Cerulean's avatar


A member since


Total posts: 439

Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
Okay, well, we have 10 minutes left, so a decision needs to happen. I would vote Lunatic > WyIted > Me > No Lynch.

Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
Wait, if you put him at l-1 wasn't earth supposed to be the auto hammer? Why is no one questioning this?
I believe it was 3/5 at that point, which is "effectively" L-1.
Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
Because it would mean WyIted was either hoping we were feeling nice OR did absolutely zero research and just full claimed thinking it would be fine. Doesn't seem like too reliable of a strategy in any case.
Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
Hold the f up why is everyone accepting wylted claim so easily? I get villains CAN exist in as town but he gave the absolute weakest justification I've ever seen for it, I feel like people are accepting it way too easily. 
Well, it depends. Do you think WyIted is that stupid and/or ballsy to hard claim a villain?
Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
Gun to head team is Lunatic/WF
ADOL needs to be pressured to play the game tomorrow
Earth, WyIted, Mharman probably fine
Austin, Casey outer POE

Good luck, try not to implode next Day Phase.

Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
My character is Elva. My role is a weak investigative ability that I will not elaborate further on today.
(Post 166)

Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
Although to be fair, at this point, I was never going to be in a position to get nightkilled anyway.

Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
Right. That.

I'm Oracle, but a very weak version of it, at least from my point of view. If I get nightkilled, the role of my last chosen target gets revealed. Not even the alignment, just the role.

By saying this out loud, I will never be nightkilled and the ability is therefore worthless.

Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
I really don’t think scum has an easy way of guessing that.

We're talking about a role with a hostile effect that wipes people's abilities. It's not unreasonable to think it would belong to an "evil" character.

My point isn't that this specific aspect must make Lunatic scum. My point is that it doesn't make him Town and there's not much of a reason to townread him otherwise.
Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
Well, not Casey, I suppose.
Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
Unless someone can give me a good reason not to do so,
How about the fact that three of you consecutively expressed concerns about chopping me? At least give me some time to reread and write a legacy.

Pie, how much time do we have?
Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
Let's say you're Mafia-Lunatic and the theme split isn't "Good vs. Evil." If you think that a player has a character that would usually be considered "Evil," doesn't it make sense to try and force it out in a way that would put suspicion on that player?
Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
I am not going after lunatic, giving him a hard time and haven't put him in my town pool. How would it be town vs town. It's just lunatic vs me. I have not come at him at all
It was because I mentioned that I don't like Lunatic because of the way he pushed on you- I was sort-of implying a Mafia v. Town relationship, that's why it was mentioned.

Mhar, what is it that makes you think Lunatic is Town? It can't just be the double check on WyIted, because Mafia-Lunatic also has a strong incentive to do that, yes?
Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
I wholeheartedly disagree. There are many aspects of any character that can be interpreted as different roles, and mods have been known to stretch justifications to make a character fit a certain role.
Agree to disagree? With a series like this where there's only maybe two dozen or so possible characters and even fewer that make sense with a theme split, you can get a reasonable sense of at least the vicinity of what might be in play.

And besides that, speculation isn't just about being right, this sort of thing can also be used for social reads, yes?
Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
I think I've ended up with a pool of Austin, Casey, WF, Lunatic that I need to look through more closely. This is mostly off memory, though.

ADOL is full null, but if I were to angleshoot, I would suspect that Mafia would be pinged and replaced with more urgency. Either way, this slot is like an emergency button if we really can't decide.

Earth's role is pretty clearly real from how unique it is- that wouldn't cross my mind as a fake claim in a million years. As for whether it's Town or Mafia, I would call it Town both because I find it difficult to determine how the character would fit a Mafia team theme and because it's a role that's very likely to get policied and can't really be avoided.

I think Mharman's posting style this game has an energy that sort of resembles the Paper Mario game, so my impression there is Town.

WyIted is fine in my book (at least for now) just because I think Lunatic is super sketchy and was clearly trying to push there. If Town, I'm fairly confident on what the theme split actually is.

