Thanks for commenting about my mistake


Yep its a whole lot of nuances. I can't actually believe something like this even turned into a debate. I was thinking about debating bella3sp, the person you debated with about this if they're interested. If not that's fine, anyone can accept.


I see you brought up hermaphrodites in your final round. So technically you brought up animals because some animals are hermaphrodites with the exception of birds and mammals (humans are mammals). This is a debate about humans. There have been no cases of a human producing both male and female gametes, in other words able to give birth while at the same time impregnate another human. Hermaphroditism does not occur in humans. If gender isn't based off sex then how come on job applications or important paperwork they ask for your gender and for the most part it says male or female?

But agree to disagree.


I should have took this debate. Unless its a troll debate I assume since Pro has empty arguments


"In the mists of this debate, it says "human race", I wasnt commenting on animals."

It's true that I was the first one who brought up cow, an animal and the reason why is simply to compare to the human race. There are male and female cows, that's how they mate and have offspring. Same with dogs, there are male and female dogs. There aren't more than two genders for dogs. I brought up a cow as an example to prove your statements are false and what I'm saying are facts.

"Can they speak human language?" Nope and I'm pretty sure we all know they can't. That's like you saying cows can talk and me disputing that lie saying no they can't. That's how this conversation is going.

"Do we know how they feel inside?" Maybe. Perhaps. Not 100% but scientists have done studies on how animals feel inside for example how dogs as pets view us humans as their owners but this is off topic anyways so we can disregard this - unless I answered the question wrong. Did you mean do we know how they feel inside as in a male cow thinks it's a female cow? Impossible.

"They just do, I really can't explain in any further detail because I don't identify as one." - They just do? That's not how it works. Give concrete explanation + evidence + proof of how they identify as a cow therefore making them one? If you're able to. You don't have to not identify as a cow to to explain how someone identifies as one.

"As I repeat, it's how you feel inside. So, it doesn't matter if (biologically) you are human." - It does matter that you are biologically a human. So I can say I feel like I'm an airplane, that makes me an airplane 100% is what you're saying.

If someone dresses up as a cow for halloween it doesn't make them a cow, a female human can't give birth to a calf. Also the term cisgender shouldn't exist. It's just gender. That's why women get offended when they are labeled as ciswomen, it's weird. They are women so just call them women. We can have a debate about this if you want.


Its all good just enjoy the battle and vote at the end who you favor more


You can't identify as a cow as you were born human, just like someone who is born as a female cannot identify as male and vice versa, just like someone who is born white cannot identify as black. All under the same umbrella: We are humans, we're mammals. Our gender/sex as it is the same. Our race and ethnicity. Of course your sex wouldn't be biologically a cow but two questions:

1. If there's more than 2 genders, that applies to cows right? Can there can be a cow that's a third gender? If so, does the same logic apply to dogs and cats?

2. Please explain how a human can identify as a cow? Are humans born with hooves?

gender definition: the male sex or the female sex, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones, or one of a range of other identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.

key words: "do not correspond."

Gender and sex are the same and even the definition of sex coincides with gender. Notice "the male sex or female sex" (which is biological) within the definition of gender




Ok thanks. With this gender debate specifically, my comment wasn't personal beliefs, it's science and facts per definitions and how the anatomy is made. Pro had better arguments
