Makes assertions until,
"You can't identify as something you are not.
If you were born male you cannot say you are a female,
you were not born with a uterus and you are unable to give birth."
From a certain point of view, occurs to me, I suppose.,
But of course, people often prefer, certain points of view,
Or 'specifically refer to a point of view, even if they know other points of view exist,
They 'prefer valuing a certain point of view.
A person 'can say they are female,
Other's may not agree, or treat them that way though,
And outcomes may result, that would not have if they had been biologically female,
That other's do not prefer said point of view,
Sports for instance, the differences between natural born men and women.
. .
Or society 'might agree,
'Some societies,
Course societies can say true, false, or in between statements.
Eh, some women can't have kids.
Makes argument that definitions of words change,
Which is fair,
But they would have made a better argument by examples of gender/sex in history.
Also arguably that a person's social definition, personage,
Doesn't change their biology so much.
Well, eunuchs had some body changes.
napzu makes an assertion in round 5 though,
Rather than argument in my view.
My Vote,
I don't think either side really put forth enough argument of rounds into this debate to get argument or conduct points,
No sources, no grammar bad enough on either side to add or remove points.
Debate 'Topic is a bit fragmented as,
People argue whether Sex and Gender is the same word,
Whether an individual 'can change their Sex,
Whether gender, in the social constructs definition, is meaningful.
Debate could be improved by agreed upon definitions and ideas in the introduction,
Baseline Give Ins, Assumptions, Some type of base on which to construct arguments,
Part of debate was disagreeing on base ideas.
. . .
Not that one 'can't disagree on base ideas in a debate,
But I think 'this debate would have been better off saying there are only two sexes,
'Unless the instigator 'also wanted to argue whether sex and gender are the same,
Which I 'assume, but do not know, that they did not.
I'm willing to accept this challenge if you make another or challenge me. I missed the opportunity as I was offline and would've took this position if I was online. If you want to debate me on this topic I am fine with that.
Otherwise, I'll be watching on the 'side-lines'.
Yep its a whole lot of nuances. I can't actually believe something like this even turned into a debate. I was thinking about debating bella3sp, the person you debated with about this if they're interested. If not that's fine, anyone can accept.
Fun topic right?