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Total topics: 13

I am shocked that the naked cowboy was arrested for pan handling, even though it's clear he makes his money that way. I was under the impression he skirted the law by asking for tips and not being aggressive if nobody tips. My gut tells me the cop just came up with some random bullshit to justify the arrest.
1 1
I don't want to come out in real life to my family, but I just want everyone here to know I am gay. I might not be able to be myself in person, but at least online and anonymously I want to be able to be open about my homosexuality. Is anyone in a similar situation where they are forced to hide their sexuality from their family?
25 13
I'm about as marxist as you get. If you are fascist or capitalist and want to debate me, please send me some ideals for topics. Most conservatives are not a challenge to debate so a list of the best conservative debaters on the site may be helpful as well. That is what this thread is for, so I can build a list of people who can challenge me. 
16 8
Is there a single good argument as to why the morning after pill should be banned or is this really about controlling a woman's body. I used to give some credence to republican arguments and believe them that they actually cared about the unborn child, but I realized when they opposed the morning after pill, that it really was about controlling a woman's body. Republican, explain why you want control of another person's body.
19 9
I was already offended that people have called my parents racist because they read green eggs and ham growing up. Now a line has been crossed. My niece who I was watching could not find dumbo on her disney plus account. We had to switch to my account to watch it. Now apparently dumbo is somehow racist. 

I think I understand the Dr. Suess one. He was considered racist for depicting africans and chinese people in his signature drawing style, but what is up with the elephant being racist? 
Show business
11 6
The covid relief bill is going to be read for 10 hours straight so the people voting on it, know what is in it. Apparently only 4 senators care about what they are signing and are willing to listen. 2 democrats and 2 republicans . 
2 1
I only have modded like 5 games on mafiascum but I always find myself hoping the scum team wins. 
Forum games
9 6
I know free speech is something a lot of people here hold dearly, but it can be bad for dialogue. It might be cute to even argue in favor of disgusting things like being pro serial killer in a debate. However we need to focus on how certain beliefs can harm society and how we should not even tolerate those beliefs. I would propose banning certain topics such as what follows.

1. Nuclear war is good
2. Murder is good
3. Rape is good
4. Women are inferior to men
5. Some races are superior to others

These topics can have real world consequences, particularly since the site has a very young demographics and are very impressionable. 

I know this might be controversial, but the site should eliminate any notion that all speech is acceptable or will be tolerated. Anything considered disgusting by normative ethics should be banned.

71 12
According to this article 1/3 of teachers fall into the extremely vulnerable category for dying from covid-19.

This industry in particular is just very very vulnerable and should probably be the last thing the government allows to reopen.

12 5
It's clear that republicans do nothing to help conservatives while democrats actually do things to protect blue collar workers? Is it just because of the social causes democrats tend to pursue? I would think economic impacts would be more of a concern for conservatives, but it looks like conservatives will harm their own economic futures if it means they can prevent a gay couple from getting married. I don't want to straw man conservatives, but why do they vote against their own best interests?
3 3
I have been wondering lately about genetic superiority. I is clear that some people are genetically superior to others. This is to be differentiated from moral superiority or self worth. I think in the eyes of God, I am equal to all of you. In the eyes of the law I may even be a bit superior to all of you, considering my status as a white male. 

However I am certainly genetically inferior to most of you. I have a genetic disorder that means I have to use voice to text 50% of the time on this site. It also means I will probably be dead within the next few years. Please don't PM me asking for specifics. I am open about some of my struggles, but some things I want to avoid talking about.

You guys are genetically superior to me, for the most part I assume. Do we ignore the fact that most incel's are correct. They are genetically inferior to a lot of men as well and will struggle to get laid. It used to be when early marriage and monogamy was forced on people that those who are called incel's today could have lead a happy life with a good wife and some kids. Now these guys have become genetic dead ends. Were they failed by society? Sure female agency is a good thing, but was the cost of female agency something that resulted in a large portion of males who ended up genetic dead ends?

On the surface we may,so what? They can't get laid, you can still be happy and not have sex or have a significant other. I agree with this, but the fact is when we have a bunch of young men, with a very bleak picture of the future, we usually get a lot of crime and social disorder. It would be a similar result as to what happens in heavily polygamous societies. 

What about the other side of the coin. Some women are genetically inferior because they put on weight easier than others. Perhaps they have a genetic disorder that makes weight gain easy, perhaps their genetics mean they have a huge appetite. I am a bit overweight myself. I can emphasize, but we see a push back by these women where they demand to be seen as attractive and demand others ignore their genetic inferiority. What will be the result of a society where a bunch of women are treated merely as "slump busters" and a bunch of men cannot have sex at all? 

Perhaps the HAES advocates are right. Society was more stable when the government and social standards intervened to get these incel's from the 50s laid. (I acknowledge that the stability came at the cost of equality). Perhaps we should also as a society push to change beauty standards as well, so that way we can encourage some social stability. 

Just my thoughts on the results of ignoring that genetic superiority is a real thing. People are genetically superior to me and society has helped me bridge that gap with the americans with disabilities act. Should society save other genetically inferior people to avoid social decay such as HAES advocates and INCELs

20 7
My cat has lost functioning of their back legs and cannot go to the litter box on their own. I just wanted to know at what point is the more ethical choice to put her down. I know cats hide pain well, but she seems happy at the moment. 
12 6
I need a picture of Spartacus for my profile picture that meets the required dimensions. I tried 5 pictures and all were the wrong size. Can somebody find me a picture of Spartacus from season One of the Stars series?

6 3