VTL Lunatic

Let's shake things up, hm? I don't like the way he behaved around WyIted and it makes sense if the split really isn't as simple as "Good vs. Evil."
Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
That might be fair, but why didn’t you say that in Post #7?
I thought it was self-evident. Knowing and applying your own role doesn't help speculation as much as the possible characters do.
Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
Since he's been at L - 1, Cerulean has posted 4 times:

-Posted a wall of self-defense
-Explained why he isn't claiming
-Talked about mechanics/characters twice
Yesterday was a holiday and I'm at work right now, so you'll have to forgive my lack of full attention. But I've not got much to do at this exact moment, so I'll try and consolidate my thoughts.
Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
insinuating scum would never fake claim their character and get CCed is silly.
When scum have access to checks on if characters/roles exist, it seems unlikely. Especially for the early game.
Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
So either WyIted is Town and the theme split is something other than "Good vs. Evil" or WyIted is Mafia and hoping we just assume that. It would be a ballsy play.

I assume we're leaving the ADOL slot alone for now in the hopes that they get subbed out... or start existing?

Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
I don't see much benefit to withholding at this point.
The benefit is that it doesn't become completely worthless. It's something that Mafia can easily manipulate if they know what's going on.
Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
I know its WIFOM, but I would do that as scum too if I was going into a theme I wasn't all too familiar with and didn't want to risk getting CC'ed by anyone. (Lunatic)
Except Mafia has access to checking roles/characters. I wouldn't be surprised if at least one major character was left open.

Since we’d obviously be basing our speculations on our abilities, we’d be unknowingly outing our roles. (Mharman)
My intention was that speculation would be based on characters that might be in play. For instance, Galbatorix, the main villain of the series, doesn't really show up until the later books- so that role could be something that grows stronger over time or activates in late-game.

which feels a lot different than how I remember him as town, e.g. in Mayday Mafia. (Austin)
I was Mafia in Mayday Mafia. There's admittedly not much of my meta for you to go off, here, since I haven't been Town in a few games.

This statement about it being a side character. I haven't read the books and don't even know if mine would be considered side or a main, but isn't the whole issue literally just opinion. (WyIted)
I very specifically presented a list from the wiki, then later responded to a list posted by Lunatic, confirming that my character is not on either.

When is later? (WyIted, re: Secret Hitler)
I talked more about this in Post 20. It was speculation that Mafia might not have full information about each other due to some aspects of characters that might be Mafia-aligned. Though, we ended up deciding that it's unlikely, I believe.

My character is Elva. My role is a weak investigative ability that I will not elaborate further on today.
Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
Cerulean (3/5) - Lunatic, Mharman, Austin
That... is a little surprising. Give me a few minutes to read back. Still have some time, thankfully.
Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
Unvote Earth

Hm hm hm... Where to go from here?
Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
Earth's role is a bit scary and can't really be verified as Town vs. Mafia aligned. But if it disables at Mylo/Lylo then I suppose it doesn't need to be a policy chop.

Oh I see it. Yeah this is a bit sus. I'd like a character claim in this case. Chance are it is a bigger character than he thought, but if it isn't that is a bit odd. Cerulean can you at least answer if your character is on my list?
Main Characters Likely to exist:

Main Protagonists:

Eragon: I would be surprised if Eragon wasn't in the game as he is literally the protagonist of the books. He's the first person to bind to a dragon since the fall of dragons.

Roran: Leader of the Caravahall resistence, Eragon's cousing. A complete Fvcking badass and my favorite character in the books. "Stronghammer". Wields a basic blacksmith hammer but destroys everything he comes into contact with. Doesn't have powers like Eragon to be a complete badass. 

Saphira: Eragon's dragon, can communicate with him telepathically. Can do basically anything a dragon can do. Likely in the game.

Brom: Brom is like the Gandalf of this series, there is a very high chance he is in the game. He teaches Eragon Magic, and mentors him. It's also later revealed that he is actually Eragon's father as a big plot twist. He dies fairly early on in the first book, but is still likely to be in the game with how prominent he is.

Arya: Eragon's love interest, she is the daughter of Queen Islanzadi.She accompanies Eragon through most of his adventures. I think she rejects him due to an age gap initially despite having feelings for him. She is  like 100s of years old of and hes literally a prebuscent teenager. She's a badass in combat too if I remember correctly. 

Big Side Characters:

Orik- King of dwarves

Oromis- Eragon's second mentor

Nasuada- Daughter of Ajihad, leader of the Varden after he father dies.

Angela- A Fortune telling time space and dimension traveling witch, who has a cat and gives Eragon a big hint to his future early in book 1. 
My character is not anywhere on that list.
Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
I absolutely hate how his role speculation idea
Why's that? If our roles are closely tied to our characters, then it stands to reason that the evil players also have roles that are closely tied to their characters. So if we can peg some likely characters, we might get a good idea of what sort of evil roles there are to deal with.

