Does god have a plan for all things / people / animals / molecules that spans all time?
I don't think you understand. Free will can't exist without a God.
If we are just stardust, why does it matter if one stardust, kills another stardust.
I'm not sure how that helps in our discussion of free will. If someone is owned by someone else, it would seem implicit that they don't have the right and therefore the capacity to leave of their own free will.Legally, in specific places in the world and in specific time periods in history, you can be owned by another human being, but only legally.I am talking about something that surpasses legality. Think about it like this:A country can control its people, but people can still revolt and take over.Someone can own a slave, but that doesn't nessesarraly mean that the slave can fight back or run away.
No offence meant in that, but ownership must mean something. Including the right to transfer. Hence, North Korean people might have the ability to leave, and perhaps that is a sort of capacity, but is it legitimate? AND if its not legitimate, is it therefore free will?No offense taken.Ownership is a legal right to own something. Again the word legal is very important here.We don't even have to use the word legal though. I belive you could say that ownership is one's ability to keep an object or person in one's possession.And the law helps people with that ability to own that thing whatever it is.Also, if you can make any type of decisions by your own will to any extent, that is an example of free will.
Hmmm. that's a surprising response. Would you care to explain what you think the difference is between a person who is born in sin, and someone who was not born into sin? Your last question is intriguing. If someone is born into sin, it must mean something. What do think it means?There is no one person not born into sin.It's like going in a pool. You are placed into the water. Think of it like that.So every person that has ever lived has been born into sun, but only one didn't succumb to the sin. That man was Jesus Christ.Being born into sin means that you were born into a sinful world. A world full of sin.
Evidence for this assertion please.Animals know what to do from birth. It's instinct. Animals live their lives off of instinct. Some animals don't even get parental guidance.Humans are very different though.Humans cannot just survive without heavy guidance. And it's not just survival skills that humans have to be guided through. It's morals as well.
Says you? I think it is quite feasible to say rape is an instinct. It occurs within the animal realm all of the time. It is clearly due to the instinct to have sex and reproduce. What makes the animal instinct to rape - distinct from the human sense to rape for whatever reason?Animals have that instinct.Humans don't.
Because human emotion and human trauma is more heavy and complex than animals.
Rape isn't a human instinct.
Again this is why free will is only a human trait.Animals will get the instinct to rape and do it.Humans will get that instinct and make the choice.
Now animals make that choice to, but it isn't based upon morals its based upon situation.
Can you depart from that plan?
The absence of some kind of divine free will does not make us "merely" stardust. We still have emotions, we still have values, we still have goals, we still have the ability to make decisions. Anything we would identify under the definition of "stardust" does not have those qualities.
And god doesn't seem to have taken into account or mitigation and has totally ignored the fact that Eve was indeed deceived by one of his own sons, if the bible is to be believed.Satan want a son, he was an angel.
Are you just going to blame all of your bad decisions on other people just because they decived you?
So you didn't do it, the devil made you do it.
It was no one else but god that was the cause of mankind's fall. He is the creator of all things including evil. Isaiah 45:7, if the bible is to be believed.He is. But does that mean he is evil?
So god had to create a decision for humans in order to give us free will. Him vs evil.
If the universe has no meaning, and we are just the product of only the big bang, then yes, it is logical to identify us under the definition of "stardust.
What something is made out of is very different from what it is. A car is just a bunch of metal, oil, plastic, and upholstery, but you wouldn't use this verbage to describe a car.
So now we've departed from talking about free will and how its absence reduces human beings to mere stardust, to the argument for intelligent design.Yes the car had a designer, it's still a hunk of metal, oil, plastic and upholstery.
Yes the car had a designer, it's still a hunk of metal, oil, plastic and upholstery.But who shaped the metal, gathered the oil, made the plastic and upholstery?Is it possible for all those things to go into the exactly right place to make a car, from an explosion?
What does this have to do with free will and our value as human beings being subject to it?
So if God has a plan that you don't have to follow, is he all powerful and all knowing?
So if God has a plan that you don't have to follow, is he all powerful and all knowing?Yes.
If we are just a product of a cosmic burb, that just happened to create our very intelligent and complex minds, that would mean that we serve no purpose, we have no meaning, we are meaningless, and we don't have a free will
How? If he's all powerful and he has a plan, then you don't have free will, just the illusion of it. He's already planned for everything you or anyone else will ever do in their lives. He can't be surprised, because he's all knowing.
If we are just a product of a cosmic burb, that just happened to create our very intelligent and complex minds, that would mean that we serve no purpose, we have no meaning, we are meaningless, and we don't have a free will.
All knowing and all powerful does not mean that you will use that power and knowledge to change the decision making of humans. He lets humans decide for themselves, and by not interfering with them, that is giving us free will.
In other words, why do we care?