Is that what makes me feel "off" to you, or something else?

Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
Vaguely irritated at the existence of 2 0-posters almost a full Day in... Where are you two?

Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
Hypothetically, what would stop an independent mafia from simply asking Pie, and being informed if their partner had already used questions? It's an interesting point by Casey but I'm curious why it made you drop the idea in particular.
It means you can't really coordinate on what roles/characters to ask about. Coming up with a fake claim very often tends to be a collaborative experience for the whole Mafia team, so giving them a guess & check mechanic like that while they're split up seems like a weird choice, design-wise. Not 100% totally out of the question, but I feel that it makes the scenario significantly less likely.

Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
Oh, I did forget about that. Seems fairly conclusive unless we want to make assumptions about how that would be run with independent Mafia, then.

a 7-2-1 isn't out of the question
We only have 9.
Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
I will start here, for now.

VTL Earth
Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
My character and role are also very closed tied together.

It might be worthwhile to say if our characters are on the "Important Characters" list here. I ask specifically because mine isn't. This might narrow some things down.

Regarding the Secret Hitler similarity. I don't believe in this as much as I did last night, but I noticed this line from the Inheriwiki page about Durza, who seems like a potential Mafia-aligned character:
Durza was bound to Galbatorix's service by a large number of spells but this control was always precarious due to the King never finding out Durza's true name.[1] In addition, the Shade was always seeking ways to undermine Galbatorix.[1]
This has me wondering if we might have a gimmick at play which could involve evils not having full information- like lacking a factional chat or not mutually knowing each other's identities immediately.

Just want to throw that out there. We might want to keep an eye out for codes, if this is a realistic possibility.
Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1

Has anyone here played Secret Hitler before? I promise this is relevant. I'll elaborate later.

ADOL, how are you feeling about the game, at the moment? Open question, answer with however much specificity you'd like. If you have any questions about how the game works, feel free to ask the thread.
Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia DP1
Evening, all. I haven't read this series, but I'll take some time to look it up in more detail later. It would definitely be worthwhile to see if we can at least speculate on what Mafia might have access to, role-wise.

Posted in:
Albums Mafia Bonus Track (Endgame)

This is the link to the scum chat, if anyone is interested in what was going on there.

Posted in:
Albums Mafia Bonus Track (Endgame)
The Mafia had these factional abilities:

Factional Attack: Target a player during the Night. You will attempt to kill them. This ability is assigned and trackable.

Factional Anti-Claim Roleblock: Target a player during the Night and identify an album. If your correctly identified your target's album, you will roleblock them and be told it was correct. This ability may not target the same player successfully two Nights in a row. This ability is assigned and trackable.

They did indeed have an Anti-Claim, but it was fairly weak, since it was assigned/trackable, each one of them could only take one factional action per night, and it specifically required an album claim, not just a role. The threat of anti-claim was more important in my design intentions than the anti-claim itself being powerful.
Posted in:
Albums Mafia Bonus Track (Endgame)
I'll write a more complete discussion of the roles and the game overall later. As for right now, I await the Town players (Mharman) yelling at me for including Lunatic's role.

Posted in:
Albums Mafia Bonus Track (Endgame)
Posted in:
Albums Mafia Bonus Track (Endgame)
Posted in:
Albums Mafia Bonus Track (Endgame)
Night Actions:

Night 1:

Casey I give you all you need to know (Janitor) -> Pie
WyIted Neighborize -> Casey
Earth Doctor -> Austin
Austin Strengthen -> Mharman
Whiteflame Ability Check -> Earth

Pie Factional Kill -> Casey
Pie Commutes
Lunatic Rewrite -> Mharman
(Feedback changed from
"You were targeted by Austin!
You were targeted by Lunatic!"
"You were targeted by Austin!
You were targeted by WyIted!")

Night 2:

Austin Strengthen -> Lunatic
Whiteflame Cop -> Pie

Pie Factional Kill -> Earth
Pie Redirect -> Austin to Whiteflame
Lunatic Rewrite -> Whiteflame
(Feedback changed from
"Your target is Mafia-aligned!"
"Your target is Town-aligned")

(It's unfortunate that Whiteflame didn't notice the lack of punctuation in his Night 2 result, which effectively outed Pie. That might have shaken up that last Day quite a bit.)
Posted in:
Albums Mafia Bonus Track (Endgame)
With the concession of the last member of the Mafia, the Town has won!

The already-deceased:
Greyparrot (Town Treestump)
Casey (Town Nightmarish God)
WyIted (Town Miller + Neighborizer)
Earth (Town Odd Night Doctor)

Casey's full role is flipped:

This 1994 album, released by the Nine Inch Nails, reflects, well, a downward spiral. The mentality of the "main character" of the album gets worse and worse throughout, eventually ending in his suicide. He suffers from increasingly harmful delusions. As a result, you are the Town Nightmarish God.

Your goal is to eliminate all Mafia-aligned players and any other players who wish to see the Town lose.

You have the following abilities:

Delusions (Compulsive, 6-shot): You must choose one of the following actions and a target each Night. Each action may only be used once, and you will be informed what each action did afterward.

I am the hate you try to hide (1-shot): For the Day after you use this ability, your target becomes Hated. It takes one less vote than majority to eliminate them. Your target is notified of this status.

I am the silencing machine (1-shot): For the Day after you use this ability, your target may only post 10 times. After their 10th post, the player can only post to change/place votes.

I am the lover in your bed (1-shot): Your target is roleblocked.

I give you all you need to know (1-shot): If your target dies during the Night this is used, their flip will be hidden the next Day. It will be revealed the Day after that.

I am the truth from which you run (1-shot): If your target does not visit anyone during the Night this is used, they will receive a list of two names, at least one of which is guaranteed to be Mafia-aligned.

I am denial, guilt, and fear (1-shot): Your target will not receive any feedback on this Night, except for feedback notifying them of a restriction/requirement for the next Day.

Eliminated Day 3:
Who needs please when we've got guns?
Who needs peace when we've gone above
But beyond where we should have gone?


This 2008 album by Jack Johnson touches on some heavy themes, like climate change and war. It performed very well, setting several records, such as the most iTunes downloads in a single day. One of the major topics in the album is how people will often simply live in willful ignorance of important topics- or "Sleeping Through The Static." Because of the callout of this ignorance, you are the Mafia Feedback Rewriter.

Your goal is to reach parity with Town-aligned players and eliminate any other players who wish to see the Mafia lose.

You have the following abilities. You may use one of your abilities in addition to one Factional ability per Night:

Or You Can Sleep Through The Static (2-shot): Target a player. You will see the feedback they would have received tonight, and may rewrite it however you wish. You cannot remove or alter feedback that would notify your target of a restriction or requirement for their posting the following Day phase.

He was like a flowing wind
He was like a flying kite


This 2009 Indian dramedy performed extremely well, as the highest-grossing Indian film at the time. But that's the film, what about its soundtrack? The music goes through quite a variety, from the peppy "Aal Izz Well" to the more somber "Behti Hawa Sa Tha Woh." Because of these contrasting songs throughout the soundtrack, you are the Mafia JOAT.

Your goal is to reach parity with Town-aligned players and eliminate any other players who wish to see the Mafia lose.

You have the following abilities. You may use one of your abilities in addition to one Factional ability per Night:

Aal Izz Well (1-shot): If you use this ability, any abilities that target you tonight will fail, giving no feedback.

He Always Made His Own Paths (1-shot): Choose two targets. If the first target tried to visit someone tonight, they will instead visit your second target.

As My Heart Jives Along (3-shot): Target a player. During the next Day, they will be forced to include a snippet (at least eight consecutive words) from a song in their album in one of their posts. If the target's album is not in English, an English translation may be used to satisfy this.

I'm playful with it, yeah, basically
Too great to mimic, you hate, you're bitter


This mixtape was released by NF in 2021. Several of the songs throughout are about NF's personal journey in the rap world, along with a narrative called "STORY." Because of the introspection involved in this album, you are the Town Insomniac.

Your goal is to eliminate all Mafia-aligned players and any other players who wish to see the Town lose.

You have the following abilities:

Stick To My Guns, I Don't Even Flinch (Passive): If you are targeted during the Night, you will know who targeted you. You will not be told what they did.

I am the storm, I am the storm
I am the storm so wait


This 2015 album was the second album released by Of Monsters and Men. One member of the band talked about how, as their second album together, this one was improved by the band getting to know each other better and being able to get more personal with each other. Because of being able to get "beneath the skin" in such a way, you are the Town Investigative JOAT.

Your goal is to eliminate all Mafia-aligned players and any other players who wish to see the Town lose.

You have the following abilities. You may use one ability per Night:

I See It All So Clear (1-shot): Target a player. You will see the exact text of one ability they use tonight. If they used multiple, you will see the least incriminating one.

I Can See Through You (1-shot): Target a player. You will learn their alignment: Town, Mafia, or Other.

I'll Be The Hunter (1-shot): Target a player. You will be told who, if anyone, they visit tonight.

People held up the legends of bounty
Reaping the peace that they sowed


This 2021 album was TheFatRat's first. This album has a lot- a love story, a war, giant mechs... In any case, the climax of the story arrives when the main character finally decides to stop running from a conflict and stand her ground. As a result, you are the Town Non-Consecutive Strengthener.

Your goal is to eliminate all Mafia-aligned players and any other players who wish to see the Town lose.

You have the following abilities:

We Won't Give In (Non-Consecutive, Unlimited use): Target a player during the Night. They cannot be redirected or roleblocked that Night. This ability cannot be used on the same player two Nights in a row.
Posted in:
CEO shooter caught. Why this is worse than you think
I have doubts. Maybe I've missed out, but most of the pictures I've seen of the shooter have been... lacking, at best- so how was he positively identified? I also find it unusual that he was still carrying the weapon. If he made it all the way to Pennsylvania, why didn't he dispose of it? Why still carry it around on his person?

Granted, maybe he's just stupid and got lucky killing the CEO in the first place. But it wouldn't surprise me if this is a frame job to create the appearance of competence, since a lot of this doesn't make sense from the shooter's perspective.
Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia Signups
I can lend you my alt, if you'd like.
Posted in:
Inheritance Cycle Mafia Signups

Also, I would have said this in the thread, but it appears to already be locked- the Albums Mafia game is over via concession. I will be posting the endgame thread in about 11 hours, after work.
Posted in:
Albums Mafia: Track Three

Whiteflame: 2 (Lunatic, Pie)
Lunatic: 3 (Whiteflame, Austin, Mharman)

Majority is 3.

Lunatic was eliminated! He was Guilty!

Send your Night Actions now. You have 24 hours to do so.
Posted in:
Albums Mafia: Track Three
Day 3, Votecount 5

Approximately 8 hours and 40 minutes remain.

Whiteflame: 1 (Lunatic)
Lunatic: 2 (Whiteflame, Mharman)

Majority is 3.

Posted in:
Albums Mafia: Track Three
The extension has been granted. So, the new deadline is 6:40 AM Eastern Time tomorrow, December 9th.

That's approximately 15 hours and 20 minutes from now.

Posted in:
Albums Mafia: Track Three
Is there a way we can get an extension till like 10pm cst?
I typically only accept extension requests this late in the game if there's unanimous agreement. Especially because you've had three days.

As such, everyone, please message me if you are willing to accept a 12 hour extension, until 6:40 AM Eastern Time on the 9th. You are not permitted to discuss this request and subsequent vote in thread and should not use its success or failure for deduction.

Day 3, Votecount 4

Approximately 5 hours and 5 minutes remain. An additional 12 hours will be added if the extension vote succeeds.

Whiteflame: 1 (Lunatic)
Lunatic: 1 (Whiteflame)

Majority is 3.

Posted in:
Albums Mafia: Track Three
Day 3, Votecount 3

Approximately 11 hours and 35 minutes remain.

It's quiet. Nobody has placed any votes.

Majority is 3.

Posted in:
Insider trading is a victimless crime
Insider trading is absolutely not "victimless." Imagine if John Insider had info that a company he has a major investment in is going to send out a press release about some disaster. If he sells all his shares, there would be people buying those shares, yes? And those people might not be buying those shares at that price if they knew about the upcoming disastrous press release. Those people would be harmed by John Insider's trading then, would they not?

Lets say I walk by a horse and notice he has an erect penis.
You describe this like it's public information- anyone could walk by that horse and notice that detail. That's different from information that's being intentionally kept under wraps, so your metaphor doesn't work.
Posted in:
Albums Mafia: Track Three
Day 3, Votecount 2

Approximately 23 hours and 40 minutes remain.

It's quiet. Nobody has placed any votes.

Majority is 3.

Mentioning all alive as your reminder that less than a day remains.
Posted in:
Albums Mafia: Track Three
Day 3, Votecount 1

Approximately 48 hours remain.

It's quiet. Nobody has placed any votes.

Majority is 3.